The Educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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THE DEVRY SUMMER SCHOOL OF VISUAL EDUCATION 479 P. Hollis for conducting this school and securing the outstanding educators on the faculty. (3) That we express our appreciation to the faculty for their conscientious work; (4) That we recommend that this school be continued as it is for next year; (5) That the school may be enlarged by means of favorable connection later on; (6) That definite hours may be assigned on the program and that a period for discussion follow each lecture; (7) That the lecturers be secured for the complete session; (8) That longer periods be allowed for individual reports and discussions; (9) That the sessions be limited to the forenoons extending to two o'clock. (10) That we respectfully recommend to the appropriate state authorities, the establishment of a center for the distribution of visual aids to the schools of the state. (It was later moved and carried that such center be either at the University of Illinois, or the State Department of Education.) Respectfully submitted: Mrs. Charles Joe Moore, Chairman — Chief Visual Instruction Bureau, University of Texas; Mrs. Ann Bruns — Beaubien School, Chicago; Miss Mary Diemer — Director of Exceptional Children Public Schools, Des Moines, Iowa; Mrs. Rebecca Gray — Instructor in Visual Education, Public Schools, Washington, D. C; Miss Marie Kaufman — Supervisor Penmanship, Drawing and Art, Plattsmouth, Nebraska; Sister Marie Celeste — Instructor St. Xavier College, Chicago; Rev. George Nell — Director Parish Activities Service, Effingham, Illinois; Miss Olive Richardson — In charge of Slides, Public Schools, Gary, Indiana; Mr. E. R. Enlow — Director of Visual Education, Atlanta, Georgia; Rev. A. A. Backus — Peru, Indiana; Mr. H. L. Kooser — In Charge Visual Instruction, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. A group of The De\ry Summer School of Visual Education, taken with a motion picture camera on the Roof Garden of The Parkway Hotel