Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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R. Lantz and Paul R. Kidd of Family Filmstrips, Inc., it was produced by this concern. It bears the title Training Kit for Using Audio-Visuals In a Church, and the four units are: "Why Use Audio-Visual In Your Church?," "How To Use Filmstrips In Your Church," "How To Use Motion Pictures In Your Church," and, "How To Organize For Audio-Visuals In Your Church." Each filmstrip has a recorded commentary on one side of a 12-inch record, a printed script, and suggestions for the user. With the first filmstrip there is a four-minute excerpt from the motion picture. The Rich Fool. It is nicely integrated and effective. This kit, in the words of the producer, has at least four purposes: a) "to motivate interest in the use of audiovisuals in your church; b) to provide an understanding of the basic philosophy and educational values in audiovisual methods; c) to suggest specific ways audiovisuals can be used in a local church with various age groups and for a variety of purposes; and d) to outline the administrative policies needed to establish and maintain interest in the use of audiovisuals in the local church." Can this kit accomplish these objectives? My answer is yes, properly used, it can do the job. And the guide contains some very practical suggestions on "proper use." No one needs to stumble and bumble about. Here is a course, a short course it really is, for conferences, training schools, institutes, leadership training schools, skillshops, pastor's conferences, college and seminary classes. Within any academic "hour" there will be time for the effective use of any of the four units. The number of frames and the running time is, respectively: 56 and 12 minutes; 68 and 9 minutes; 64 and 9 minutes; and 77 and 14 minutes. Thus plenty of time is left for readiness and follow-up. What about content? In my book they get an "A Plus." They hew to their purposes. They stick to the important matters. In theory they are sound, and in methods they are practical and realistic. They know the local church (both having worked in it) and they know visual aids, and now we can say they know how to organize a knowhow kit. On the technical side the recordings are good all the way. There is an inaudible 30/50 cycle automatic frameadvance signal on the records for automatic projectors. A deliberate pause in the narration indicates frame change on manual projectors. The "art" is in color, and it is stylized representational cartoon drawing of a very pleasant variety. A small Dramatic Full-Color Filmstrips ^^^my Pmnmo w,r„ ,„, ,„^„^ p„„^„,,^w. Three NEW kits of family Filmstrips for Easter, photographed in breathtaking color during the filming of the television dromo, "Power Of The Resurrection." No expense was spared for this lavish production, which utilizes beautiful sets, authentic settings and costumes, as well as the most outstanding octors. The filmstrips meet three different needs in your church: "The Bible Story of Eoster" is strictly scriptural for teaching; a more dramatic, yet Biblical, story is found in "Peter's Resurrection Faith"; and, "You Shall Receive Power" is for inspiration and devotion. THE BIBLE STORY OF EASTER Port 1 . "Cup of Sorrow" Final events in Jesus' ministry move to o dramatic climax in the Lost Supper, arrest, trial and Crucifixion. Part 2. 'Day of G/adness ' Lost hope is regoined with the lords Easter morn and later appearances, and the challenge of the Great Commission. Kit of 2 color fjImstriDS, 12-inch 33V^ rpm record (2 narrations) and leaaer's guide SEE YOUR NEAREST FRANCHISED DEALER, OR WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG. ..$16.50 PETER'S RESURRECTION FAITH Part 1. "Peter's Failure" Peter's boast of ollegionce at the Last Supper changes to a denial of his Master in Caiophas' courtyard. Port 2. "Peter's Victory" Jesus' Resurrection appearances lead to Peter's forgiveness by the lake, and new power received of Pentecost. Kit of 2 color filmstrips, 12-inch 33Vi rpm record (2 narrations) and leader's guide $16.50 YOU SHALL RECEIVE POWER A devotional filmstrip dramatizing the power of the risen Christ in the lives of His followers. Color filmstrip, 12-inch 33VS rpm record, and leader's guide $10.ra [ %«%^/2^fe<?^ INC. j 5823 Santa Monica Blvd. I Hollywood 38, California I I Please send me FREE catolog and name of nearest dealer. t^fame Address City EcJScreen & AV Guide — Februarv. 1959 R1