The film daily year book of motion pictures (1951)

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EQUIPMENT PERSONNEL Hild Floor Machine Co. 740 \V. Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. RAndolph 6-2540 (Floor and carpet seruhbing machines; industrial Tacuum machines.) President Fred C. Hild Holmes Projector Co. 1815 Orchard St., Chcago 14, 111. MO 4-2913 (MannfactDrer of 16 mm. and 36 mm. projectors.) EXECDTIVE PERSON3VEL, President O. J. Holmes Vice-President E. E. Holmes Treasurer W. S. Martin Holub Industries, Inc. Ii;5 l)c Kail) Ave, S.vcamore, III. Illinois !)!>. I'M (Wood, hiK screw and niacliinc screw lead anchors; expansion bolts; tossle holts; coniniutator maintenance eiinipnient; electric and liand portable blowers and vacnum cleaners.) EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL President B. E. Holub Sales Manager G. W. Wetzel A. C. Horn Co., Inc. Tenth St. & 44th Ave., Long Island Cit.v 1, N. Y. (Building maintenance and construction ma•erials. ) The Houston-Fearless Corp. 11801 W. Ol.vmpic Blvd., W. I-os Angeles Gl. Calif. BKadshaw 24:?."?1 (Photographic equipment; studio and laboralor.v e<|uipnient, automatic film processing machines, printers, cranes, dollies, tripods, friction and gear heads, blimps, camera motors, engineering and design.) PERSONNEL Chairman of Board H. H. Helbusli President R. C. Wilcox Vice-President H. W. Houston Vice-President E. R. Livington •Secretary-Treasurer B. B. Smith Sales Manager K. B. Elliott Hub Electric Co. •221!) W. (irand Ave., Chicago 12. III. (.Stage switchboards, dimmer banks, stage lighting equipment, auditorium and lobby lighting, directional and exit signs.) EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL General Sales Mgr M. H. VanAllen Production-Purchasing Mgr I. M. Flxman Chief Engineer Thomas W. Butler Philip A. Hunt Co. Palisades Park, N. .L LRonia 4-4000 (Photographic chemicals.) OFFICERS President Philip A. Hunt Vice-President Dr. J. S. Coles Treasurer M. S. Hunt Secretary Frank G. Casseboom Assistant Secretary G. H. Coles BOARD <tF DIRECTORS Philip A. Hunt, Dr. J. S. Coles, Frank 0. CasseIjoom, G. H. Coles, M. S. Hunt. Branches: 2432 Lakeside Ave.. Cleveland 14 O.; Ill Binney St.. Cambridge 42, Mass.: 2108 W. PuUerton Ave., Chicago 47, 111.; 541 Ceres Ave., Los Angeles 13, Calif.: 253 Russell St.. Brooklyn 22. N. Y.: Santo Fc Hldg.. Dallas. Texas. Ideal Dispenser Co. .'>07-.50i> S. McClun St., Bloomington, III. Telephone 8078 (Selective type dispensers for soft beverages In bottles.) Ideal Seating Co. 521 Ann St., Grand Rapids, HIeh. Telephone 7-2461 (Theater chairs, drive-in, loge chairs.) EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL President-Treasurer W. A. Gedris Vice-President A. 9. G«dru Secretary H. L. Gedris Sales Manager E. R. Blanchard Ilex Opticol Co. Rochester, N. V. (Projeotion Lenses) EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL President-Treasurer Rufus Rosenbloom Secretary J. S. Kominz Imperial Brass Mfg. Co. I '.'OO W. Harrison St., Chicago 7, 111. H.\.vniarkct 1-07J0 (Lather and liquid soap dispensers, flush valves for toilet fixtures.) Imperial Carpet & Furniture Corp. 7 1 W. 45th St., New York 19. N. Y. (Carpets, floor coverings, furniture, fabrics, seat coverings,) President Arthur Moskowitz Imperial Electric Co. Akron 9, O. Rl^ckstone 9126 (Motor generator sets.) EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL President John Hearty V P & Director of Eiig H. T. Bewlay Vic e-Presidents R. J. Hearty. B. H. Logan Treasurer George Hearty Infra Insulation, Inc. 10 Murray St., New York 7 N. Y. ( Ortlandt 7-383:{ (Thermal insulation.) OFFICERS President Alexander Schwartz Secretary-Treasurer Joseph R. Schwartz Ingram-Richardson Manufacturing Co. Beaver Falls, Pa. Telephones 193. 2. 1 (Vitreous porcelain enameling on sheet steel including porcelain enameled signs.) OFFICERS Chairman of Board L. W. Ingram President J. F. Ingram Exec. Vice-Pres H. McE. Patton V-Pm clisr. of Sales J. H. E. McMillan Secretary-Treasurer Wm. J. Tress Asst. Treasurer-Asst. Secretary D. L. Brooks International Register Co. 2ii';2 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago 12, 111. Van Buren (i-I242 (Display cutting machines.) EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL President A. H. Woodward Executive Vice-President A. M. Kinney Vice-President in Chg. of Sales E. J. Bohnen International Seat Corp. (hiion City, Ind. (Theater chairs.) EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL President C. C. Koonlz Executive Vice-President H. D. Fitzgerald Secretary-Treasurer W. E. Adelsperger V P in chg. of Sales David H. Dewey 672