The film daily year book of motion pictures (1951)

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BITKA, DONALD 1960: Between Midnight and Dawn — Col: Vendetta — RKO. BL'LOFF, JOSEPH (Wm. Morris) 1949: A KisB in the Dark — WB. BURGIX, POLLY 1949: Across the Rio Grande — Mon. ISl'RKE. BILLIE 1949: The Barkleys of Broadway— ^MGM: And Baby Makes Three — Col. 1950: Boy From Indiana — BL: And Baby Makes Three — Col: Father of the Bride — MGM ; Three Husbands — UA. Bl RKE, JAMES (Louis Shurr) 1949: Shamrock Hill — EL. 1950: Copper Canyon — Par: Mrs. O'Malley and Mr. Malone — MGM. Kl'RKE. WALTER 1949: All the King's Men — Col. 150: Mystery Street — MGM: The Killer That Stalked New York — Col. BUKNRTTE, SMILET (M fchell Hamilburg) 1949: Challensrc of the Rang:e — Col: De.sert Vi?ilante — Col: The Blazing Trail — Col ; South of Death Valley — Col: Renegades of the Sa?e — Col: Horseman of the Sierra — Col; Frontier Outpost — Col: Laramie — Col: Bandits of El Dorado — Col. 1950: Outcast of Black Mesa — Col: Texas — ^Dynamo — Col: Trail of the Rustlers — Col: Streets of Ghost Town — Col: Across the Badlands — Col : Raiders of Tomahawk Creek — Col; Lig-htning Guns — Col. BI RNS, BILL 1950: Holiday Rhythm — Lip. BURNS, PAUL (Jack Weiner) 1949: Hideout — Rep; Cover Up — UA : Johnny Allegro — Col: Lust for Gold — Col; Look for the Silver Lining: — WB; I Married a Communist — RKO. 1950: Tarnished — Rep; Montana— WB: It's a Small World — EL; Father Makes Good — Mon; Sunset in the West — . .Rep; Frenchie — UI; Storm Warning: — WB. Bl'RNS. ROBERT E. 1950: Redwood Forest Trail — Rep. BURR, ANN 1949; Ni?ht Unto Night — WB. 1950: Mv Blue (Heaven — 20thF. BLRR. RAYMOND (Famous Artists) 1949: Bride of Vengeance — Par; Red Light — UA; Black Magic — UA; Love Happy — ■ UA; Abandoned — UI. 1950: Key to the City — MGM; Borderline — UI; Unmasked — Rep. BI RROCGHS, BUDDY "CLARK" 1950; Military Academy With That 10th Avenue Gang — Col: Cow Town — Col. BURT, BILL 1949; Mississippi Rhythm — Mon. BURTON, DEVERS 1949; Omoo-Omoo — SG. BURTON, JOHN (Liclitig-Englaniler) 1949: The Fan — 20thF. BUSH, JAMES (David Thompson) 1949: Massacre River— AA. BUSHELL, ANTHONY 1950: The Miniver Story — MGM BUTLER, JOHN (David Thompson) 1949: It Happens Every Spring — 20thF. 1950: The Yellow Cab Man — MGM; Code of the Silver Sage — 'Rep; Convicted — Col; Braruled — Par. BUTLER, LOIS ( Herilan-Sherrell ) 1950: Boy Fioni Indiana — EL; Hiffli Lonesome — ELC. BUTLER, ROY (Bob Brandies) 1949: Stallion Canyon — Astor. 