The film daily year book of motion pictures (1951)

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FAIRBANKS, DOUGLAS, JR. 1949: The Fighting O'Plynn — UI. IMod: State Secret — Col. FAIRFAX, JAMRS (I'hil Bloom) 1949: Mrs. Mil?e — UA. 1950: Tyrant of the Sea — Col: Customs Agrent — Col; Fortunes of Captain Blood — Col. F.\LLMAN, CilLBKRT 1950: Gunfire — Lip: One Too Many — -Hallmark. FARLEY, MORGAN (Walter Herzbrun) 1949: Top O' the Morning — Par; Abbott & Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff — UI. 1950: Barricade — WB ; Double Crossbones — UI; The Man Who Created Himself — 20thF. FARLOVV. WARREN 1950: Father Is a Bachelor — Col. FARMER, RICHARD 1950: Holiday Rhythm — Lip. PARMER. VIRGINIA (Earl Kramer) 1949: A Woman's Secret — RKO : Deadly as the Female — UA. 1950: The Men — ^UA; Captain Carey. U. S. A. — ^Par; Born to Be Bad — RKO : Cyrano de Bergerac — UA ; The Company She Keeps — RKO. FARNUM. FRANKLYN 1950: Destination Murder — RKO: Sunset Boulevard — Par. KAKNUM. WILLIAM 1949: Bride of Vengeance — Par; Daughter of the West — FC; Samson and Delilah — Par. FARR, AUDREY 1949: Flame of Youth — Rep. FARRAR, DAVID 1950: The Small Back Room — Korda: The Cage of Gold — Rank: The Late Edwina Black — I.F.D.; Night Without Stars — Rank; Gone to Earth — -Korda — Selznick; The GoMen Horde — UI. FARRELL, CILARLES 1950: Night and the City — ;20thP. FARRELL. TOMMY' 1950: Giuifire — Lip; Pygmy Island — Col: At War With the Army — Par: Outlaws of Texas — Mon. FARROW. W.AYNE 1950: Father Is a Bachelor — Col. FAUST, LOUIS 1949: The Last Bandit — Rep; Hellfire — Rep; Not Wanted— FC. F.AUXTELLE, DIAN 1950: A Modern Marriage — Mon. FAWCETT, WILLIAM ( Lichtig-Eiiglander) 1949: Ride. Ryder, Ride— EL; Roll Thunder Roll — EL; Bar bary Coast — Col. 1950: State Penitentiary — Col; Tyrant of the Sea — Col. FAY, W. G. 1949: Temptation Harbor — Mon. FAYE, JULIA 1949: Samson and Delilah — Par. FAYLEN. FRANK (MCA) 1949: Francis — UI. 1950: The Eagle and the Hawk — Par; The Nevadan — Col; Convicted — Col; Copper Canyon — Par. FEDER SISTERS 1950: Catskill Honeymoon — Pictorial. KKLD, FRITZ ( Herdiin-Sherrell) 1949: The Lovable Cheat — FC. 1950: Belle of Old Mexico — • Rep. FELTON, VERN.V 1950: Buccaneer's Girl — UI; The Gunfighter — 20thP. FENNELLY, PARKER 1949: Lost Boundaries — FC. FENTON, FRANK (Louis Shurr) 1949: Joe Palooka in the Big Fight — Mon; Rustlers — RKO The Doolins of Oklahoma — Col; Ranger of Cherokee Strip — Rep; The Golden Stallion — ■ Rep. 1950: The Lawless — Par; A Modern Marriage — Mon; Trigger, Jr. — Rep: Streets of Ghost Town — Col; Sideshow — Mon; Wyoming Mail — UI; Rogue River — ELC. FERGUSON, FRANK (Gu8 Dembling) 1949: State Department — File 649 — FC: Slightly French — Col: Shockproof— Col: Caught — MGM : Dynamite — Par: Follow Me Quietly — RKO Roseanna McCoy — RKO Free for