The film daily year book of motion pictures (1951)

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Actual hangings or electrocution* as legal punishments for crime. Third degree methods. Brutality and possible gruesomeness. Branding of people or animals. 5. Apparent cruelty to children or animals. 6. The sale of women, or a woman selling her virtue. 7. Surgical operations. Resolution for Uniiorm Interpretation 1. When requested by production managers, the Motion Picture Association, Incorporated, shall secure any facts, information or suggestions concerning the probable reception of stories or the manner in which in its opinion they may best be treated. 2. That each production manager shall submit in confidence a copy of each or any script to the Production Code Administration of the Motion Picture Association, Incorporated (and of the Association of Motion Picture Producers, Inc., California). Such Production Code Administration will give the production manager for his guidance such confidential advice and suggestions as experience, research, and information indicate, designating wherein in its judgment the script departs from the provisions of the Code, or wherein from experience or knowledge it is believed that exception will be taken to the story or treatment. 3. Each production manager of a company belonging to the Motion Picture Association. Incorporated, and any producer proposing to distribute and/or distributing his picture through the facilities of any member of the Motion Picture Association, Incorporated, shall submit to such Production Code Administration every picture he produces before the negative goes to the laboratory for printing. Said Production Code Administration, having seen the picture, shall inform the production manager in writing whether in its opinion the picture conforms or does not conform to the Code, stating specifically wherein either by theme, treatment or incident, the picture violates the provisions of the Code. In such latter event, the picture shall not be released until the changes indicated by the Production Code Administration have been made; provided, however, that the production manager may appeal from such opinion of said Production Code Administration, so indicated in writing, to the Board of Directors of the Motion Picture Association, Incorporated, whose findings shall be final, and such production manager and company shall be governed accordingly. CODE OF ADVERTISING ETHICS Administered by the Advertising Code Administration With the Advice and Cooperation of the Advertising Advisory Council of the MPAA PREAMBLE: The purpose of the Advertising Code is to apply to motion picture advertising, publicity and exploitation, within their range, the high principles which the Production Code applies to the content of motion pictures. The provisions of the Advertising Code shall apply to pressbooks, newspaper, magazine and trade paper advertising, publicity material, trailers, posters, lobby displays and all other outdoor displays, novelty distribution, radio copy and every form of motion picture exploitation. We urge all motion picture producers, distributors and exhibitors, and their advertising agents, whether affiliated with the undersigned or not, to adhere to these principles; and, for ourselves, we pledge compliance with these principles without reservation. THE CODE 1. We subscribe to a code of business ethics 4. No false or misleading statements shall based upon truth, honesty and integrity. be used directly, or implied by type arAll motion picture advertising shall rangements or by distorted quotations. (a) Conform to fact. 5. No text or illustration shall ridicule or (b) Scrupulously avoid all misrepre tend to ridicule any race, religion or resentation. ligious faith; no illustration of a charac 2. Good taste shall be the guiding rule of ter in clerical garb shall be shown in any motion picture advertising. but a respectful manner. 3. Illustrations and text in advertising shall 6. The history, institutions and nationals of faithfully represent the pictures them all countries shall be represented with selves. fairness. 847