Educational screen & audio-visual guide (c1956-1971])

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EDUCATION art of the Union mp AFL-CIO 45mm )&w r$4. Poorly conducted union neeting contrasted with its opposite. Hole of committees in an organizaion. SH C A For more information circle No. 130 on return postal card. paring To Teach mp BROADMAN 5min col $150. Various methods of ssson preparation by teacher dramaized by means of interest-compelling isual devices. TT A SH For more information circle No. 131 on return postal card. lool Libraries in Action mp NCPUB 8min col $125 r$4.50. The school lirary's services to pupils and teachers grades 1-12 in North Carolina chools. TT A SH For more information circle No. l.SS on retorn postal card. HEALTH, SAFETY od Riddance 2mp FINLEY col. Part Basic Pollution Problems 14%min 150; Part II: New Pollution Problems tanin $75; Pollution Problems of Inividual States (111, Ind, Ky, NY, >hio. Pa, Va, W.Va.) ea 4^4min @ !5. The Ohio River basin water polluon problems, and special phases Isewhere. SH C A For more information circle No. 133 on return postal card. Theobald Faces the Facts mp WCTU 14min col b&w Cartoon quiz on effects of alcoholic beverages on health and social life. SH C A For more information circle No. 134 on return postal card. HOME ECONOMICS Wires to Our House mp IFB 16min col $165. The how and why of house wiring is demonstrated as workers trouble-shoot storm-caused damage. Installation of wiring as a house is built. Role of power sources of various types. Int. JH. For more Information circle No. 135 on return postal card. INDUSTRY, TRANSPORTATION It's Your Move mp MODERN 24min col loan. The role of the conveyor in planning and operating modern plant. SH A For more information circle No. 136 on return postal card. Sponge — Treasure from the Sea mp USFISH 14min col loan. Sponge fishing at Tarpon Springs; two methods of harvesting; sponge auction; "Blessing of the Waters" ceremony. El-SH A Write direct It is a Crime to lose attention when darkening rooms for instruction. INVESTIGATE use of LENSCREEN rearview projection screens. Excellent for lighted rooms. • Portable screens for doss or ouditorium use. Set up quickly, serve your own projectori. • in-Woll screens for new construction. Permanent, always ready for use. Conceals, silences oil projection equipment. • Projector-S c r e e n combinations now available for slide, film strip, or movies. Mobile and portable models. • Screen materials by the square fool for custom use — several ideas detailed. Requeii the LENSCREEN Kit of A-V Idtts, contains complete facts, literature. POLACOAT INCORPORATED 97tO Conklin Rd., Blue Asli, Ohio NEW SERIES OF FILMS ON South America Among the most colorful, most meaningful films ever produced by Coronet are those on the fabulous continent of South America. All are new and are curriculum-coordinated for use in the social studies. Guided by carefully researched educational film scripts, Coronet cameramen spent more than eighteen months filming the lands of our Latin neighbors with fidelity and beauty. Closely correlated to leading texts in grades 4-8, these 16mm sound motion pictures present a complete geographical picture of all areas of the continentincluding an overview study for use singly, for introduction or for review. The addition of any of these fine films to your educational film library will add new impetus to the study of this increasingly important area of the world. 870 Latin America: An introduction 863 Geogrophy of South America: Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay 867 Geograpiiy of South America: Brazil ll3Vi min.l 864 Geogrophy of South Americo; Countries of the Andes 665 Geography of South America: Five Northern Countries 866 Geography of South America: The Continent (13Vi min.l 1313 Life in Grasslonds (Argentine Pompas) 1315 Life in t^ot Rain Forests (Amazon fiosini l13Vi mini 1316 Life in the High Andes Alio available~filmi on Central America, MexitOf Canada, Costa Rica, Panama, and the Wett Indiet. The films in this series may be previewed immediately for purchase consideration and at no obligation, except for return postage. Simply circle the appropriate numbers on the coupon and send it to Coronet Films. Each film is one reel (11 minutes) except as noted . . . and available in a choice of either full, natural color at $110 a reel or $60 a reel in black-and-white. Coronet Films I Coronet Films, Dept. ES-561 j Coronet Building, Chicago 1. Illinois I I 1 Please send for purchase consider I L_J ation preview prints of the films in I dicated below (by appropriate number): I 870 863 864 865 866 867 1313 1315 1316 j Name ^ — ,— Position I School/ Organization I Address I City I -Zone — State I ATioNAL Screen and Audiovisual Guide — May, 1961 253