The Educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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434 THE EDUCATIONAL SCREEN VISUAL INSTRUCTION Daylight Lanterns Lantern Slides S t ereographs Stereoscopes A Visual Aid for Every Visual Need SOCIAL SCIENCES, HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCES PRIMARY READING MAP SLIDES Write for further information KEYSTONE VIEW CO. Meadville, Penna. seum; Mrs. Elizabeth Richey Dessez, head of the Pathe Educational (non-theatrical) department; F. Wallace Doying, co-organizer with Frank A. Vanderlip of the Citizens' Federal Research Bure^au; E, A. Eschmann, Sales Manager of United Artists Corporation; F. Lyle Goldman, cinematographic photographer; Harry F. Guggenheim, capitalist and president of the Civil Aviation Fund; William Wallace Kincaid, president of the Spirella Manufacturing Company of Niagara Falls; Gertrude Lane, editor of The Woman s Home Companion; Jerome F. Mantilla; John D. Parmain, associated with Edward Bok in the World Court movement; Walter L. Post, New York corporation lawyer; Mrs. Aida de Acosta Root, director of Publicity and Promotions of the American Child Health Association; Kenneth Widdemer, executive officer of the East Harlem Health Center, Department of Health of the City of New York; and Arthur W. Williamson, President of the Williamson Heater Company of Cincinnati. Spiro Film Corporation AT LAST, after many years, the Spii .Film Corporation of Irvington-on-Hu( son, N. Y., producers of educational film have worked out a system of distributioi whereby the many schools and church( throughout the United States can actually, an without too great cost, use subjects from thei famous Kineto Library. The former Kinel company has had no distribution points fc the educational field, all attention having bee concentrated on producing a library that b came known as well in Calcutta, India, as i our own country. With this library which has as its found; tion such excellent subjects as the Ditmar picture, The Four Seasons and The Grei American Authors series in twelve singi reels, all well liked by educators, the Spii Film Corporation is now offering a new sul ject, Our Universe. This subject has bee edited down to five reels with the aid of M Ed. N. Foyles of the American Museum ( Natural History and has been compiled an arranged by a group of men well-known i the scientific world, including Raymond 1 Ditmars, curator of New York Zoologies Garden, and Dr. Benjamin Gruenburg. Oi Universe deals with the formation of the eart and organic evolution. It is not alone pedj gogical, but also a pleasant and interestir form of entertainment. This subject shoul be run in every Junior High School, Hig School and University in our country, gives a plain, concise and scientific conceptio of our universe and should do away wit many superstitions that have been hampe ing our progress for centuries. The above mentioned pictures are merel the feature subjects of the Kineto Librar The foreign subjects on Travel and Custoir range from river-homes in Hankow, Chin (where generations of a family have neve lived on land but have spent both their chik hood and old age on the Yangtsze River) Please Say You Saw the Advertisement in The Educational Screen