The Film Daily (1948)

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FILE COPY DO NOT ft£MOVr intimate in Character international in Scope ndependent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Nine Years Old FDAILY' OL~3, NO. 43 NEW YORK, THURSDAY MARCH 4, 1948 TEN CENTS I.K. FORMULA MINUS MAJOR CONCESSION? [fef 8-Week Run for InStore Video Film Shows = Editorial = : Dston Undertaking First 2 A Extensive Program by ew Production Company An extensive plan for film showg-s in department stores via tele S;ion will get under way next month th the first such undertaking set r the Jordan Marsh Company in iston. Plans call for an eight-week run all-film fare, with program and oduction operations arranged by ore Vision, recently formed organation headed by Sam Cuff, one-time (Continued on Page 7) (oldenson Chairman if Boy Scout Drive asa j Amusement division of the Greater eiwew York Councils, Boy Scouts of laerica, 1948 Fund Eaising Drive will be headed as chairman and cochairman respectively by Leonard I H. Goldenson, W\ vice-president of I j Paramount, and I j Emil Friedlander, |;j chairman of the ii Dazian's board. II Drive has a goal ■I of $1,000,000 to expand the Scout ing program throughout New York, and to make year-round camping possible for more New ork boys. Other amusement di sion chairmen are: legitimate and eatrical equipment and suppliers, (Continued on Page 7) GOLDENSON CBS-Para. Talks on DuMont Deal All Off Paramount and CBS did discuss the possible acquisition by the latter of an interest in DuMont Television recently, but the conversations never went beyond an exploratory stage, Paul Raibourn, Paramount vice-president and director of video operations, said yesterday. All discussions in this direction have ceased, Raibourn added. The Market's Really There . . . you can capture it = By CHESTER B. BAHN = CUPPOSE today, just for the helluvit, if for no other reason, we turn optimistic, look *" ahead not backward. So we do it, and what do we see? Among other things, this: Employment today in these United States including the Army and the Navy, is estimated at close to 60,000,000, or some 15,000,000 more than in the pre-war period. Translated into industry terms, you have there an added audience potential of 15,000,000. Now get this, and it's as important as anything you'll read this Thursday ayem: ON Dec. 31, 1941, as the last "before-the-war" year ended, the population of the Continental United States was estimated at 133,202,873. In 1941, the weekly motion picture attendance in this country was estimated at 85,000,000 by The Film (Continued on Page 5) Jackson Pk. Could Get All Pixr Says B & K Chicago — Asserting that B&K Circuit did nothing to prevent the Jackson Park Theater from obtaining films and that he never discussed, with any film companies, the admission charges for films played by B&K theaters, John Balaban, circuit (Continued on Page 8) Admiral's "Movie Theater' Over B&K Video Outlet Chicago — B & K's Television Station WB KB will be in the position of competing with the circuit's theaters under a feature film program deal concluded with Admiral Corp. Start(Continued on Page 4) RKO Sets 3 Important Early Spring Releases RKO early this Spring will release three high calibre productions, Robert Mochrie, vice-president in charge of domestic distribution, said on his return from a visit to the Hollywood studio. Mochrie also was enthusiastic about a number of future (Continued on Page 7) Sorrell Denies Being Red; Tells of Browne-Bioff Days London Sees Compromise Proposal to be Disclosed Either Today or Tomorrow BULLETIN! London (By Cable) — With no meeting held yesterday afternoon by the Anglo-American conferees, there were indications late last night that a proposed formula for the ending of the tax impasse had been or will be devised, but without any "sensational*' concession. A statement may be forthcoming today or tomorrow, prior to the departure of the American industry party by plane for New York. London (By Cable) — With varying viewpoints as to the progress (Continued on Page 8) Archibald Hopeful Of Duty Solution If he weren't optimistic about an early solution to the 75 per cent tax impasse, he would not have come over, announced George Archibald, J. P., managing director of Independent Producers, Ltd., at yesterday's press conference in the JARO office. Purpose of his present visit, aside (Continued on Page 7) Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Insisting that if he were a Communist he would not hesitate to tell the Committee about it, CSU head Herbert K. Sorrell yes (Continued on Page 6) Indies Make Bad Italian Deals Cowan Claims Yanks Treated as Tourists Screen Mag. Readership Concentrated in 83 Keys Some 66 per =eent of the readership of screen magazines represented in the Association of Screen Magazine Publishers is concentrated in 83 key cities responsible for a major percentage of motion picture revenue, according to an analysis of the circulation and readership of the 12 (Continued on Page 6) Too many U. S. independent producers have been making ill-advised deals in Italy, reported Producer Robert Cowan, who stopped off in New York on his way-'back to Hollywood after a three and a half month stay in Rome. Cowan cited instance after instance where several producers were flimflammed into making quick, costly decisions. Instead of going directly to an established distributor who (Continued on Page 4) Propose State Dept. Pix Tieup with Italian Reels Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Rep. Karl Stefan, chairman of the State Department Subcommittee of the House Appro piiations Committee, will today offer (Continued on Page 7) 1947 French Gross at 15-16 Billion Francs Paris (By Air Mail) — French film theaters grossed between 15 and 16 bill;on francs in 1947, it is estimated on the basis of actual returns for Paris cinemas. During the year, film theaters in this city reached a gross of 4,450,000,000 francs. It is estimated that this figure represents about 28 per cent of the total receipts of film theaters on French territory.