The Film Daily (1927)

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THE <^ DAILY Tuesday, June 14, 1927 6THE #<■ NEWSPAPER a/'Fli.MDOM Vol. XL No. 63 Tuesday, June 14, 192? Price 5 Gents I0HN W. ALICOATE Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York N. Y., and copyright (1927) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Maurice D. Rann, Vice-President and Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer, Business and Advertising Manager; Ralph Wilk, Traveling Representative. Entered as second class matter May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, Ambassador Hotel: 'Phone, Drexel 7000 and Washington 9794, London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 58, Great Marlborough St., London. W. I.. Paris — La Cinematographic Francaise, 5, Rue Saulnier. "U" Gets Va. Chain; New Wisconsin Move (.Continued from Page 1) per cent interest in Weinberg's holdings. Two theaters here are included in the deal, the New, 850 seats, and Lyric, slightly smaller. Other houses are the Virginia, Harrisonburg, Va., seating 1,200; \fasonic, Clifton Forge; Strand and New Staunton. The Strand seats 1,100 and cost $200,000, while the New, recently opened, is a roadshow house. Universal is forming a new subsidiary to operate the house, and will add to the new circuit as rapidly as possible. i i»i.»..»i »'■« » '»' « » ■ Financial Yesterday the New York Stock Exchange declared a holiday in honor of Chas. Lindbergh, and so the prices below are offered as of Saturday. Quotations High Low Close *Am. Seat. Vtc 47 •Am. Seat. Pfd 46 *Bal. & Katz Vtc 73'A *Bal. & Katz Vtc 73lA Eastman Kodak... 146J4 146J4 14654 59 18 54 "Film Inspect.. •First Nat'l Pfd.. Fox Film "A"... Fox Theaters "A" •Intern'l Project.. Loew's, Inc •Metro-Gold. Pfd.. *M. P. Cap. Corp. . . . •Pathe Exch. "A" Paramount 106J4 105 •Paramount Pfd Paramount B'way. 99^2 ttRoxy "A" 30 ttRoxy Units 34 ttRoxy Common... 10 Skouras Bros 40 **Stan. Co. of Am. 73$i Trans-Lux Screen. 4% •Univ. Pict. Pfd 'Universal Pictures . . •Warner Pictures . . Warner Pict. "A" 30 A 18 S3'/i 99 'A 28 31 9 40 71 4H 29 Vi VA 103 59 18 10 54 25 54 10A 47 10654 11854 9954 40 73H 10054 35 54 29 Va, 30 Sale 300 600 500 1,800 4,700 "i 400 "U" Plans New House in Wisconsin Building Race Universal has let contracts for construction of a 1,600-seat theater at Sheboygan, Wis., as the latest step in the three-cornered building race which is focussing attention on Wisconsin, with Saxe Enterprises and Fischer's Paramount Theaters, opposingfactions. Universal is chief competition to Saxe, and the two firms are at grips at Milwaukee, where Universal has one downtown house and Saxe several, with both well represented in the suburban field. Fischer's Paramount recentlv announced intention to build a Sheboygan, as well as in a number of important cities of the state. Universal is building a theater at Racine, where the company now has a house, and where Saxe also is represented. Universal has announced plans for a house at Kenosha, another Saxe stronghold. 1,200 * Last Prices Quoted t Bond Market ** Philadelphia Market tt Bid and Ask Singer Leaves Universal Julius Singer, veteran executive, has resigned from Universal. THE Paramount Famous Lasky LONG ISLAND STUDIO Is Now available for Rent We will consider propositions for leasing, in whole or in part. Write, phone or call. THEO. C. YOUNG Paramount Bldg., Chickering 7050 Wisconsin Tax Dies (Continued from Page 1) have provided a tax on theaters and organizations conducting entertainments, but would have exempted the national guard and charitable and religious organizations giving programs to raise funds. The sources affected now contribute little or no tax money, Senator Teasdale declared. The tax, according to the senator, would have been so small that nnbodv would have felt it materially. yet he estimated it would raise upwards of ?50,000 annually in Madison alone. Plymouth Exhibitor Dies Plymouth. Wis.