Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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Study Film Ready North Amrricmn Seigkbon, » 27tninute sound film in either color or B.^\\'. was axiperati\'ely sponsored by nine member aminiunions of the National Council of Churches, to give visual background for the interdenominational home mission study theme for this year — "Christian Concerns of North American Neighbors." It was produced bv Dvnamic Films. Inc. under the supervision of the Broadoudng and Film Commission of the NCC with Alexander B. Fetguson acting as Production Supervisor and Porter Bowo as Church Consultant. If this title seems somewhat nonspedSc and vague, ponder the cloudlike nebulosity of general home mission theme for this year: "Christian Concerns of North .\merican Neighbors." Like a stevedore net, a term like this will hold anything from a calf to a crate. Quoting the BFC, this film is a "presentation of the hopes, the despairs, and the way of life of our "Useful in Church . . ." soys Wb. Hodtaon of the new UAHC full color filmstrip HILLEL: Teacher of Love "Useful in church. co1Im» and nminary in pranntinc a summafy of Itw lil* and wodi of a hiadtr of the Jews in the time of Jesus and PauL" Also recommended: Dlg(in for Boriad TMaaHe, color fikmtrip on Blilical archaeolocy by Nelson Glueck; Jews ki Mstanf Lamtt series; and filmUieis on fairous Jewish pefsonalfties. fr rr— ^Mr^r .':«. irritt UNION OF AMERICAN HEBREW CONGREGATIONS tSS Fifth Avenue, New York 21 'THE NINETY AND NINE" 10 min. letiftous film in KOOACHROME & SOUND. Based on Jesus' Parable of the Lost SheepL New print: $59.95; Used prints $29.95. Edwiti SckiMts Co., 1716 Yemic St.. Cinciniuti 10, Ohio TEACHING AIDS FILMS, FIUASTRIPS, SLIDES, POSTERS, ETC. Write for free Catalog AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY Audio-Visual Deportment 440 Fourth Avenue, New York 16 FILMSTRIP CATALOGUE Largest Filmstrip Library EYE GATE HOUSE, INC. d^«.es2 14«-0I Archer Av*. JamaiM 3S, N. Y. From "North American Neighbors," an Abn Skilin production. continental neighborhood . . . the film explores the work of missions whose ser\-ice to human need is a demonstration of Christ's love for the illiterate, the ignorant, the diseased, the helpless, the homeless, the hungr.." Our camera, to do this, takes us to .\laska. to Mexico, to Puerto Rico, and Haiti. The film invites North .American Christiaiu to re-examine themselves, to discover new spiritual insights and to share their faith and freedom with the total continental neighborhood like a local congregation bears its witness in love and concern to its neighbors. Protestant Christians must oSer fellowship and a sense of community to all p)eoples. knowing no borders, no seasons, no human differences. The Christian chiuxh must break its bonds — prejudice, unconcern, greed, neglect — and minister to its neighbors. It must share its faith, even as a congregation shares its faith with those about it. It must heal and teach, feed, relieve suffering, and share its faith — in short, it must serve its neighbors in His name. Now how well is all this "said"? The photc^:raphy is good all the way. Lester Becker's writing is uninspired. It plods; never soars. It's punctuated prose and not inspired poetry. How we miss .Man Shilin! The narration is not easy to listen to, and everv now and then we miss altogether certain of Norman Rose's words. The level of the music is too high in much of the film; and, at times it takes on far too much the aspects of a series of concert pi-?ces. It is not well integrated psychologically, and too much in the foreground. It asks for attention; a serious faulL However, despite these faults, this is a good and useful film. Given a decent introduction it can get its message over to young people and adults. Set in the right context, it can motivate study and discussion. Even when given no assistance at .«ll, it can get acros* nio information and ideas in 27 miiiui than a speaker. .\nd, while doing tl it can ji/iou' what it is talking aboi If you prefer color, the rental will S12.00. If vou arc s-uisficd with R<:\ the rental will be $8.tX). Bv the tii you read this it will be widelv a\.i able through denominational film braries and local film rental librari< New Easter Rlrastrips I!::.' II r Got Our Easier Custor \%.i> dt>ii;iieil a) to build an apprec tion for our traditional Easter ci toins: b) to show and explain tJ origins of a number of our famili Easter customs, and, c) to show he Christian j>eople the world over a tied together by their common obsei ance of Easter. (It does not presur to deal with the deep religious si nificance of Easter.) Richard R. Dole/al has done \c well with the script, keeping it init esting and informative. The 55 fram of art in full color is bv James Teaso The composition is good, the col effective and pleasing. The narraiio running 8io minutes, is wellspok< by John Mallow, and backed up nice by Venida Jones' music. The utili? tion guide is concise and helpful, first class job, and highly recommendt in terms of doing what it sets out to d Easter Around The iX'orld has as i objective to a) build appreciation d the Easter holiday customs and trai tions of other jjeoples: h) to descril how Easter is celebrated by Christiai in various parts of the world: and. to indicate the basic unitv of Christia peoples as they observe both the re gious and secular aspects of the Ea$t< season. The art. 40 frames, is by ^Villia Marsh who does a very good job i visualiiing the concepts presente John Mallow narrates in a pleawi voice Theresa Beaimiont's nicely cor posed prose, and for it all \'enic Jones provides satisfactory backgroun music. The utilisation time is a lilt over 12 minutes. Highly recommendei The age level is Junior and up. Tl LP record has a bell tone frame ai vance signal. The producer is Soclefor \'isual Education, 1345 Diverst Parkway, Chicago 14, 111. Please send materials for review and correspondence concemirtg this column to William S. Hockman, 12 June Drive. Glens Falls. S. Y. 84 EdScreen & AV Guide