The film daily year book of motion pictures (1951)

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Players' Credits I.OGAN. STANLEY (Earl Kramer) 1949: Sword of the Desert — UI. 1950: Young^ Daniel Boone — Mon: Double Crossbones — UI. LOM, HERBERT 1950: The Black Rose — 20thF. LONDON, HAIi 1949: Navajo Trail Raiders — Rep. LONDON. JULIE (Geo. Rosenberg) 1949: Task Force — WB. 1950: Return of the Frontiersman— WB. r.ONDON, TOM 1949: Sand — 20thF; Frontier Investigator — Rep: South of Rio — -Rep: Snn Antone Ambush— Rep: Riders of the Sky — Col; Brand of Fear — Mon. 1950: The Old Frontier — — Rep; The Blazing Sun — Col. LONG. AUDREY 'Century Artists) 1949: Duke of Chicasro — Rep; Post OfRce Investig-ator — Rep; Alias the Champ — Rep: Air Hostess — Col. 1950: David Harding:, (Counterspy— Col: Trial Without Jury — Rep; The Petty Girl — Col. LONG, LOTUS 1949: Rose of the Yukon — Rep. LONG. RICHARD 1949: Criss Cross — UI; The Life of Riley — UI; Ma and Pa Kettle — UI. 1950: Ma and Pa Kettle Go To Town — UI; Kansas City Raiders — UI. LONTOC, LEON 1950: On the Isle of Samoa — Col. ( OO. RICHARD 'Eddie Silton) 1949: State Department — File fi49 — FC; The C^av Pig-eon — RKO; Malaya — MGM. LORD, JACK 1949: Project X — FC. 1950: Cry Murder — FC. LORD. MAR.10RIE (Mitohell Gertz) 1949: Masked Raiders — -RKO: Air Hostess — Col. 1950: Riding Hig-h-Par; The Lost Volcano — Mon ; Chain Gang: — -Col. LORIMER. LOUISE (Cnkor-Lipton) 1949: Once More My Darlin? — UI. 1950: The Sun Sets At Dawn — ELC. LORRAINE, OLA (Fred Leonard) 1949: Miss Grant Takes Richmond— Col. LOKING. TEALA 1950: Tlie Arizona Cowboy — Rep. I.ORRE, PETER (Wm. Morris) 1949: Rope of Sand — Par. 1950: Quicksand — UA. LOKIMER. LOUISE 1950: The Glass Menagerie — WB. LOS ANGELES RAMS 1949 : Easy Living — RKO. LOTTI. MARIELLA 1949: The Pirates of Capri — FC LOUIS. ALYCE 1960: Forbidden Jung-le — EL. L0VE.IOY. FRANK (Jaffa) 1949: Home of the Brave — UA. 1950: South Sea Sinner — UI: In a Lonely Place — Col : Three Secrets — WB: Breakthrough— WB; The Sound of Fury — UA. LOVELL. RAYMONT) 1950: The Mudlark — 20thF. LOVSKY. CELIA 194fl: Flaming Fury — Ren. 1950: Captain Carey. U.S.A. — Par: The Killer That Stalked New York — Col. LOWE. ELLEN (Salkow Aeency) 1949: Reign of Terror — EL. LOWE, K. ELMO (Geo. Ulhnan) 1949: The Kid from Cleveland — Rep. 1950: Woman From Headquarters— Rep; Trial Without Jury — Rep. LOWERY. ROBERT 1949: Shep Comes Home — SG; Arson, Inc. — SG. 1950: Western Pacific Agent — Lip; Gunfire — Lip; Border Rangers — Lip: Train to Tombstone — Lip; Everybody's Dancing — T.ip. I.OY. MYRNA (MCA ArtiNts) 1949: The Red Pon.v — Rep. 1950: Cheaper By the Dozen — 20thF: If This Be Sin — UA. LUBIN. LOU (Herdan-Sherrell) 1949: Jne Palooka in the Big Fis-ht — Mon. LUDON. JAMES 1950: T-irnished — Rep. LUEZ. LAURETTE 1949: DO. A. — UA. 1950: Killer Shark — Mon: Kim — MGM. I.UKAS. PAUL 1950: Kim — MGM. LUKE. KEYE (Sa'kow -Agency) 1949: Skv Dragon — Mon. LUN. JOHN 1950: Duchess of Idaho — MGM. LUNA. MARGARITO 1950: The Torch — EL. LUND. .JOHN 1949: Bride of Vengeance — Par Mv Friend Trma — Par. 1950 : No Man of Her Own — Par: My Friend Irma Goes West — Par. LUNDIGATM, WILLIAM (Knrt Frings) 1949: State Department — File 649 — FC; Follow Me Quietly — RKO: Pinky — 20thF 1950: Mother Didn't Tell Me — 20thF; I'll Get By — SOthF. LUNG. MAROARITE 1950: One Way Street — UI. LUPINO, IDA 1949: Lust for Gold — Col; Woman in Hiding— UI. LUPINO, RITA 1949: Not Wanted — FC. 1950: Never Fear — EL; Outrage— RKO. LUTHER, LESTER 1949: The Red Menace — ^Rep. I.YDEN, PIEBCK (.Schwartz -Agency) 1949: Shadows of the West — Mon. 1950: Twilight In the Sierras — Rep: Covered Wagon Raiders— Rep; Mark of the Gorilla— Col ; Pygmy Island — Col; Sons of New Mexico — Col. LYDON, JAMES (Daniel Winkler) 1949: Bad Boy — AA; Miss Mink of 1949 — 20thF; Tucson — 20thF. 1950: When Willie Comes Marching Home — 20thF; Destination Big House — Rep; Hot Rod — Mon: The Magnificent Yankee; September Affair — Par. LYNCH, THEODORA 1949: Forgotten Women — Mon. LYNN, BETTY ANN 1949: Mother is a Freshman — 20thP: Father was a Fullback— 20thF. 1950: Cheaper By the Dozen — 20thF. LYNN, DIANA (Wynn Rocamora) 1949: My Friend Irma — Par. 1950: Paid in Full — Par; Rogues of Sherwood Forest — Col; My Friend Irma Goes West — Par: Peggy — UI. LYNN. EMMETT 1949: Ride. Ryder, Ride — EL; Roll Thunder Roll — EL; The Fighting Redhead — EL. 1950: Cowboy and the Prizefighter—EL. LYNN, WILLIAM 1950: Harvey — UI. LYNN, JEFFREY (Wm. White) 1949: Strange Bargain — RKO: Captain China — Par. LYON. EARL 1950: The Flying Saucer — FC. LYON. RICHARD (Donaldson-Middleton) 1949; The Great Lover — Par. LYONS, CLIFF 1949: She Wore a Yellow Ribbon— RKO. 1950: Wagonmaster — RKO. LYONS, COLLETTE 1949: Blondie's Big Deal — Col: The Lone Wolf and His Lady — Col. 1950: When You're SmiUng — Col. MacBRIDE, DONALD (Sid Gold) 1949: The Story of Seabiscuit — WB: Challenge to Lassie — MGM. 1950: Joe Palooka Meets Humphrey — Mon: Holiday Rhythm — Lip. MacDONALD, EDMUND (Snitzer Fritschi) 1949: Red Canyon — UI. MacDONALD. GEORGE 1949: Cover Up — UA. MacDONALD, IAN ( Donaldson-Middleton) 1949: Joe Palooka in the Big Fight — Mon: Streets of San Francisco — Rep: White Heat — WB; Whirlpool — 20thF: Malaya — MGM. 1950: Montana — WB: Colt .45 — WB; Comanche Territory— UI; The Desert Hawk — UI. 502