The Exhibitor (May-Oct 1945)

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22 E X H I B THE I T O R MGM MEN MEET IN WINDY CITY; RANK, RKO DEAL SIGNED; OTHER ITEMS AMONG THOSE PRESENT at the recent exhibitor luncheon hosted by William F. Rodgers, MGM vice-president-general sales manager, at the Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, were, in the usual top to bottom, left to right, order: Jack Byrne, Mi'<e Simons, Bill Hunt, Mike Connell, Harry A. Friedel, Burtus Bishop; William G. Brenner, Harry Simons, Fred Schmidt, Price Shoemaker, William Ornstein, Edwin W. Aaron, Rudy Berger; Maurice Golden, Walter Immerman, Howard Dietz, Henry Wood, William F. Rodgers, M. M. Rubens, E. K. 'Ted' O'Shea, Jonas Perlberg, H. McDonald, J. J. Bowen, Doc Banford, Jack Kirsch; A. Schoenstadt, Harry Balaban, Elmer Balaban, Alex Halperin, William Gleicher, Howard Beck, Ralph Maw; Herman L. Ripps, Alan F. Cummings, Maurice N. Wolf, Mike Ford, Art O'Toole, and Joseph Friedman. Future plans and policies of the company highlighted the sales discussion in the Windy City. J. ARTHUR RANK is seen recently signing a joint distribution and production deal with RKO Radio while, standing, left to right, are Robert WolfF, managing director for RKO Radio Pictures, Ltd., and RKO British Productions, Ltd.; Phil Reisman, vice-president in charge of RKO foreign distribution; Ned E. Depinet, RKO Radio president; Gordon E. Youngman, vice-president-general counsel for RKO Radio; G. J. Woodham Smith, legal advisor to Rank, and John Davis, managing director, Odeon Theatres, and theatre advisor to Rank, look on at the ceremonies in New York. SIDNEY ALBRIGHT, newly appointed managing di¬ rector, 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation in Aus¬ tralia, is shown above. He recently resigned from United Artists, and assumes his new post in October, it was announced. HERMAN WELLS, Indiana University, left, and Lester Cowan, producer, are seen with the bust of Ernie Pyle presented to the university at the recent premiere of the UA release, "Story of G.l. Joe," at Loew's, Indianapolis. GARY COOPER recently arrived in New York on a combined business and rest trip which coincided with the Broadway premiere of his latest RKO-International Pictures film, "Along Came Jones," at the Palace. The picture opened up to a strong gross, it is reported. BARRY FITZGERALD, who has an important part in "Incendiary Blonde," Paramount's 'Third-of-a-Century' release, is seen in New York recently awaiting plane reservation to take him to Ireland for a visit to his home town. July 25, 1945