The Film Daily (1948)

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iXHinnoRsi Your screen has told your patrols everything but the value of your theatre to them. Now you can tell them — show them — convince them. Run this new series of 13 One Minute Sound Subjects in your theatre to impress on the public the vital part your theatre — and YOU — play in the life of your community. What are these films like? How can you get them? we ANSWeRS arc M this B90KLBT what Bill Ainsworth of Allied says: (Mr. Ainsworth, Pres. of the Wise. -Upper Mich, group Is now Allied States new President) "These very human one-minute' subjects bring a new thought to the patron of the motion picture. It should make them conscious of the value of the theatre to their community."" What Ted Gamble of T.O.A. says: "We recommend to every exhibitor your series of special 'one-minute' subjects which dramatize the importance in every community of motion picture theatres and those who manage them." For complete information regarding this series of Theatre Public Relations Films, just tear off coupon below and mail to either UNITED FILM SERVICE, INC. or MOTION PICTURE ADV. SERVICE CO.,INC. 2449 CHARLOTTE ST., KANSAS CITY 8, MISSOURI 1032 CARONDELET ST., NEW ORLEANS 13, LOUISIANA Send me your free booklet describing your Theatre Public Relations Campaign and an order blank. Theatre:_ Address:. City: FD .State: (signed).