1950: Fast on the Draw — Lip; Bandit Queen — Lip; One Too Many — Hallmark. BUTTKRFIELD. HERBERT 1950: Never Fear — EL. BUTTRAM, PAT (Mitchell J. Hamilburg) 1949: Riders of the Sky — Col. 1950: Mule Train — Col; Beyond the Purple Hills — Col; Indian Territory — Col: The Blading Sun — Col. BYINOTON, SPRING (Salkow AKrner) 1949: In the Good Old Summertime— MGM; The Big Wheel — UA. 1950: Please Believe Me — MGM: Devil's Doorway — MGM ; The Skipper Surprised His Wife — MGM: Louisa — UI Walk Softly. Stranger — RKO. ISYRD, RALPH (Mitchell Gertz) 1950; Radar Secret Service — Lip; The Redhead and the Cowbo.v — Par. CABAL. ROBERT 1950: Forbidden Jimgle — EL. CABOT. BRUCK (Louis Shurr) 1949: Sorrowful Jones — Par. 1950: Rock Island Trail — Rep : Fancy Pants — Par. CABOT. SUSAN 1950: On the Isle nf Samoa — Col. CADY", FRANK ( Randolph-Bender-Ward) 1949: Prejudice — New World; Sky Dragon — ^Mon. 1950: The Great Rupert — EL; Convicted — Col; Experiment Alcatraz — RKO. CAGNEY, JAMES 1949: White Heat — WB. 1950: Kiss Tomorrow Groodbye — WB; The West Point Story — WB. CAGNEY, JEANNE (Stewart Agency) 1950: Quicksand — UA. CALDWELL. GWEN 1950: Tarzan and the Slave Girl — RKO. CALHERN. LOUIS (Irving Lazar) 1949: The Red Pon.v — Rep; The Red Danube — MGM. 1950: Annie Get Your Gun — MGM ; Nancy Goes to Rio — MGM : The Asphalt Jungle — MGM ; Devil's Doorway — MGM; A Life of Her Own — Players' Credits MGM; The Magnificent Y'anltee — MGM Two Weeks With Love — MGM. ( ALHOUN, GRANT 1950: Girl's School — Col. CALHOUN, RAY 1950: Rogue River — ELC. CALHOUN, RORY 1949: Massacre River — AA; Sand — 20thF. 1950: Ticket to Tomahawk — '20thF; Return of the Frontiersman— WB; County Fair — Mon. CALIFANO. ALBERTO 1949: The Pirates of Capri — FC. CALL, PEGGIE 1949: Mr. Belvedere Goes to College — 20thF. CALLEIA, JOSEPH 1950; The Palomino — Col; Captain Care.y U.S.A. — Par; Branded — Par; Vendetta — RKO; The Silk Noose — Mon. < .\LLEJO, CECELIA 1949: Holiday in Havana — Col. CALVERT, CORRINE (Hal Wallis) 1949: Rope of Sand — Par. 1950: When Willie Comes Marching Home — 20thF; My Friend Irma Goes West — Par. CALVERT, JOHN 1949: Search for Danger — FC. CALVERT, PHYLLIS 1949: Broken Journey — EL. CAMBRE. DEL 1949: Arctic Fury — Plymouth. CAMERON. ROD (Isabel Draesemer) 1949: Brimstone — Rep; Stam 1950: Dakota Lil — 20thP; Short Grass — AA; Stage to Tucson — Col. CAMP, ROBIN 1949: Mrs. Mike — UA. 1950: Outrage — RKO. CAMPBELL, .ALEXANDER 1949: Jigsaw — UA: Lost Boundaries — FC. CAMPBELL, BE.ATRICE 1950: The Mudlark — 20thF. CAMPBELL, BEVERLY (Ray Cooper) 1949: D.O.A. — UA. CAMPBELL, BILL 1950: Breakthrough — WB. CAMPBELL, PAUL 1949: Desert Vigilante — Col Frontier Outpost — Col. 1950; The Great Plane Robbery— UA; Vigilante Hideout — Rep; Across the Badlands — Col. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM 1950: The Breaking Point — WB. CAMPE.AU, L.AURETTE 1950; Sarumba — -EL. CAMRON, ROCKY 1950: The Fighting Stallion — EL. CANIDO, C.ANDY 1950: The Great Rupert — EL. CANE, CHARLES (Century Artists) 1949; Streets of San Francisco — Rep; Calamity Jane and Sam Bass — UI; Prison Warden — Col; Blonde Bandit — Rep. 1950: The Blonde Bandti — Rep; Southside 1-1000 — ^AA. 473