Exhibitors Herald (Sep-Dec 1918)

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EXHIBITORS HERALD AND MOTOGRAPHY EUGENE O'BRIEN, Who has just signed a four-year contract with Famous Players-Lasky Corp. and all are knock-outs. — J. Henkel Henry, Empire Theatre, Winchester, Va. Select War Brides, with Nazimova — This is a former anti-war picture revised into a patriotic subject. Excellent and timely now. Fair box office value. — Sig. Faller, Bijou Dream Theatre, State street, near Monroe, Loop, Chicago. — Transient patronage. The Safety Curtain, with Norma Talmadge — Very good. Norma Talmadge always gets business. — James H. Swenson, Angelus Theatre, Spanish Fork, Utah. The Honeymoon, with Constance Talmadge.— Picture fair. Too many cut-outs. Only about 4,000 feet— H. H. Wilson, Sherman Theatre, Sullivan, Ind. — High class patronage. The Burden of Proof, with Marion Davies. — Very poor picture. Poorly directed and no box office value whatsoever.— Sig. Faller, Bijou Dream Theatre, State street, near Monroe, Loop, Chicago.— Transient patronage. Her Only Way, with Norma Talmadge— Excellent production. Big box office value. — New Theatre, Baltimore, Md. — High class patronage. The Ordeal of Rosetta, with Alice Pirady — Very pleasing story and good cast. Star nothing extra. Photography very poor in places. — M. C. Kellogg, Homestake Theatre, Lead, S. D. — Mixed patronage. Sauce for the Goose, with Constance Talmadge — Ninety per cent of patrons pleased. Good box office value. — New Theatre, Baltimore, Md. — High class patronage. The Marionettes, with Clara Kimball Young — Splendid picture. Well acted. Splendid settings. Star well liked. — Wal ter Coddington, Home Theatre, Rantoul, 111. — Rural and soldier patronage. The Savage Woman, with Clara Kimball Young — Will not please all classes. — New Theatre, Baltimore, Md. — High class patronage. The Death Dance, with Alice BradyGood box office attraction. — New Theatre, Baltimore, Md. — High class patronage. ^ Sherry A Romance of the Underworld, with Catherine Calvert — Best underworld picture I ever saw. Very good business. Patrons very well pleased. Best of Calvert pictures. — Charles D. Wells, Isis Theatre, Cedar Rapids, la. — Downtown patronage. The Inn of the Blue Moon, with Doris Kenyon — Exceptionally good. Patrons well pleased. Give us more like this. — Charles D. Wells, Isis Theatre, Cedar Rapids, la. — Downtown patronage. Out of the Night, with Catherine Calvert— Very pleasing. — Charles D. Wells, Isis Theatre, Cedar Rapids, la. — Downtown patronage. Triangle The Painted Lily, with Alma Rubens — A fair offering. Average business. — Miss Benesch, Garfield Theatre, 5531 South Halsted street, Chicago. Master of His Home, with William Desmond — Good drama. Stars draws well. — P. G. Estee, Opera House, Alexandria, S. D. — High class patronage. The Return of Draw Egan, with William S. Hart— A re-issue, but O. K. Liked by all. Good photography. — Miss Benesch, Garfield Theatre, 5531 South Halsted street, Chicago. Betty Takes a Hand, with Olive Thomas— Fine comedy drama. — P. G. Estee, Opera House, Alexandria, S. D. — High class patronage. Cassidy, with Dick Rosson — Average attendance. Did not please our people. — Brockhouse and Weeks, Electric Theatre, Arenzville, 111. — Rural patronage. The Pinch Hitter, with Charles RayFirst Triangle picture we've shown and Ray's first appearance. Both made a hit. It was well advertised and business was fair in a heavy rain. — E. W. Laun, Lyric Theatre, Platte Center, Neb. — Rural patronage. The Answer, with Alma Rubens — Entirely too long drawn out. Seven reels. Should be cut to four or five. Sent us in place of another picture and didn't take. — E. W. Laun, Lyric Theatre, Platte Center, Neb. — Rural patronage. The Americano, with Douglas Fairbanks— Much better, than some of his new ones. Drew big. — Liberty Theatre, Kankakee, 111. — Downtown patronage. The Devil Dodger, with Roy Stewart— Very good western. Business fair with Chautauqua opposition. — E. W. Laun, Lyric Theatre, Platte Center, Neb. ■ — Rural patronage. The Patriot, with William S. HartBroke the records of the house. Better than a lot of later date. — Liberty Thea tre, Kankakee, 111. — Downtown patron age. Universal Phantom Riders, with Harry Carey — Good western. Carey pulls well in this class. Pictures are clean. — P. G. Estee, Opera House, Alexandria, S. D. Beauty in Chains, with Ella Hall — Very good. Drew well. Has the punch. — Liberty Theatre, Kankakee, 111. — Downtown patronage. Vitagraph The Girl in His House, with Earle Williams and Grace Darmond — A splendid picture. Everybody well pleased. Book it. — Charles Boehringer, Princess Theatre, St. Mary's, Kan. — Middle class patronage. His Own People, with Harry Morey — This is better than a program offering. Had a lot say they liked it. It's a safe bet any place. — Steve Farrar, Orpheum Theatre, Harrisburg, 111. — Very best patronage. The Wooing of Princess Pat, with Gladys Leslie — Most of my patrons liked this one. — Rae Peacock, Mystic Theatre, Stafford, Kan. The Wooing of Princess Pat, with Gladys Leslie — Very good picture, but did poor business on account of rain. — Charles Boehringer, Princess Theatre, St. Mary's, Kan. — Middle class patronage. The Wild Strain, with Nell Shipman — Very good. — Rae Peacock, Mystic Theatre, Stafford, Kan. The Soap Girl, with Gladys Leslie — Good picture. Good business.— Charles ALICE BRADY, In a Scene from "Her Better Half," a Select Play. 42