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The Film Daily (1948)

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Survey Reveals 1,606 Theaters in Canada Toronto — Theaters operating in Canada total 1,606 and include 826,227 seats, according to a compilation by the Canadian Film Boards of Trade. In . addition there are 13 closed theaters with a seating capacity of 3,585. Dominion has 1,029 towns with theaters, it is reported, and 1,115 of the theaters operate six or seven days a week. Another 183 operate three and four days weekly, while 308 houses are open only one or two days of each seven. Greatest concentration of theaters is in the Toronto distribution area, which has 450 theaters with 304,597 seats. Vancouver area has 146 thea-' ters, 81,778 seats; Calgary, 212 theaters, 69,723 seats; Winnipeg, 336 theaters, 121,665 seats; Montreal, 804 theaters, 168,178 seats, and Saint John, 158 theaters, 80,286 seats. Metro Sets Two for April Metro will release "B. F.'s Daugh ter" and "Summer Holiday" in April, making the total number of releases for the first five months nine new pix, one re-print. "Poison" Foreign Deal States Commercial Corp. has closed a deal for the foreign distribution of "Paisan." new posts NORMAN SILVERMAN, SRO sales rep. in Philadelphia. JOHN KOHLER, manager, Oxford, Plainfi«ld, N. J. WILLiAm STEWART, manager, Paramount Theater, Plainheid. FRANK b. otLL, city manager, Florida, State mooters, ir. Petersburg. HAROLD LuNuOUIST, Minneapolis UA salesman, replacing Clyde (.utter. ROXt AiKtrtbcKu, :>imJ Drancn, Minneapolis, replacing loby jnussmon, wno married Kaiph Levin. T. A. AsPELL Dayton soles' and contact staff, I ne Jam rianuy organization JACK aRm^Aku, >alesman. United Artists, Chicago. JAMcj cASSON, manager. Woods, -Detroit. bob WAKDtL, stuaent assistant, Loews Poli, Worcester, Mass. EDDlt KUtHK, snipping head. National Screen service, St. Louis. DIC* brtILL, exiioiteer. Eagle Lion, Seattle. m. t. BLAirf, K-^sistant manager, Kigent, Cedar ralis, la. JIM kltrvtl TS, JR., assistant booker. Paramount, Pes Moines. ERVIN PtltKstN, manager. Pier, Pierson, la. DICK DrNts, SRu salesman, Des Moines. WALFtK LAMbAJfcK, brancn manager, Deiel Productions, Kansas City. HAROLD J. U'brilfcN, booker, Dezel Productions, St. Louis. EDWARD RINEJKEWSKI, manager, Campau, HamtramcK, Mien. JOHN WALSrt, oram.. i manager, Dezel froduc' tsons, it. Louis. FRANK btLL, Western division manager, Florida State Theaters, St. Petersburg. MARK DO t-Ktt, city manager, Florida State Theaters, Lakeland. D. D. BIGIjj, manager, Columbia, Lake City, Ma. CHRIs CHINN, manager, Clark Film Distributors, Chicago. ALBERT btiHKA, from assistant manager, Loew's Strand, to assistant at Loew s State, Syra (fakVameli /. Charming entertainment!' REPUBLICS fflSIffi SURPRISE Thursday's Tele-lines ♦♦♦RUTH A. INGLIS, whose study, "Freedom of the Movies", was published by the Commission of Freedom of the Press last year, currently is engaged in a survey of the motion picture a8 an institution of american eoucat i on on internaTIONAL affairs. . .Survey will be published during the Summer, sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Hoover Library and Institute at Stanford University... Dr. Inglis is now with the SociologyDepartment at the University of Washington, Seattle... ***H0SS RACES named for John Harris and Bob O'Donnell will be features of an outing to Tropical Park racetrack during the April Miami Beach convention of the Variety Clubs Int'l...* Hollywood !s Masquers will give a testimonial dinner for sld fleld, english comic, sunday night. .. Invitation states that. "Bob Hope will serve as interpreter for any english humor tv* t might be committed during the course of the evening". ..* is dumont tele equipment going into the Montreal Forum, city's huge sports arena? ♦♦•LATEST IN THEATER giveaways: War Surplus target kites for the kiddies, used by Intermountain houses in Salt Lake City. . .♦Michael Curt i z will shoot background footage in New York for "My Dream is Yours". . .♦Speaking of Eastern production, the "Oscar"-winning "First Steps" was made here for the UN by Leo Seltzer, a member of the New York SDG...^Two reel comedies REPORTED GETTING A GOOD PLAY AROUND THE country as exhibs. cast about for something Light to supplement the string of dramatic features IN RELEASE .T.^Ph ILLY SUNDAY PAPERS JUMP FROM 12 CENTS TO 15 NEXT WEEK... ♦♦♦THIS I GOTTA SEE DEPT: On the marquee of Garry Piccone's Plaza at Freeport, L. I . , this— Caesar and Cleopatra in Technicolor and Selec-, ted shorts. ▼ ▼ ▼