Film Canada Yearbook (2000)

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PRODUCERS FILM / VIDEO / MULTIMEDIA JINVUNSNI [WOT WIONWNIS /ONIGNNS National Film Board of Canada ON TELEVISION WITH MULTIMEDIA IN CINEMA OVER THE NET ETE R) JANA WA NEB CVU REACHING CANADIANS Like Never Before SNOILVIDOSSY /SQ1IND/SNOINN SOlgnis /SWIN3Y /S31WS LNAWdINdA NOILONGOUd 180d BANSHEE PRODUCTIONS Associate Producer: Kathryn Keam Creative Director: Brian Couch 30 Weatherell St. Features / documentaries / television Videos / commercials / TV programs for North Toronto, ON M6S 187 American business, industry and government (416) 766-5779 BIG STAR MOTION PICTURES E-mail: sekulich LTD. DAROLD BLACK 3 Director: Daniel Sekulich 13025 Yonge St., Ste. 201 2116 Palliser Dr. S.W. E| Tv Richmond Hill, ON L4E 1Z5 Calgary, AB T2V 3S1 = (905) 773-8670 Tel. & Fax: (403) 251-5568 = BAR HARBOUR FILMS INC. Fax: (905) 773-3153 | Director, DGC = 67 Riverdale Ave. E-mail: bigstar@ Script to screen production services Toronto, ON M4K 1C2 President / Exec. Producer: Frank A. Deluca (416) 778-4491 Vice-President / Exec. Producer: Giacomo BLACKWATCH Fax: (416) 778-4144 Moncada COMMUNICATIONS Documentaries / Film/TV Montreal, QC H3A 1P8 (514) 844-6655 Fax: (514) 844-6886 BIRDSONG COMMUNICATIONS Writer / Director: Martin Harbury, Production Manager: Josie Genouese 1410 Stanley, Ste. 606 BARNA-ALPER PRODUCTIONS 806 Victoria Ave. | UVVVUVU VU TUU VLU U TEU EU UU EEUU ETD INC. Regina, SK S4N OR6 Chief Executive Officer: William R. Mariani 366 Adelaide St. W., Ste. 700 (306) 359-3070 Executive Vice-President: Pierre Colas (416) 979-0676 E-mail: Controller: John Talbot : Fax: (416) 979-7476 President: Don List V.P. Business & Legal Affairs: Charlene Paling Contacts: Laszlo Bama Producer: Rodger Ross BLACKWATCH PRODUCTIONS 643 de Courcelle, Ste. 306 Motion picture production services BERYT PRODUCTIONS INC. Toronto, ON M5V 1R9 Fax: (306) 525-1204 Chief Financial Officer: Ronald W. Price | i 8111 Yonge St., Ste. 1503 BIZNETWORX Montreal, QC H4C 3C5 Thornhill, ON L8T 4v9 1200 Bay St., Ste. 300 (514) 933-7575 (905) 764-6872 Toronto, ON MSR 2A5 Fax: (514) 933-5545 Fax: (905) 764-3615 (416) 972-1230 President: Kim Berlin President / Producer: Eliza Haddad Fax: (416) 922-1640 Controller: Lise Chapdelaine Executive Assistant: Franca Visconti FILM CANADA YEARBOOK ¢ 2000 7