The Educational screen (c1922-c1956])

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Trade Directory For the Audio-Visual Field V9 fed FILMS Acndeiiiy FilniM 844 Seward St., Hollywood 3S. Cal. AnHOfintion FIIiiin 347 Madison Ave., New York IT, N. Y. 19 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, III. 351 Turk St., San Francisco 2, Cal. 3012 Maple Ave., Dallas 4, Tex. Bailey FilniK. rn-' 2044 K. Herendo St., Hollywood 27, Cal. Bray StiidioM, lot*. 729 Seventh Ave.. New York 19, N. Y. CaHtle FiliiiM, DIv. of I'nlted Worlil FilniM. Inc. 44;-) Park Ave.. New York 22, N. Y. Catholic >lovle« 220 W. 42nd St., New York IS, N. Y. Cliiireh Film Service 2595 Manderson St., Omaha 11. Neb. CollinH Motion I»lctnre Service 502 i^ & 50t; St. Paul St., Baltimore 2, Md. Coronet IiiNtrnctlonal FilniN Coronet Bld^.. Chkago 1, 111. Dndley Pictures Cor;>. 990S Sant;< Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills, Cal. 501 Madison Ave., F'ew York. N. Y. EaMtTi>an Kodak StoreH, Inc. 35C Madison Ave., New York 17, N. Y. ]Snc.vcif>iiaedi» Britnnnica Films, Inc. AVilmette, Illinois. Film I'roKra-H Services 1173 Avenue of the .\nierioas, N. Y. C. Films, Inc. 330 W. 42nd St., New York 18, N. Y. ()4 E. Lake St., Chicago, 111. 101 Marietta St., Atlanta 3, Ga. 716 S. W. 13th Ave., Portland, Ore. Commerce & Browder, Dallas, Tex. 8414 Melrose Ave.. Los Angeles, Cal. Films of the Nations, Inc. 55 W. 45th St., New York 19, N. Y.Frynn Film Service 3228 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 15, Ohio. General Films, Ltd. 1534 13th Ave., Regina, Sask. 156 King St.. W. Toronto. Ont. Oenernl Pictures Productions 621 Sixth Ave.. lies Moines 9, la. Heldenknmp Nature Pictures 53S Glen Arden Dr.. Pittsburgh 8, Pa. HolTberf:: Productions, Inc. 620 Ninth Ave., New York 18, N. Y. Institutional (inema Service, Inc. 1560 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. International Film Bureau 84 E. Randolph St., Chicago 1, 111. 15 Park Row. New York 7. N. \. The Jam Handy Organization 2821 E. Grand Blvd., Detroit 11, Mich. Knonledee Builders 625 Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y. Library Films, Inc. 25 W. 45th St., New York 19, N. Y. March of Time Forum Bdltion 369 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. MoKUll*s, Inc. 68 W. 48th St.. New York 19, N. Y. Nn-Art Films, Inc. 145 \V. 45th St., New York 19, N. Y. OHIclal Films, Inc. 25 W. 45th St.. New York 19. N. Y. Paul Hoeiler Productions 612"^ S. Ridgeley Dr., Los Angeles 36 Peak Films Productions 65 Barons Keep. London, W-14, Eng. PortafilTUH 418 N. Glendale Ave., Glendale 6, Cal. The Princeton Film Center 55 Mountain Ave., Princeton, N. J. K. and li. Scheiifler 1948 Dresden Road, Zanesville, Ohio Southern Visual Films 686-9 Shrine Bldg.. Memphis 1, Tenn. Sunray Films, Inc. 2108 Payne Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio Vocational Citlidnnce Films, Inc. 215 E. Third St., Des Moines 9, la. Wholesome Film Service, Inc. 20 Melrose St., Boston, Jla.'-s. Williams, l^ro^vn and Karle, Inc. 918 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 7, Pa. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTORS AND SUPPLIES Bell A Howell Co. 7117 McCormick Road, Chicago 45, 111. Carroll W. nice Co. Audio Visual Center, 424 40th St., Oakland 9, Cal. Collins Motion Picture Service 502 i^& 506 St. Paul St., Baltimore 2, ild. Comprehensive Service Corporation 245 W. 55th St.. New York 19. N. Y. HeVry Corporation 1111 Armitage Ave., Chicago 14, 111. Kastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 356 Madison Ave., New York 17, N. Y. General Films, Ltd. 1534 13th Ave., Regina. Sask. 156 King St., W. Toronto. Ont. Hirseh & Kaye 239 Grant Ave.. San Francisco S. Cal. Mo*!:iiirs Inc. 6S W. 4Sth St., New York 19, N. Y. Xatco. Inc. 505 N. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago 12, 111. Nil-Art Films, Inc. 145 W. 45th St.. .Vew York 19, .\. Y. Kalke Coiiipan> S2II .S. Flower St., Los Angeles 14, Cal. Ryan > isiial .Vids Service 409 Harrison St., Davenport, la. S. O. S. cinema Supiily Cor|i. (102 W. 52nd St., New York 19, N. Y. Southern \'isiinl Films 0Si;-9 Shrine Bldg., Memphis 1. Tenn. SiMlraj Films, inc. 210,S Payne Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio Snank Motion Pictures, Inc. (J 14 N. Skinker Blvd., St. Louis 5, Mo. Victor .VniinatoKrajtli Corporation .V Division of Curtiss-Wright Corp. iJavenport, Iowa \isunl Education Incorporated Lamar and 12th. Austin. Tex. 2010 N. Field St., Dallas 1, Tex. 3905 S. Main St.. Houston 4, Tex. >Villiams, Brown and F^arle, Inc. 918 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia 7. Pa. Announcing . . . AN IMPROVED FILM DIRECTORY The new, more complete, 1949 edition of "1000 and ONE" will go on sale November 1. • YOU CAN RESERVE YOUR COPY NOW Don't be disappointed this year. PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY . . . malce sure you receive your copy of the handiest film reference guide you've ever owned. BIGGER MORE COMPLETE The 1949 edition will contain listings of more films than ever — gathered from every possible source. It's the finest we've printed . . . 24th annual edition. USE THE COUPON ON OPPOSITE PAGE 366 Educational Screen