The film daily year book of motion pictures (1951)

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Ass't Secretary Joseph Justman Publicity Director William Blowitz Comptroller Alfred Lewin Allied Artists Productions, Inc. 4376 Sunset Drive, Hollywood 27, Calif. XOrmandy 2-9181 (Producer. Films distributed throuj;h Monogram exchanges.) OFFICERS President S. Broidy Exec. V-P and Treasurer O. D. Burrows Vice-President Norton V. Ritchey Vice-President Edward Morey Vice-President Harold Mirisch Secretary Sam Woli Comptroller-Asst. Treas G. N. Blatchford Assistant Secretary Bamett Shapiro Chief Accountant C. H. Van Camp BOARD OF DIRECTORS S. Broidy. G. D. Burrows, Sam Wolf. All Star Picture Sales Corp. 48 West 48th St., New York 19, N. T. PLaza 7-0164 (Exporter.) OFFICERS President George H. Bookbinder Vice-Presidents. . Henry M. Kannee. Irving Shapiro Treasurer Julian Benjamin Secretary Eleanor Eisenberg Foreign Offices: All Star Picture Sales Corporation, Imperial House, Sohuetzenstrasse la, Munich 2, Germany. Atlantic Film G.m.b.H., Karl Sohweighofergasse 2, Wien 7, Austria. Edward L. Alperson Productions, Inc. 1048 N. Carol Drive, Hollywood 46, Calif. CRestview .5-1028 (Producer releasing through 20th Century-Fox) OFFICERS President Edward L. Alperson Vice-President-Treasurer. .Edward L. Alperson. Jr. Secretary Virginia Martindale BOARD OF DIRECTORS Edward L. Alperson, Lillian Alperson. Edward L. Alperson. Jr. American-European Film Industries, Inc. 229 W. 42nd St., New York 18, N. Y. PEnnsylvania 6-4434 (Exporter of -American motion pictures.) Pres. -Gen. -Mgr Robert Velaise New Tork Representative Peter W. Geiger Animex, Inc. 41 East 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y. MCrray Hill 7-1985 (Importer, Dutch 35 mm. and 16 mm, film; distributor; exporter, 16 mm. religious Alms, 8 mm, and 16 mm. entertainment films, photographic accessories.) OFFICERS President-Treasurer. . Anthony M. A. van Tetering Vice-President Mrs. De Visser Secretary Prank H. Towsley BOARD OF DIRECTORS Anthony M. A. van Tetering, Henry Werker, Pieter J. Kooiman. Ansco, A Division of General Aniline & Film Corp. Blnghamton, N. T. Blnghamton 2-4221 (Manufacturer of 35 mm. and 16 mm. raw stock, color, black and white.) Pres., Gen'l Aniline & Film Corp Jack Frye Vice-President (G.A.F.) and General Manager James Forrestal Production Manager H. E. Pletcher Technical Service Manager Professional Motion Pictures G. C. Misener COMPANY PERSONNEL Professional Motion Pictures Sales Dept. E. G. Stamboulian 6424 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. Hollywood 9-2918 Professional Motion Picture Sales Manager Robert P. Toung Chrysler Bldg., 405 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. MLrray Hill 6-0555 Eastern Regional Office 247-259 E. Ontario St., Chicago 11, 111. WH 4-7410 Midwestern Regional Office Apex Film Corp. 971 N. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. (Producer) CRestview 5-5521 PERSONNEL President-Executive Producer Jack Chertok V-P and General Manager Harry Cohen Secretary-Treasurer Emmett Miller Associate Producer Harry Poppe Business Manager Walter J. KUnger Film Editor Jack Rng?lero Staff Directors Sammy Lee, William Thiele, Geo. B. Seitz. Jr. Argosy Pictures Corp. 4024 Radford Ave., N. Hollywood, Calif. (Producer.) OFFICERS Chairman of the Board John Ford President Merian 0. CJooper Secretary-Treasurer H. Lee Van Hoozer Henry R. Arias 729 Seventh Ave., New York 19, N. Y. Circle 5-4574 (Importer, exporter, purchasing agent, foreign and domestic distributor.) Owner Henry B. Arias Arko, Inc. 4024 Radford Ave., N. Hollywood, Calif. (Producers, releasing through RKO.) OFFICERS Chairman of the Board John Ford President Merian C. Cooper Vice-President G. Youngman Treasurer B. D. Bender Secretary H. Loe Van Hoozer Assistant Secretary Ross Hastings Artcinema Associates, Inc. 729 Seventh Ave., New York 19, N. Y. Circle 5-6568 (DUtributor) 0FFICBB8 President Emil C. Jensen Secretary Edna Jensen Treasurer Victor L. Jensen BOABD or DIBBCTOBg Emil C. Jensen, Edna Jensen. Victor L. Jensen. Artists Alliance, Inc. 1040 N. Las PaJmas, Hollywood 38, Calif. CR 3111 (Producer, United Artists release.) PERSONNEL President Mary Plckford (Hiairman of the Board Lester 0>wan Vice-Pregident William HincUe Producer Lester Cowan Executive Assistant Bernard Rossen Musical Director Ann BoneU Artkino Pictures, Inc. 723 Seventh Ave., New York 19, N. T. Circle 5-6570 (North and South American distributors of tho Aims prodnced In the C. 8. 8. B.) 533