Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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fly in this cxcclleiu ointment is the multiple use of certain frames witliin the same filmstrip and within the series, wlien the toncept being presented really needs a new visualization. While we have had films and filmstrips on the know-how side of audiovisual teaching and learning, here is the first kit wliieh attempts to rover the principles and methods of use and administration in the local church. It is a fine job all the way. and we recommend it highly to the AV leaders of the church field and to local churches. -WSH. (Price for the complete kit, $16.50.) let's Use the AVRG Buying it, even at the bargain price often dollars, is not enough. Let's use it. Consulting it every now and then is not enough. Let's put it to work. What will we use for harness? What gears will hitch it to our load? This morning, December the 15th, I have two ideas. One concerns what I am going to do; the other what dealers and rental library people can do — as I see it. In My Church. In our church AV catalogue I am going to insert a new reference number. It will be the page reference in the AVRG where that title can be found. Thus, our film "PIBERBILr' CASES "THEY LAST INDEFINITELY" Equipped with tteel corneri, steal card holder and heavy web straps. Only original Fiberbilt Cases bear this TroiJa Marie Your Atsuront* el Finest Quality" For I6nini Film — 400' to 3000' Real* Sold by All Leading Dealers strips will have reference ninnbers like these: B-22, S-293, R-42; AVRG190. Now the user can locate that filmstri]j in drawer B, position 22; the .script in file No. 293; the record in envelope 42, and complete, detailed, and authoritative information on content and technical qualities on page 190 of the AVRG. It will be used in another way. Our Winter AV Utilization Bulletin is past-due. It will have four sections: materials on Lent, Palm Sunday and Easter, Missions, and those relating to the curriculum of the church school. Under each section we will list the titles, and follow them with a thinnbnail statement of content, emphasis, age-level, and context of utilization. This information would come from the AVRG in many instances. Then would come the location data, as given above. Now the worker knows where she can get more information on just the titles in which she is interested. One Step Farther. We will go one step farther. The Bulletin is not enough. We will remove from the permanent files this material and the scripts and records. It will be placed in the drawers of a special previewtable. On it will be a filmstrip previewer, a record player, and the AVRG. This saves time. It saves mixups. In the drawer, these filmstrips will be bunched according to age-levels, a further assist to leaders. Located like this, any leader or teacher can preview, study and prepare at her convenience. When these seasonal dates pass, the AV librarian can check the materials and return them to the general files. Now For The Local Dealer. If I ran a local AV rental or sales concern I'd relate all my stuff to the AVRG (where possilile). Many churches will have this "bible" already. Others will find they must get it. This is a fact that I would utilize in my service and promotion program. Here's how. I would get out special lists of materials for rent or sale. I would say that I have these AVRG titles. That's where the accent would fall. These special lists make sense. Depending only on a general catalogue is like blazing away at the landscape. You will hit it, to be sure, but you'll not get much game. One of my bulletins might bear a title like this: "AVRG Titles Useful In The Spring Quarter of the Presbyterian Curriculum." Under this I might put, "Read .\bout Them In Your AVRG and Come To Us For Purchases and Rentals." Curriculum brochures can be secured from denominational headquarters, or borrowed from a local church with whom vou do business. Right now would be a good time to mail out to the local churches you serve a little folder, "Our AVRG Films For Lent And Easter." Another: "AVRG Filmstrips For Palm Simday and Easter." In all this you would give the page reference in the -WRCi. Later on 1 inight get out other bulletins listing AVRG titles in relation to Children's Day, to vacation church schools, to youth camps and conferences, to leadership training schools, and to the summer quarter of curricula, and to the general mission themes. ' '■ Aljoiit now the hSlf-convinced reader will be asking why ail this reference to the AVRC;. I'll give you several reasons. First, the AVRG out there in the local cluirch provided the user with a fairly satisfactory substitute for previewing. This is a need he feels before both purchase and booking. Next, you don't need to elaborate in your printing and duplicate descriptive material already in the AVRG. Further, this AVRG is authoritative. It is olijeclive — as objective as any resource can be in this field. Church leaders now recognize this, or will soon come to do so. Lastly, you can capitalize on this .AVRG integrity, and in doing so you can better serve both your interests as a business concern and the church. To get on widi our jobs, let's USE the AVRG! Typical of the service which AV libraries arid dealers all over the country are rendering to the churches, is that of Roa's Films in Milwaukee. So modest are these people in talking about this significant appreciated service that getting articles out of them is not easy. It lakes considerable doing, but, after several requests and one or two reminders, Roa sent the following article. It tells her story, and represents the story that many more similar firms could tell. WSH The Dealer Serves the Church hy Roa Kraft Birch Ihere are many ways in which a local AV library can serve the church, and many ways it should be used by the churches of the area. We at Roa's Films (1696 North Astor Street, Milwaukee 2, Wisconsin) feel that a well organized film rental and filmstrip catalogue is a necessity. We believe that a good catalogue which combines all producers is an important tool for the workers in the local church. We produce a unified catalogue, both for our own convenience and the convenience of our customers. They like to see all the Old Testament material. 82 EdScreen & AV Cuicie — February, 1 959