Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World (Apr-Jun 1930)

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52 EXHIBITORS HERALD-WORLD April 5, 1930 CLASSIFIED Advertising Ten cents per word, payable in advance. Minimum charge, '=u' $1.00. Copy and checks should be addressed Classified Ad Dept. 201 Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. The Recognized National Classified Advertising Medium Sound Equipment Bargains DEVRY 16mm Portable talking picture machine, four reels film with records like new. $175.00. Film speedometers $15.00. Large Mercury Arc rectifiers with tube $75.00. Two Simplex projectors like new $700.00. Two Powers 6B perfect $600.00. Two Strong lamps demonstrators $300.00. Large half size lenses $25.00. Mazda regulators $37.50. Large $170.00 exhaust fan perfect $45.00. Metal 16" large hub reels $2.00. 1000 feet new heavy cable make offer. Arc lamp mirrors 7" with hole in center $6.00. Synchronous motors for heavy machines $50.00. 54 H.P. variable speed motors $27.50. Sound screens a foot 60c. G.E. low intensity generator $175.00. Two Powers 6B bases complete $150.00. Write or wire us your needs. Twenty years in the theatre supply business. You take no chance when you order from the Western Motion Picture Co., Danville, Illinois. Miscellaneous HOT SAX— TRIOS, RHYTHM Choruses, Special Arrangement. Address Charles Raymond, 2729 South Springfield, Chicago, 111. HAVE DISTINGUISHED ADDRESS, $5 at 503 Fifth Ave., Room 308, New York, N. Y. THEATRE LOBBY FRAMES, manufacturer to you. Low cost. Address, Gem Frame Co., 2805 Brigton, Kansas City, Mo. TRAILERS ON ALL FEATURES. Reasonable rentals. Address Worldscope Service, Box 4673, Kansas City, Mo. CLOTH BANNERS $1.25, 3x10, ANY wording. Paper, 50c. Scenery. Address Salmon Bros., Independence and Prospect, Kansas City, Mo. Stationery “NEARGRAVURE" (“NeargraTurembosso" plate less embossing) processes. Special Neargravure 25C envelopes, 500 854x71/" letterheads $3.33, or 854x1 1' $4.44, postpaid. Sollidays, EXH-124, Knox, Indiana Equipment for Sale "CAN YOU INSTALL YOUR' OWN SOUND?” Others have at a great saving. Detailed prints and photographs are furnished. Write for prices and terms. Address The Lifetone Co., Oregon, Illinois. SOUND MIXER, Makes all dialogue clear, sharp, takes out mushy, barrel-like bass tones, sweetens sour music. $25.00. One week’s trial, terms $5.00 down. Address Service-On-Sound Corp., 1600 Broadway, New York, N. Y. MOTION PICTURE TALKING EQUIPMENT, complete outfit, like new, cheap. Address F. W. Butler, 1736 Monroe St., Chicago, 111. FOR SALE— REPRODUCO ORGAN, perfect condition, cost $2,200,000; Bargain at $300.00 cash. Address Uptown Theatre, Michigan City, Indiana. “THE TALK OF THE TALKIES” synchronized reproducers, new nineteen-thirty models for sale OR LEASE at $5.00 a week! H. D. Laughlin, The Lifetone Company, Oregon, 111. BIG BARGAINS in rebuilt Simplex Powers 6-B and 6-A motiograph machines, all motor driven, in guaranteed condition, as well as used low intensity arc reflector lamps with or without machines at reasonable prices. Big stock of rebuilt exhaust and oscillating fans for AC and DC current. Generators, all makes, ticket selling machines, film containers, all at bargain prices for immediate shipment. Write for bargain list. Address Illinois Theatre Equipment Company. 12-14 East Ninth street. Chicago. Illinois THEATRE EQUIPMENT, new and used. Opera chairs, projectors, screens, generators, rectifiers, reflecting arc lamps, etc. Write for bargain list and catalogue. Address Movie Supply Co., 844 Wabash, Chicago. FOR SALE — Reflector Arc Lamps and accessories, also guaranteed rebuilt Powers 6-A and 6-B and Simplex Heads. Best prices. Write Joseph Spratler, 12-14 E. Ninth St., Chicago, 111. Pop-Corn FOR SALE— BURCH POP-CORN Machine, like new including Supplies, worth $325.00, will take $125.00 cash. Also Reproduco organ, perfect condition, cost $2,200.00. Bargain at $300.00 cash. Address Uptown Theatre, Michigan City, Indiana. Stage Lighting BALLROOM AND STAGE LIGHTING Effects— Motor-driven Color Wheels, Crystal Showers, Spotlights. Address C. Gowie, 253 W. 14th St., New Vork. N V Theatre Wanted I WANT TO BUY — A paying theatre in a town of not less than 3,000 population. Prefer to buy theatre in a western state. Now residing on Pacific Coast. Address Box 477, Exhibitors HeraldWorld, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE Paying Theatre Sound Equipped. Organ. Population not less than 3,000. Address Box 479, Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Managers ’ Schools WANTED THEATRE EMPLOYEES to learn modern theatre management and theatre advertising. The Institute’s training leads to better positions. Write tor particulars. Address Theatre ^Managers Institute. 