Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World (Oct-Dec 1928)

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40 BETTER THEATRES SECTION OF October 27, 1928 Better Theatres decorate with REISINQ'S True to Nature Artificial Flowers and Trees There are none better for Lobbies, Foyers, Auditorium or Orchestra Pit Mr. John Eberson, Architect, uses them exclusively in all his famous Atmospheric Theatres — There is a reason. Let us estimate your needs G. Reising & Co. 227 West Austin Avenue Chicago, 111. ARNOLD Electric Phonograph Motor ^Thieves know and , avoid York Bound Door Chests L The ARNOLD ELECTRIC motor is SILENT, operates at constant, uniform speed, with no fluctuation due to voltage variation. Requires no oil or attention. Motor complete, including turntable and automatic ~ t < * j * list |)i i< e, $32 10 The Lakeside Supply Company 73 W. Van Buren St. Chicago, III. Large theatre chains have noticed a marked decrease in the number of attacks by burglars on their theatres following the installation of York Round Door Chests. Insurance companies , grant it their lowest burglary rate. \\ rite your name and address on the margin of this advertisement for complete information. York Safe & Lock Company York, Pa. humidified by a process of passing the air through . fine sprays of water which removes from it dust and other dirt as well as obnoxious odors and gases. Systems of this type are generally referred to as "air washers." The air is drawn in from the outside and then passed over heating coils so that it will not cause freezing of the water in the air washer. These coils are called tempering coils. The air then passes through a mist of water caused by a number of spray nozzles that create a dense fog, removing dust, odors, gases, etc. The air absorbs moisture from the spray and is cooled thereby. It then passes through a series of sheet iron baffles that remove all suspended and entrained moisture. The air next passes through the bank of heating coils that raise its temperature to the desired degree. From here it is distributed through a proper system of ducts to various parts of the theatre. American Carbonic Machine Company, Wisconsin Rapid, Wis. Bayiey Blower Company, 732 Greenbush, Milwaukee, Wie. Bentz Engineering Corporation, 661 Frelinghuysen avenue, Newark, N. J. Brunswick-Kroeschell Company, New Brunswick, N. J. Carrier Engineering Corporation, 750 Frelinghuysen avenue, Newark, N. J. Cooling & Air Conditioning Corporation, 31 Union Square, New York City. Reed Air Filter Company, Louisville, Ky. B. F. Reynolds & Company, 118 West Ohio street. Chicago, III. U. S. Ozone Company, 500 North Dearborn street, Chicago, 111. Wittenmeier Machinery Company, 850 North Spauld ing avenue, Chicago, 111. York Ice Machine Company, York, Pa. t$ d£ Air Dome Tents These are tents suitable for housing of audiences for amusements and gatherings of various types, used in the motion picture industry mostly during the summer as open air shows, the top of the tent being removed. D. M. Kerr Manufacturing Company, 1954 West Grand avenue, Chicago. 111. Martin, N. Y.. Tent & Duck Company, 304 Canal street, New York City. North American Tent & Awning Company, 1462-64 Milwaukee avenue, Chicago, 111. Tucker Duck & Rubber Company, 515 Garrison avenue, Fort Smith. Ark. i}£ Aisle Lights Aisle lights should be installed on every sixth chair standard in zig-zag fashion along aisle. Lights are placed at sufficient height from floor to properly illuminate same without disturbing reflection to screen or audience. 10-watt lamps are generally used. Practically all theatres today are installing aisle lights as a protection and convenience to patrons. In recent months a number of instances have been noted where aisle lights have been cast as part of the chair standard itself, the practice being carried out in the more elaborate theatres when the chairs are built to certain decorative specifications. Aisle lights sell for about $4.00 each, the price decreasing for j quantities. BELSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 800 | ley street, Chicago, 111. BRENKERT LIGHT PROJECTION COMPANY, 734! | St. Aubin avenue, Detroit, Mich. Brookins & Chapman, 3912 Carnegie avenue, Cleve land. O. The E. E. Fulton Company, 1018 South Wabash ave I nue, Chicago, III. KAUSALITE MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 812 Rhodes avenue, Chicago, III. KLIEGL BROTHERS. 321 West 50th street. Ne York City. MAJOR EQUIPMENT COMPANY, 4603 Fullerto avenue, Chicago. III. NATIONAL THEATRE SUPPLY COMPANY, II | South Michigan avenue, Chicago, III. t$ Aisle Rope A heavy rope covered with velour usually, crcen or red is used in theatre lobbies, tl rope being connected to stationary or portal) brass posts for guiding and handling crowd Mnmlel Brothers. Inc., State and Madison ulree Chicago, III. Newman Manufacturing Company. Cleneay street a Norfolk and Wontcrn R. R.. Cincinnati, O. Albert Pick and Company. 1200 West 35th stnl Chicago, III. /Hill VALVE & BRASS CORPORATION. Fnurlh street. KtlfTnlo. N. Y.