Complete Descriptive Catalogue of Kodascope Library of Motion Pictures 16mm (1937)

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SECTION I. (a) Travel and Geographical (Cont.) 27 3253 The New South 1 Reel In contrast to "The Old South" (No. 3247) this film shows the industrial towns of the Southern States and the rapid progress of Florida in particular. Views of Miami, Birmingham (Alabama) and New Orleans are given. 3255 The Province of Quebec 1 Reel Pulp and paper mills in the Laurentian uplands, life on the Lower St. Lawrence, the fishing industry, Quebec, asbestos mines, the Upper St. Lawrence, picturesque French-Canadian "habitants," and the great city of Montreal, are all shown. 3262 Argentina 1 Reel The agricultural nature of the republic is stressed by views of sheep-raising in Patagonia, irrigated agriculture in the uplands, and the great cattle and wheat lands of the pampas. Views of Buenos Aires and of the Iguazu falls are shown. 3268 Denmark 1 Reel Shows the agricultural and industrial methods by which Denmark has overcome handicaps of poor soil and lack of raw materials. The home of Hans Andersen, Copenhagen, Elsinore (scene of "Hamlet") and phases of school life are seen. 3269 Sweden 1 Reel The northern part of Sweden is shown to be a curious mixture of modern industry and primitive nomadic conditions. We then move south and pass the timber country and the great cities — Stockholm, Upsala and Gothenburg. Glimpses of historic buildings and noble castles lead up to views of modern Sweden with its fine roads and railways. 3272 Hungary 1 Reel Large estates, primitive and modern agricultural methods, animal husbandry, village life, embroidery and a wedding festival open the picture. Primitiv'e methods of transportation, the fishing, mining, sugar-beet and steel industries, the city of Budapest with its many ancient buildings are then seen. 3273 Virginia (Old Dominion) 1 Reel Depicts a region rich in geographic, commercial and historic interest. Surveys Tidewater Order by numbers. FOR PRICES SEE PAGE 3