The film daily year book of motion pictures (1951)

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1950: Outcast of Black Mesa — Col : Texas Dynamo — Col : Hoedown — Col; Trail of the Rustler — -Col: Streets of Ghost Town — Col: Across the Badlands— Col: Raiders of Tomahawk Creek — Col: Lightning Guns — Col. BROOKS, ARTHIJR A. 1949: Shamrock Hill — EL. BROWNE. REGINALD 1950: The Fighting Stallion — EL; Federal Man — EL. BROWNE. REY 19.TU: Forbidden Jungle — EL. KRY.\NT. EDWIN 19.50: Tyrant of the Sea — Col: Girl s School — Col; When You're Smiling — Col: Revenue Agent — Col; Chinatown at Midnig-ht — Col. CAHN. PHILIP 1949; Prejudice — New World. 195(1: A Modern Marriage — Mon; Destination Murder — RKO; Experiment Alcatraz— RKO; Junsrle Stampede — RKO. CAHOON, RICHARD 1949: Massacre River — AA. CARRUTH. MILTON 1949: The Life of Riley — UI; The Lady Gambles — UI; The Gal Who Took the West — UI; Woman in Hiding — UI; Francis— UI. 1950: One Way Street — UI: Louisa — UI; Shakedown — UI; Kansas Raiders — UI. CARUTHERS, LITO 1949; Temptation Harbor — Mon. 1950: Eye Witness — ELC. CERF, NORMAN 1949: Amazon Quest — FC. 1950: The Great Plane Robbery — UA: Korea Patrol — EL; Timber Fury — EL. CHEESAM. TED 1949: Mighty Joe Young— RKO. CLARK, AL 1949: The Undercover Man — Col; Slightly French — Col; We Were Strangers — Col; All the King's Men — Col. 1950; Convicted — Col; The Petty Girl — Col; Emergency Wedding — Col. CLARK. ASA 1949; Search for Danger — FC. 1950: Once a Thief — UA. CLARK. J.4MES 1949: I Was a Male War Bride — 20thF. 1950; When Willie Comes Marching Home — 20thF; My Blue Heaven — 20thF. CLARKE. FRANK 1950: The Miniver Story — MGM. CLAXTON. WILLIAM 1949: Miss Mink of 1949 — 20thF. 1950: The Golden Gloves Story — EL. COHN, MARTY 1949: The Daring Caballero — UA; Satan's Cradle — UA. 1950: The Girl From San Lorenzo — UA. COHN. M.VRTIN G. 1949: Zamba — EL. 1950: The Girl from Lorenzo — UA. COIL, MARVIN J. 1950; The Avengers — Rep. COLBERT, NORMAN 1949: Red Stallion in the Rockies — EL; Port ol New York — EL. 1950: I Killed Geronimo — EL. < OOPER. DAVID 1950: The Tattooed Stranger — RKO. ( OSWICK, HARRY 1950: The Return of Jesse James — Lip. CR.VFT. CH.ARLES 1949: Alaska Patrol — FC. 1950: Young Daniel Boone — Mon. ( R.\NDALL. ROBERT 1950: The Flying Saucer — FC. ( RANE. KENNETH 1950: Davy Crockett, Indian Scout — UA; The Iroquois Trial — UA. CR.ANSTEIN. CY 1950: Catskill Honeymoon — Pictorial. CROSLAND. AL.\N, JR. 1949; Task Force — WB. 1950: Young Man With a Horn — WB; The Flame and the Arrow — WB; The Breaking Point — WB. CIRRIER. DICK 1949: The Lawton Storj— Hallmark; There's a Girl in My Heart — A A. CI RTISS, EDW.ARD 1949; Calamity Jane and Sam Bass — UI; Illegal Entry — UI; Abbott & Costello Meet the Killer. Boris Karloff — UI; Abandoned — UI: The Story of Molly X — UI. 1950: Outside the Wall — UI: Winchester "73" — UI; Wyoming Mail — UI. , DAWSON, K.ALPH 1949: Once More My Darling — UI: Free for All — UI; Undertow— UI. 1950: Peggy — UI: Deported — UI; Harvey — UI. DE GAET.ANO, ALFRED 1949: Trapped — EL. DEL CAMPO, MANUEL 1950: The Black Rose — 20thF. DE MAGGIO, NICK 1949: Sand — 20thF; Thieves' Highway — 20thF. 1950: Love That Brute — 20thF; Night and the City — 20thF. DODSON, MARY KAY 1949: Sorrowful Jones— Par. DOl (iLAS. EVERETT 1950: Mr. Music — ^Par. DOYLE, FRANK 1949: Rustlers — RKO; A Kiss for Corliss — UA. 1950: Of Men and Music — ■ZmhF. DUNNING, JACK 1949: Battleground — MGM. 1950: The Happy Years — MGM: The Next Voice You Hear — MGM. FANTL. RICH.ARD 1949: Ladies of the Chorus — Col; Boston Blackie's Chinese Venture — Col: Manhattan Angel— Col; Mr. Soft Touch — Col: Kazan — Col; The Devil's Henchman — Col. Film Editors 1950; Beware of Blondie — Col: The Nevadan — Col; Beyond the Purple Hills— Col: Mule Train — Col; He's A Cockeyed Wonder — Col. FARRELL, RICHARD 1949: The Green Promise — RKO. F.\URE, JOHN D. 1949: Parole, Inc. — EL. tAY. M.ARSTON 1949: Roughshod — RKO. FAZAN, ADRIENNE 1949: In the Good Old Summertime— MGM. 1950: Xancy Goes to Rio — MGM: Duchess of Idaho — MGM : Pagan Love Song — MGM. FEHR, RUDI A. 1949: The Girl from Jones Beach — WB; Beyond the Forest— WB; The Inspector General— ^WB. 1950: The Damned Don't Cry — WB; Rocky Mountain — WB. FEITSH.4NS, FRED, JR. 1949: Arctic Fury — Plymouth; Black Magic — UA. 1950: Two Lost Worlds — ELC. FO.\. WILLIAM 1950: The Eagle and the Hawk — Par. FRAZEN. STANLEY 1949: Omoo-Omoo — SG. 1950: Motor Patrol — Lip. FRITCH, ROBERT 1949: The Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend — 20thF; Everybody Does It — 20thF; Johnny Holiday — Alcorn. 1950; Mister 880 — 20thF. FRVE, STEWART 1950: Davy Crockett. Indian Scout — U.A.. FILLER. JOHNNY 1949: Crashing Thru — Mon; Gim Law Justice — Mon; Law of the West — Mon : Trail's End — Mon; Gun Runner — Mon; Roaring Westward — Mon: Range Justice — Mon; Shadows of the West — Mon; Haunted Trails — Mon: Western Renegades— Mon; West of El Dorado— Mon; Brand of Fear — Mon; Across the Rio Grande — Mon. 1950: West of Wyoming — Mon; Fence Riders — Mon; Si.x Gun Mesa — Mon. GERSTAD, H.ARRY 1949: Champion — UA; Hom.e of the Brave — UA; Tough Asstgnment — Lippert: Deadly as the Female — UA. 1950: The Men — UA; Rocket Ship XM — Lip; Cyrano de Bergerac — -U A . GILMORE. STF.ART 1950: Vendetta — RKO. GLLCK, JOE 1949: .\limony — EL; The Fighting Redhead — EL. 1950: Cowboy and the Prizefighter— EL. GOLDSTONE. DUKE 1950: The Great Rupert — EL; Destination Moon — ELC. GROSS, FRANK 1949: Africa Screams — UA. 455