The Exhibitor (1950)

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Shock Swept Expose of ^ THE :e tracks, gambit y/herever money and the action ' they grab the of te A King Bros. Production .. O CORE • ANDREA KING DON De rOKt _ _ akiw^rum Produced by Starring DON • MORRIS AN KRUM GEORGE TOBIAS ’ U0I0W«..«0«ISIH0S«« From 0 Story by Milton M. Raison ondl riety rf Va c\|tOH6 rr niCllVtHi Id Hera P0>NW^'J' ^ M ff thrills AND SUSPENSE OF Daily Film at ALLIED ARTISTS! Put in a call for "SOl/THS/DE I ORABBEO IT! ...For its entire metropolitan chaii in the greater New York area! > GRABBED IT! ...For the Golden Gate, San Fran¬ cisco; Albee, Providence; Grand. Columbus; Palace, N. Y. GRABBED IT! ...For the Stonton, Philadelphia, Warner, Memphis; Strand, Akron; Warner, Oklahoma City. AMUSEMENT CO. GRABBED IT ! ...For the Lyric, Minneapolis. IklGamblei GRABBED IT ! ...For the Lyric, Indionapolis; i Riverside, Milwaukee. ORPHEUM LOS ANGELES GRABBED IT! DOWNTOWN DETROIT GRABBED IT ! PHRAMOUNT N E WAfcK GRABBED IT !