Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1917 - Jun 1918)

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REVIEWS c 1 Virginia Pearson in DAUGHTER OF FRANCE" Fox war-drama; five parts; published March 24 As a whole Fair Story Patriotic Star Good Support Sufficient Settings Appropriate Photography Good If you are interested in productions depicting scenes from ne world war, "A Daughter of France," offers a good subject. here is plenty in this picture to make one feel a keen hatred for [ur enemy and a desire to crush it out quickly. Many of the subtitles irry strong messages for patriotic appeal, some of which elicited uite a bit of applause from patrons of the Boston Theatre, hicago, where the production was shown last week. The ruthless attack of the Huns on innocent French womanood, the destruction of beautiful homes and places of worship Ire vividly screened and while the' ending seems somewhat stiff nd abrupt, it leaves a satisfactory feeling. Miss Pearson is : motional and pleasing in her role of Louise de Ciron and is ' ccorded good support in Hugh Thompson and Herbert Evans, 'he direction is the work of Edmund Lawrence. The story: • Louise de Ciron finds herself unable to defend erself against the ruthlessness of Rudolph von Knorr and Fritz on Meyring and the body of soldiers who have taken possession t f her home. When finally she finds herself falling in love with iudolph, she realizes her difficult position and when he proposes 3 her she asks him to kiss the flag of France. He does so and > brought before the captain of the French army. Here she is urprised to find that Rudolph is one of the best secret service len in the French army and because of her love she does not uestion him as to his rude treatment of her during the pillaging f her home. Alma Rubens in "THE LOVE BROKERS" Triangle drama five parts; published April 7 As a whole Good Story Well handled Star Interesting Support Adequate Settings Faithful Photography Clear "The Love Brokers" as presented by the Triangle Company is an interesting program feature. It is true the plot is old and worn, but the company has given it several new twists that make the picture enjoyable. Alma Rubens is pleasing in her role of Charlotte Carter and is ably supported by Texas Guinan and Lee Hill. The story is that old one of an innocent girl being lured I Raymond Hatton and Kathlyn Williams in "THE WHISPERING CHORUS" Artcraft drama; seven parts; published March 25 As a whole Well produced Story Morbid Stars Well cast Support Commendable Settings Elaborate Photography Excellent "The Whispering Chorus" is a triumph for Cecil B. Deille. From Jeanie Macpherson's dramatization of Perley oore Sheehan's story he has produced a powerful, dramatic d gripping story, not at all times pleasant, but a big, human cument nevertheless. The plot is a simple one, picturing as it does the destinies two men and a woman, but in the hands of Director Delle deft touches have been added that bring out the strong ints of the story and drive home its homely truths. The cast is an exceptional one throughout, including bedes Kathlyn Williams, who portrays the role of Jane Trime in an appealing manner, Raymond Hatton, Elliott Dexter, dythe Chapman, Tully Marshall, Guy Oliver, James Neill, oah Berry, Gustav Seyffertitz, and others well known to llowers of the screen drama. The picture is unique in its hotography, many scenes showing two color tones and the enes depicting life in China on a gala night, with fireworks lowing, are remarkable. The story : John Trimble, assistant cashier in a contractconcern, succumbs to the whisperings of temptation, steals 000 from his employer and runs away to hide when he fears ection. On an isolated island where he secretes himself e becomes a bit of human driftwood. While fishing he finds e body of a dead man and listening to the voice of evil he hanges clothing with and mutilates the head of the corpse. 7he finding of the body is reported to his family and Trimble egins life anew. The police, however, take up the search for he murderer and Trimble is finally brought to trial. Meanvhile his wife has become the wife of the governor of the tate and she fails to recognize in the changed man when conronted by him in court, the John Trimble she married. There s a dramatic trial scene and a gruesome ending where the nan nobly meets death in the electric chair, for his own murer, rather than bring unhappiness to the woman he loves. 25 ALMA RUBENS AND SUPPORT IN A SCENE FROM "THE LOVE BROKERS" (Triangle) into what she believes is a deathbed marriage, only to have the man recover. She later falls in love with her husband. It is the work of W. Carey Wonderley and has been directed by E. Mason Hopper. The story: Charlotte Carter goes to the city to gain fame as a music composer. She meets Olga Grey and through the scheming of Olga she marries Gerard Townshend, whom she believes to be dying. Gerard recovers, but is willing to give Charlotte her freedom. This Charlotte refuses as she finds herself in love with her husband. Olga's duplicity is revealed, Charlotte is forgiven and they come to a happy understanding. Franklyn Farnum in "FAST COMPANY" Bluebird comedy-drama; five parts; published April 1 As a whole Average Story Mediocre Star ...Fair Support Average Settings Adequate Photography Good As a production, "Fast Company" ranks but fair. However, to those who are admirers of Franklyn Farnum, undoubtedly the story will have the usual appeal with which previous efforts of Mr. Farnum's have met.' The story is unconvincing and it is very hard to picture Mr. Farnum in the role of a youth of twenty-five. Unless former Franklyn Farnum productions have met with success at your theatre the reviewer does not recommend booking "Fast Company." Juanita Hansen plays opposite Mr. Farnum. The story: Lawrence Van Huyler, being constantly goaded by his family as to his prestige, finds it impossible to be anything but very polite and a perfect cad. Any demonstrations are quickly nipped in the bud by his father. The tearing down of an old house, for generations the home of the Van Huyler's, reveals the secret of the family name and Lawrence is delighted to find that he is Irish, the paternal cognomen having been O'Malley. At last he can be more human and his winning of Alicia brings the story to a pleasing close.