The Exhibitor (May-Oct 1945)

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24 THE EXHIBITOR HOW TO USE THE TIP-OFF Consult the Key. Use the Little Men to Learn How Busi¬ ness Is. Remember — The More Little Men There Are— The Better Business Is. All Features Are Listed Alphabetically, And Are Retained In The List Until They Play A Representative Number Of Runs. KEY TO RATINGS: il Poor to below average busi¬ ness. £1] Below average to ordinary business. £11 Ordinary business. £11] Fair to good business. £111 Good business. HP i i • ' 1 1 Good to very good business. AHA Excellent business. THE WEEK’S NEWCOMERS A BELL FOR ADANO (20th Century-Fox) illl; A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS (Columbia) £111 BEDSIDE MANNER (United Artists) m STORY OF G.l. JOE (United Artists) £11] CONTINUING A MEDAL FOR BENNY (Paramount) £11 ALONG CAME JONES (RKO) £ m BACK TO BATAAN (RKO) ill! BELLE OF THE YUKON (RKO) I £1] BLOOD ON THE SUN (UA) £111 CHINA SKY (RKO) | AW CONFLICT (Warners) SAM COUNTER-ATTACK (Columbia) £11] DILLINGER (Monogram) £11] ESCAPE IN THE DESERT (Warners) BAA FRISCO SAL (Universal) £1; IT S IN THE BAG (United Artists) £1] JUNIOR MISS (20th Century-Fox) £AAi MR. EMMANUEL (UA) £A MURDER, HE SAYS (Paramount) BAA NOB HILL (20th Century-Fox) £111 OUT OF THIS WORLD (Paramount) mi PATRICK THE GREAT (Universcil) £1] PILLOW TO POST (Warners) £11 RHAPSODY IN BLUE (Warners) £111] SALOME, WHERE SHE DANCED (Universal) £11 SON OF LASSIE (MGM) £lli SUDAN (Universal) £1] TARZAN AND THE AMAZONS (RKO) £11] THAT'S THE SPIRIT (U) £!J THE CORN IS GREEN (Warners) £111 THE GREAT JOHN L (UA) | £11! THE NAUGHTY NINETIES (U) £11] THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY (MGM) £1! THE VALLEY OF DECISION (MGM) £111] THOSE ENDEARING YOUNG CHARMS (RKO) £aa; THRILL OF A ROMANCE (MGM) £111; WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? (20th Century-Fox) £11 WITHOUT LOVE (MGM) £111 WONDER MAN (RKO) | £111; YOU CAME ALONG (Paramount) £111 THE CORNER VETERAN WISHES TO BUY OR LEASE THEATRE IN NEW ENGLAND Reply to BOX G.l. 5 THE EXHIBITOR, 1225 Vine St. Philo. 7, Pa. RECENTLY HONORABLY DISCHARGED VETERAN SEEKS POSITION IN NEWARK, N. J., OR IMME¬ DIATE VICINITY. Ten years of motion picture theatre management experience. Young, aggres¬ sive, with best references. Write Box G.l. 6 THE EXHIBITOR, 1225 Vine St. Philo. 7, Pa. DISCHARGED VETERAN, 13 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN LATIN AMERICAN MARKET, PUBLICITY AND ADVERTISING, DISTRIBUTION, SALES & PRODUC¬ TION IN SPANISH. Able to prepare dubbing and exploitation of American pictures. Write Box G.l. 8 THE EXHIBITOR, 1225 Vine St. Philo. 7, Pa. ARMY OFFICER WISHES TO BUY OR LEASE THE¬ ATRE IN NEW ENGLAND OR NEW YORK STATE. Former New England Theatre Manager. 12 years experience managing. Publicity, booking and op¬ eration. Have cash plus G.l. loan guarantee. At present stationed in India. Expects to be dis¬ charged within year. Interested in contacting prospects now. Write Box G.l. 10 THE EXHIBITOR, 1225 Vine St. Philo. 7, Pa. MOTION PICTURE EXECUTIVE-30-year-old, hon¬ orably discharged veteran is seeking good oppor¬ tunity. Eight years as manager and supervisor. Will invest or take good position. Write Box G.l. 11 THE EXHIBITOR, 1225 Vine St. Philo. 7, Pa. WANTED POSITION AS THEATRE MANAGER. 23 Years Experience. Recently Discharged from U. S. Army. State Salary in Letter to: Box G.l. 12 THE EXHIBITOR, 1225 Vine St. Philo. 7, Pa. DISCHARGED G.l. WANTS POSITION ON WEST COAST— 17 years experience in the management of theatres presenting both motion pictures and stage shows. For the past 10 years employed as district manager and later as general supervisor, film buyer and booker of an independent circuit. Desires position as supervisor, district manager, manager of a large theatre, or connection with major film producer. Write Box G.l. 13 THE EXHIBITOR, 1225 Vine St. Philo. 7, Pa. Lieutenant Wrigley Honored Washington — Lieutenant Dewey Wrig¬ ley, USNR, former Hollywood cameraman for Cecil B. DeMille, has received two cita¬ tions, the Bronze Star Medal, and a let¬ ter of commendation from the Secretary of the Navy, for his outstanding perform¬ ance of duty, it was announced last week. Lieutenant Wrigley, who has been awarded two Purple Hearts as a result of wounds received in action in the European theatre, is a fleet photographic officer. Weiner To PRC New York — Abe Weiner, formerly with Republic, last week was appointed district manager for PRC, Harry H. Thomas, vicepresident general sales manager an¬ nounced. July 25, 1945