Year book of motion pictures (1951)

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00TBRN0R8 Phil Charig^, Fred E. Ahlert. Jack Bregman, Myron Cohen. Mack Davis. Henry Dunn. Nat Dunn. Harold Goldblatt. John Goldwater. Gene Greenhut, Eddie Hanley, Louis Schenfield, Harvey Stone, Lou Levin. Ben Piermont, Frank Boss. Independent Motion Picture Producers Association 738 Irolo St., Los Angeles 5, Calif. Dunkirk 4-4837 OFFICERS President I. E. Chadwlck Vice-Presidents Steve Broldy, Harry Thomas, Robert L. Lippert Secretary-Treasurer Edward F. Finney EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE A. W. Hackel, Sam Eatzman. Karl Hittleman, Wm. Stephens, Steve Broidy, Harry H. Thomas, Robert L. Lippert, Clem Peoples, Edward J. Finney. Independent Poster Exchanges of America 1333 Vine St., Philadelphia 7, Pa. Walnut 3233 OFFICERS President Mitchell Pantzer Vice-President Jay Schrader SecretaryTreasurer M. J. Lipp BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. H. Cobb. M. Lipp. David Mitchell, William Pennington, Murray Sweigman, J. Riff. MEMBERS The Poster Exchang-e. Atlanta; Midwest Poster Exchange, Chicago: Independent Poster Exchange, Minneapolis; Poster Exchange, New Orleans; Consolidated Poster Service. New York; Independent Poster Exchange, Philadelphia; Theater Advertising Co., Washington, D. C; Charlotte Poster Exchange, Charlotte; Pennington Poster Exchange. Kansas City; Pittsburgh Poster Exchange, Pittsburgh; Southwest Poster Exchange, Dallas; Pacific Poster Exchange, Portland. Institute oi Radio Engineers. Inc. 1 East 79th St., New York 21, N. Y. REgent 7-9(!00 OFFICERS President I. S. Coggeshall Vice-President Jorgen Rybner Treasurer W. R. G. Baker Secretary Haraden Pratt Editor Alfred N. Goldsmith BO.ARD OF DIRECTORS W. H. Doherty. G. R. Town, H. J. Reich. H. F. Dart. William L. Everitt. Donald G. Fink. P. L. Hoover, W. M. Rust. Jr.. A. B. Oxley. J. W. McRae, Stuart L. Bailey. W. R. Hewlett. Ferdinand Hamburger, Jr.. J. D. Reid, A. V. Eastman, R. F. Guy, E. R. Piore. D. B. Sinclair, J. A. Stratton. International Federation oi Catholic Alumnae, Motion Picture Department 82 E. 38th St., New York 16, N. Y. Murray Hill 5-3548 OFFICERS Chairman. M. P. Dept Mrs. James F. Looram Assistant Chairman Mrs. William W. Nolan 2nd Assistant Chairman ....Mrs. William Dalton X. Y. State Chairman Mrs. Leo A. McDonald Chairman. Film Reviews (East) Mrs. Thomas J. Bannin Cliairman, Foreign Reviewers Mrs. George Bragalini Chairman. Membership Miss Susan T. Lyons Chairman of Publicity Mrs. John Hennessy ASSOCIATIONS International Motion Picture Organization, Inc. 4 West 5«tli St.. New York 19, N. Y. Ml rray Hill 8-l«(i0 B().\K1) OF DIRECTORS Joseph Burstyn. Jaciiues Chabrier. Jack Ellis, Lillian Gerard, Morris Halprin. Jack Hoffberg, Edward Kingsley. Martin Levine. Ilya Lopert. George Margolin. Irwin Shaiiiro, E. A. Zorgniotti. The Lambs 130 W. 44th St., New York 18, N. Y. OFFICERS Shepherd Bert Lytell Boy Walter N. Greaza Corresponding Secretary Bobby dark Recording Secretary Jack Whiting Treasurer James E. Meighan Librarian Harold G. Hoffman LIFE DIRECTORS R. H. Bumside, Fred Waring. William Gajcton, John Golden. DIRECTORS Earl Benham. John McManus, Joseph S. Buhler, Russ Brown. William P. Adams. John Alexander, Emil Friedlander. Averell Harris. .Arthur Vinton. Len Doyle. Robert Griffith. H. Picrson Mapes, Lep Solomon. Edward H. Ford. Saul E. Rogers. The Masquers 1765 N. Sycamore Ave., Hollywood 28, Calif. OFFICERS Harlequin Alan Mowbray Pierrot James Lydon Ponchinello Alan Hale. Jr. Croesus Max Strasburg Pantaloon Robert C Vinson Reader Herbert Rawlinson JE.STERATE Joe E. Brown, F!oyd Christy. Fred Clark, Charles Delaney, Wallace Ford, Henry Kovell, Fred Messenger, Barney Ruditsky, Phillip Tully, Ralph Murphy, Roy Roberts, Rhys Williams, Mitchell Lewis. Wallai'e Parni-ll, Basil Ruysdael. Motion Picture Associates oi Philadelphia 250 West i:itli Street, I'hiladelpliia, Pa. OFFICERS President Jack Engel Vice-President George Hutcheon Secretary Harry Bache Treasurer Joseph Farrow BOARD OF DIRECTORS George Beattle, Joseph Engel, Jack Greenberg, David Supowitz. Lester Wurlele. William Mansell. Bill Doyle. Siegfried Hoiowit/. Motion Picture Association (Corporate name: Motion Picture Association of America, Inc., formerly. Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, Inc.) 28 W. 4 4tli St., New York 18, N. Y. BRyant 9-4000 8180 Beverly Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. GLadstone 6111 1600 Eye St., N.VV. Washington 6, D. C. Executive 5110 15 New Burlington St., London, W. 1, England 21 Rue de Berrl, Paris Seme, France. OFFICERS President Eric Johnston Vice-President and Dir. Production Code Administration Joseph I. Breen Viee-Preeident in Charge of New York Office Francis 3. Harmon 799