Descriptive Catalogue of Kodascope Library 16mm Motion Pictures: Sixth Edition (1936)

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116 CLASS 4 — Comedies and Juvenile bring a friend with him. Harry is the only available one and least likely to offer "competition," using the sergeant's expression, and is invited. With Harry and Nannette it is a case of love at first sight, much to the sergeant's chagrin. In a series of comical episodes we see the sergeant wreaking his vengeance on Harry until he is made lieutenant through his rescue of the colonel. A hilarious comedy with a war background. 704 feet — on 2 reels Rental $2.00 4154 Code GEKU His First Flame Mack Sennett Featuring Harry Langdon and Vernon Dent Harry, who has just graduated from college (you wiU enjoy his graduation speech), is engaged to Ethel, who is interested only in his bank account. Her sister Mary is really in love with him. Harry's uncle, a fire chief, whose matrimonial ventures have been anything but successful, flies into a rage on learning of Harry's engagement. His uncle makes Ethel believe that Harry has no money, whereupon Ethel promptly breaks the engagement. An alarm is turned in and Harry and the chief go. The fire is in a shop into which Ethel has gone. Harry sees her crying for help from one of the upper story windows and rushes to her rescue, not knowing her changed attitude toward him. His uncle reaches her first by ladder and carries her to safety. Harry makes an amusing rescue of a wax figure, returning to the street in time to see his uncle driven away in a car, embracing Ethel. Mary, deciding it is her turn for a rescue, starts a harmless fire and telephones the fire department. Harry answers the call, fires up the old-fashioned horse-drawn engine — the only piece of apparatus left — and drives oflE to efifect one of the funniest "rescues*' ever. 1164 feet— on 3 reels Rental $3.75 4156 Code GEKER No Father to Guide Him Hal Roach Featuring Charley Chase 3 A.M. finds Charley attempting by second-story methods to see his small son from whom, with his wife, he has been separated by his too stern motherin-law. The meeting is promptly interrupted and Charley put to rout. Later, in spite of a detective, Charley and the boy elude mother-in-law and go swimming. At the beach they have all kinds of trouble, much to the amusement of the audience. Mother-in-law is finally dispensed with and a happy reunion with his wife is effected. A picture every member of the family will enjoy. 690 feet— on 2 reels . Rental $1.50 4157 Code GEKIR Isn't Life Terrible Hal Roach Featuring Charley Chase and Oliver Hardy The head of Charley's household, his wife, decides that they will not go camping but will take a cruise, offered as a reward by a fountain pen manufacturer to those who sell 10,000 pens. His first demonstration gives one an idea why the term fountain pen is used, but in spite of this he wins the trip. For maximum enjos^ment