325 Washington St., Elmira. N. Y Positions Wanted TWO YOUNG MEN DESIRE SOMETHING BETTER. Can operate and repair any make talky equipment, and moving picture machines. Also house electricians. Ten and seventeen years experience. Non-union. Address W. H. Schlosser and Paul Nowak, 1215 South Dryer St., Indianapolis, Ind. LOBBY ARTIST AND PUBLICITY MAN Desires permanent position. Ten years experience with Exchange and Theatre. Write Box 480, Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. THEATRE MANAGER WISHES TO NEGOTIATE WITH small chain or independent theatre. Exchanging references. Seventeen years as owner and manager of theatres, salary and percentage. Address Box 478, Exhibitors Herald-Herald, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. DESIRE— POSITION AS Manager or Advertising Man. Honest and Reliable. Address Thomas Myers, Stuart, Iowa. SOUND PROJECTIONIST— Non-Union but willing to join. References. Go anywhere. Address Irvin S. Layton, 107 S. West St., Angola, Indiana. EXPERT LOBBY MAN, Poster Artist and Advertising expert at Liberty. Held last position seven years, with largest Circuit in Texas. Can design and execute attractive Lobbies, Posters, Hand Drawn years, with largest Circuit in Texas. Can design and engrave Blocks for Cards one and three sheet posters. Any responsible House or Circuit desiring a first class, dependable man, address, E. M. Berg, Box 698, Wichita Falls, Texas. MR. EXHIBITOR: LOOKING FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT IN ORGAN SOLOS? I HAVE IT! Eight years experience any style of solos. Can be billed as an M. C. Singing Organist. Will go anywhere. Address Box 476, Exhibitors Herald World, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IlL SOUND PROJECTIONIST— Non-union, Simplex projectors. References, will go anywhere. Address, Box 474, Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. 111. EXPERIENCED AMUSEMENT ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION MAN, CAPABLE OF OPERATING SMALL HOUSE. Well educated, refined, gentile, married. Box 462, Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois. ATTENTION THEATRE OWNERS. Specially trained managers, theatre advertising men, theatre service men, available for employment at short notice. No service charges. Address Theatre Managers Institute, 325 Washington St., Elmira, New York. ATTENTION THEATRE OWNERS — Specially trained managers, assistant managers, advertising men, service men, available for employment at short notice. Address Theatre Managers Institute, 325 Washington St.. Elmira. N. Y. Equipment Wanted WANTED— GOOD UPHOLSTERED Chairs. Address Ben Brinck, West Point, Iowa. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used motion picture machine heads. Address Guercio & Barthel, 1018 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. WANTED— POWERS 6A STAND COMPLETE with Lower Magazine; must come cheap. Address Lyric Theatre, Carlisle, Kentucky. WANTED — Peerless or Simplex projectors, also Strong reflector arc lamps. State price, condition and number of machines. Will pay cash, or one third down and balance C.O.D. Address Box 337 Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 S. Dearborn street, Chicago, 111. HIGHEST PRICES paid for used opera chairs, projection machines, etc Address Movie Supply Co., 844 Wabash. Chicago. 111. Theatres for Sale or Rent 250 SEATS — EXCELLENT Sound-on-Disc. Nice interior. Town of 1,100. Thirty miles from Washington, D. C. Nearest competitor twenty miles away. Selling account other interests. Address T. Edgar Reed, Herndon, Va. FOUR THEATRES IN FOUR DIFFERENT PROGRESSIVE Self Supporting Towns in Florida, two in County Seats. These for sale on Satisfactory Terms. Owner Retiring from Business. Address Agent C. D. Maddox, Archer, Fla. ARCADIA THEATRE BUILDING, Olney, 111. 650 seat, 3 stores, 7 offices, all rented, or will rent the theatre alone on a good income basis. Address A. L. Redman, Pres., 212 East Main St., Olney, 111. CULVER THEATRE, 873 Merchants Road, Rochester, N. Y. 300 to 500 seats. High class neighborhood. Possession at once. Terms $40,000 for sale, or $4,000 rental per annum. Will take back large first mortgage. Photo on request. Inquire City Savings Bank, Albany, N. Y. $600.00 CASH takes paying 170 .seat silent house, all equipment. Now running three changes; open Sunday; live community. Lowest overhead known Health forces quick sacrifice. Address, O. B. Wolfe, Nevada, Ohio. MOST UP TO DATE small town theatre. R. C. A. Sound Systems. Acoustically treated building. Will sell equipment and building or just equipment and LEASE building. 7 day town. No competition. Address Box 475, Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ON FOLLOWING PAGE