Exhibitors Herald (Mar-Apr 1924)

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March 29. 1924 EXHIBITORS HERALD 75 To My Exhibitor Friends I have never before written an advertisement and only because of my great faith in the success of my last picture, "BY DIVINE RIGHT," am I writing these few words to my many exhibitor friends. "BY DIVINE RIGHT," made by the Grand-Ascher Company, is one of the finest pictures in which I have ever acted. It has everything. It has thrills, it has a most astounding train wreck, it has drama carried to the very highest degree, it has happiness, romance, beauty and great appeal. It is the kind of motion picture that builds up at the box office each succeeding day. Although it was released by the Film Booking Offices just a few days ago, I have already had a number of letters from Exhibitors expressing their satisfaction with the splendid results of the picture. This is all very gratifying of course. I am intensely interested in seeing "BY DIVINE RIGHT" played in as many theatres as possible throughout the world because it carries such a big theme. It is easy to watch. It is simple to understand. It is fine, wholesome, and most refreshing in the character of entertainment that it provides. I hope that I am able to make more pictures as big as "BY DIVINE RIGHT." The excellent advertising material provided for the picture by the Film Booking Offices, if properly used, will hit with telling effect at your box offices. I commend it to all my exhibitor friends. I know it will make money for you all. Cordially and sincerely yours,