The film daily year book of motion pictures (1951)

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The Life of Riley — UI. 1950: Tea For Two — WB. GOODWIN, HAROLD (Halliburton-Weintraub) 1949: Law of the Golden West — Rep; The Wyoming^ Bandit — Rep Tokyo Joe— Col. 1950: The Vanishingr Westerner— Rep: The Kid From Texas — UI: The Great Rupert — EL. GORCET, BERNARD (Broune-Grippo) 1949: Fighting Fools — Mon: Angels in Disguise — Mon; Master Minds — Mon. 1950: Blonde Dynamite — Mon: Blues Busters — Mon; Triple Trouble — Mon. GORCET, DAVID (Brown-Grlppo) 1949: M;ister Minds — Mon: Angels in Disguise — Mon: 1950: Blonde Dynamite — Mon: Blues Busters — Mon: Triple Trouble — Mon. GORCET, LEO B. 1949: Fighting Fools — -Mon; Angels in Disguise — Mon: Master Minds — Mon. 1950: Blonde Dynamite — Blues Busters — Mon. GORDON, BRUCE 1949: Love Happy — UA. GORDON, COLIN 1949: Edward. My Son — MGM. GORDON, GALE 1950: A Woman of Distinction— Col. GORDON, GLORIA 1949: My Friend Irma — Par. GORDON. JACK 1949: Mr. Soft Touch — Col. GORDON. MAKY (Oni Dembllne) 1949: Shamrock Hill — SG: Haunted Trails — Mon. 1950: West of Wyoming — Mon. GORDON, PAUL 1950: Hollywood Varieties — Lip. OUKUON, ROY (Small Co.) 1949: Blonde Bandit — Rep; Angels in Disguise — Mon Riders of the Sky — Col: Riders of the Whistling Pines — Col. 1950: Beyond the Purple Hills — Col: Mule Train — Col: Indian Territory — Col; Sons of New Mexico— Col. GORMAN, BCD (Everett Ooeby) 1950: Blues Busters — Mon; A Modern Marriage— Mon; Triple Trouble — Mon. GOUGH, LLOTD (M.C.A.) 1949: Tulsa — EL; Roseanna McCoy — RKO; Tension — MGM; Always Leave Them Laughing — WB. 1950: Outside the Wall — UI; Sunset Boulevard — Par; Storm Warning — WB. GOULD. SANDRA (Miskin .\gency) 1949: The Story of Molly X — UI. GOULD. WILLIAM (Marry Weintranb) 1949: I Cheated the Law — 20thF. 1950: Messenger of Peace — Astor: Outcast of Black Mesa — Col: The Man ho Cheated Himself — 20thF. GOURMET, HOIJVIES 1950; The Iroquois Trail — — UA. GOVERN A LI, PAUL 1948: Triple Threat — Col. GRABLE, BETTY (MCA) 1949: The Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend — 20thF. 195(1: Wrtbasli Ave. — 20tliF: My Blue Heaven — 20thF. GRACE, METER 1950; Joe Palooka Meets Humphrey — Mon. GR.AFF, FRED 1950 : Union Station — Par. GRAFF, WILTON (Maurine Oliver) 1949: Once More My Darling — UI: And Baby Makes Three — Col; Caught — MGM; Blondie's Big Deal — Col; Reign of Terror— EL. 1950: Fortunes of Captain Blood — Col ; Rogues of Sherwood Forest — Col; Girl's School — Col; The West Point Storv — WB. GRAHAM, FRED (Century .Artists) 1949; She Wore a Yellow Ribbon— RKO; I Married a Communist— RKO. 1950: The Fuller Brush Girl — Col. GRAHAM, JOHN 1949: The Fighting Kentuc kian — Rep. GRAHAM. TIM (Donaldson-MidiUeton) 1949: Shamrock Hill — SG. GRAHAME, GLORIA (Jaffe) 1949: A Woman's Secret — RKO; Roughshod — RKO. 1950: In a Lonely Place — Col. GRAHAME, MARGOT 1949: Black Magic — UA. GRANBY, JOE (Sohwartz-Agency) 1949: Amazon Quest — FC. 1950: Redwood Forest Trail — Rep. GRANER, GERTRUDE 1950: The Glass Menagerie — WB. GRANGER, DOROTHY (Monter-Gray-Armstrong) 1949: Miss Mink of 1949 — 20thF. 1950: Lonely Hearts Bandits — Rep. GRANGER, FARLEY (Ferry & Pickman) 1949: Roseanna McCoy — RKO; Side Street — MGM. 1950: Our Very Owkn — RKO; Edge of Doom — RKO. GR.ANGER. STEWART 1950: King Solomon's Mines — MGM. GR.ANSTEDT. GRETA (Art Hutchinson) 1949; The Crooked Way — UA : Johnny Holiday — Alcorn. GRANT, CART (MCA .Artists) 1949: I Was a Male War Bride — 20thF. 1950: Crisis — MGM. GRANT, KIRBY (Mitohell-Hamilburg) 1949: Trail of the Yukon — Mon; Feudin' Rhythm — -Col; Black Midnight — Mon : Wolf Hunters — Mon. 1950: Snow Dog — Mon; Indian Territory — Col; Call of the Klondike — Mon. Players' Credits GRANVILLE, BONITA (Kart Frlngg) 1949: Guilty of Treason — EL. GRAPEWIN, CHARLEY (Charles Beyer) 1949: Sand — 20thP. (JR.AVES. PETER 1950: Rogue River — ELC. GRAVES, RALPH 1949: Amazon Quest — FC; Alimony — EL; Joe Palooka in the Counterpunch — Mon. (iKAV. .ARLINE (Mitchell Hamilburg) 1949: Strange Bargain — RKO. GRAT, BILLY (Frank Ryan) 1950: Singing Guns — Rep. GRAY, COLEBN (Famous Artists) 1949: Sand — 20thP. 1950: Riding High — Par: Father Is a Bachelor — Col: The Sleeping City — UI. GRAY, OART (Mitchell Hamilbure) 1949: Streets of San Francisco — Rep ; Henry, the Rainmaker — Mon; The Girl from Jones Beach — WB; The Great Lover — Par; Masked Raiders — RKO; Leave It to Henry — Mon. 1950: Father Is a Bachelor — Col; The Next Voice You Hear — MGM ; Father Makes Good — Mon; Two Weeks With Love — MGM; Father's Wild Game — Mon. GRAY, GLORIA 1950: Western Pacific Agent — Lip. GRAYSON, JESSIE (Monter-Gray) 1950: Our Very Own — RKO. GRAYSON, KATHRYN (Wm. Morris) 1949: That Midnight Kiss — MGM. 1950: The Toast of New Orleans — MGM ; Grounds for Marriage — MGM. GREAT MENDOZA, THE 1950: Three Little Words — MGtM. G REAVES, WILLIAM 1949: Lost Boundaries — FC. (iKEEX, DENIS (Earl Kramer) 1949: Might Joe Young — RKO. GKEEN, J.ANE 1950: The Company She Keeps — RKO. (iREEN, WILLIAM (Ernest Ohnian) 1949: The Life of Riley — UI It Happens Every Spring — 20thF. 1950: Beware of Blondie — Col. GREENE, ANGEL.A 1950; At War With the Army — ^Par. GREENE, .JOE 1949: Roll Thunder Roll — EL. 1950: The Baron of Arizona — Lip. fiREENE, RICHARD (M. C. Levee) 1949: Don't Take It to Heart — EL: The Fighting O'Flynn 1949: The Fan — 20thF. 1950: If This Be Sin — UA ; The Desert Hawk — UI. 489