The Film Daily (1948)

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mnw TiwiEATi^E mm wiw© mm ibest.. IT'S xmm CJTY".. EAST AMIi WESTS ••«"Su.. -^ S^* ■■'^? Crowds Jam Denver's Paramount ^*%' T I l^ffl^LL LIUN MLMS Picture Snf M. •i-ni-iMiii'tima ■iifji-' Force/ 'Naked City' and 'The Killers'!" "A h a y m a .. amona hard-hitti mellersi" .1 ion I nfilr "One of n finchell t3 Bells! Shoot riches its way to posi lon among the best ac n films of the year'" f idler "One of most stirring pictures ever made!" "More exciting than a hec '" . . . has 'Brute Force' wal fneVofinson, National Columnist 'Canon City' bril Plenty of oppoi !n!" —Variety 'ollywood Reporter E —The Exhibitor " Corey Ami Di^.eii itaniey tiements tnanes Russell Deforest Keiiey Ralph Bytd Mabel Paige and A Bryan Foy Production Produced by Robert T Kane Written and Directed by Crane Wilbur