All — UI; Dancing in the Dark — 30thF. 1950: The Good Humor Man — Col: The Furies — Par: He's a Cockeyed Wonder — Col ; The West Point Story — WB; Under Mexicala Skies — Rep; Frenchie — UI. FERNANDEZ, PETER 1949: City Across the River — UI. FERMEL, D.AN (Fred Leonard) 1949: Undertow — UI. FERRER. .lOSE (Kurt Frings) 1950: Crisis — MGM; Cyrano de Bergerac — UA. FERRER. MEL 1949: Lost Boundaries — FC. 1950: Born to Be Bad — RKO. FIEBERLING. HAL (Rosalie Stewart) 1949: The Set-Up — RKO; The Crooked Way — UA ; Yes Sir, That's My Baby — -UI; Sands of Iwo Jima — Rep, 1950: Dial 1119 — MGM. FIELD. BETTY 1949: The Great Gatsby — Par. FIELD, MARGARET 1949: M.v Friend Irma — Par. 1950: A Modern Marriage — Mon: It's a Small World — EL. FIELD, MART ( Donaldson-Middleton ) 1949: Henry, the Rainmaker — Mon: Top O' the Morning — Par. 1950: Edge of Doom — RKO; Father Makes Good — -Mon. FIELD. NORMAN 1950: Destination Big House — Rep: Mister 880 — 20thF. FIELD, VIRGINIA (Haro'-d Rose) 1949: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court — Par; John Loves Mary — WB. 1950: Dial 1119 — MGM. Players' Credits FIELDING, MARJORIE 1950: Mudlark — 20thF. FIELDS, GR.ACE 1949: Prejudice — New World. FIELDS, LOIS 1949: The Crime Doctor's Diar.v — Col, FIERRO. PAUL (Herxburn Agenc.v) 1949: Amazon Quest — FC. FILAURI. ANTONIO (Fred Leonard) 1949: The Big Sombrero — Col. KILMER. ROBERT (Frank Ryan) 1949: Challenge of the Range — Col. I INCH, PETER 1950: The Minerva Story — MGM. FIRE HOUSE FIVE PLUS TWO 1950: Hit Parade of 1961 — Rep: Grounds for Marriage — MGM. FISHER, A. S. 1949: The Lawton Story — Hallmark. FI^^HER, EDDIE 1950: All About Eve — 20tliF. FISHER, GEORGE ( Herdan-Sherrell ) 1949: Joe Palooka in the Big Fight — Mon. 1950: Champagne for Caesar — UI. FISHER: H. G. 1950: Operation Haylift — Lip. FISHER, SHRUG 1949: Stallion Canyon — Astor. FITZGERALD, BARRY 1949: Top O' the Morning — Par: The Story of Seabiscuit — WB. 1950; Union Station — Par. FITZGERALD, WALTER 1949: Edward, My Son — MGM. 1950: Treasure Island — RKO. FIX. PAUL ( Nat Goldstone) 1949: Hellfire — Rep: The Fighting Kentuckian — Rep; Fighting Man of the Plains — 20thF. 1950: Surrender — Rep; The Great Missotiri Raid — Par: California Passage — Rep. FLAGG, STEVEN 1949: Easy Living — RKO. 1950: Hit Parade of 1951 — Rep. FLAHERTY, PAT (BenderWard) 1950: The Jackie Robinson Story — EL; The Good Humor Man — Col; Blondie's Hero — Col. FLANAGAN, HUBERT E. 1949: Down to the Sea in Ships — EL. FLAVIN, JAMES (David H. Thompson) 1949: Homicide — WB: Mighty Joe Young — RKO; Abbott & Costello Meet the Killer Boris Karloff — UI; Mississippi Rhythm — Mon: Blondie Hits the Jackpot — Col; The Devil's Henchman — Col; Prison Warden— Col. 1950: Dakota Lil — 20thP South Sea Sinner — UI; Destination Murder — RKO: Armed Car Robbery — RKO; The Savage Horde — Rep. 485