Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World (Apr-Jun 1930)

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10 Better Theatres Section April 12, 1930 Sudden Darkness will never threaten this theatre’s good will Continuous, unfailing light is assured by an Exide Battery! BRILLIANT LIGHTS A CERTAINTY in the Netoco Colonial Theatre, Natick, Mass., designed by John Edmund Kelly of Boston, Mass. An Exide Emergency Battery protects important lighting circuits. ■r -r -t AT LEFT— Interior of Colonial Theatre, protected by dependable Exides. ■r i r jector in operation for two hours if necessary. Exides jump to the job without a hand touching a switch. And your regular staff can attend them easily. SUDDEN darkness may cause confusion . . . loss of good will . . . admission refunds . . . the very things that can stand between you and profitable business. And to the up-todate theatre operator, lighting protection is a vital necessity. Take, for example, the new Netoco Colonial Theatre in Natick, Mass. This modern playhouse, like hun dreds of others, is equipped with Exide Emergency Lighting Batteries for dependable protection against unforeseen current failure. Should normal power fail, these batteries take up the load automatically. Important lights burn as before. In many theatres the battery, in addition to furnishing power for emergency lighting, can keep the pro It will be worth your while to consult with one of our representatives. A letter will bring him. No obligation. He will give you valuable information on emergency lighting. Write now. Exi&e EMERGENCY LIGHTING BATTERIE5 THE ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY, Philadelphia THE WORLDS LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF STORAGE BATTERIES FOR EVERY PURPOSE Exide Batteries of Canada, Limited, Toronto