— Charles Lautenbach, 7.1 manager of the Lyceum Opera House here for the past 40 years, died this week following a Ion? illness. Lautenbach, who was a talented musician, is survived by his widow and two sons, one of whom was associated with his father in the theater business. DON'T ASK! (The Film Daily Question Box) 1. What is the meaning of term iris in? 2. What firm recently consolidated its exchanges and production units? 3. What firm formerly used the slogan, "The Talk of the Industry"? 4. Name the company which first started national advertising on an extensive scale. 5. What has been the outstanding issue in exhibitor organization circles, since formation of the M. P. T. O. A. in 1920? (Ansivers will be found on page 5) Newsreel Race (Continued from Page 1) York's reception to principal cities of the nation. The Pennsylvania Railroad on Saturday established a new world speed record in bringing the Lindbergh films of International Newsreel here. The 226 miles from Washington were covered in three hours and seven minutes. A laboratory was installed on the train and prints were delivered on Broadway at 4:31, ten minutes after arriving in Penn Station. At 1:14 P.M., at the same time the train left Washington, International dispatched a plane from Boiling Field to New York, with undeveloped negative, in an effort to get prints of the event even before the train. Pathenews claims a beat in getting pictures of the New York reception at Mitchell Field and rushing them to the Pathe laboratories at 45th street showing on Broadway in the early afternoon. Kinograms also used an airplane in rushing its films to New York. The plane flew to Long Island City and dropped the pictures in a parachute. The Capitol had De Forest Phonofilms for the first show on Sunday, less than 22 hours after Coolidgc delivered his speech. Reception Boosts Business New York's record-breaking reception to Col. Lindbergh yesterday set matinee receipts soaring at most Broadway theaters. Tremendous crowds brought to the theater district by the parade, and with a half holiday to enjoy, crowded to the picture bouses, with night business also benefiting. Many out-of-town visitors on hand for the celebration aided in swelling receipts. 600 Seater in Chester Chester, Pa.— Lachman and Winn are erecting a 600-seat house which is neanng completion. Jay Emanuef cousin of Lachman, is contemplating purchasing an interest in the house, ihe theater, which is yet unnamed is to cost $75,000. Butler a Director Hollywood — Fox has elevated David Butler to directorship. STOCK SHOTS of every conceivable nature lor — dramatic, industrial and educational producers. Qeneral Film Library (Morris J. Kandel) 1 1 7 W.46 St . , N. Y.C. Bryant 44 1 7 European Bloc to Combat U. S. Filmsi (Continued from Page 1) the combine are England, Italy ani Spain. While conceding that interchange of pictures between the countries is imperative, they feel that the Hollywood proportion is altogethei too large. Delac and associates plat the "protective" policy to restrict th number of American pictures. "Topsy and Eva" Opens Thursda Hollywood — The premiere "Topsy and Eva," with the DuncaY sisters, will be held Thursday nigl at Grauman's Egyptian. ? Brenon Unit Transferred Hollywood — Herbert Brenon, d recting "Sorrell and Son" for Unite Artists, has shifted the compati from United Artists studio to th Buster Keaton lot. , HAL ROACH presents f CHARLEY CHASE FLUTTERING HEARTS' MARTHA SLEEPE/l Rajhecomed There is a 'Cornerblock' cut furnish* i FREE for all Pathecomedies at yo( I Exchange. If You Are in the Market for Any Kind of MOTION PICTURE APPARATUS CONSULT USAND SAVE MONEY SEND FOR OUR PRICE LIST uyriuociGHBys ▼▼110 West 32*St..Ncwyork,N.y.— Phone Penna. 0330 Motion Picture Department U. S. and Canada Agents for Debric AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY i Attractions for Picture Theatres Standard Vaudeville A ctjj 1600 Broadway, New York City Phone Penn. 3580 *»..--..