Complete Descriptive Catalogue of Kodascope Library of Motion Pictures 16mm (1937)

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SECTION I. (g) Sports (Cont.) 65 Hawaiian girls. Normal and slow motion pictures afford an opportunity to study the action closely, 1139 Water Wonders 1 Reel Dry swimming practice is being given at the side of an outdoor pool. Demonstrations of diving and swimming follow, and shots in normal and slow motion of Johnny Weissmuller the Olympic swimmer are included. 1571 Olympic Winter Games 1 Reel A film of ski-ing, ski-jumping, skating, bobbing, and tobogganning, all displayed by experts. 1600 Be a Sport 1 Reel Scenes of .swinuning, rowing, yachting and wrestling, from which much may be learned. 1717 Plane Sailing 2 Reels Reel 1 deals with the manufacture of gliders ; Reel 2 with the testing and normal use of gliders by experts and others. There are some fine comparative shots of planes and birds in flight. 3270 Modern Football Fundamentals 2 Reels (American game) Shows in detail, the fundamental technique and drills. Demonstrates definite methods of handling the body to prevent injuries. Analyses of body movement in slow motion are followed by the same action at normal speed to visualise the complete performance. 3276 Modern Basketball Fundamentals 2 Reels Shows the present tactics used in basketball (netball), and covers the game in the same way as No. 3270 covers American football. Order by numbers. FOR PRICES SEE PAGE 3