The film daily year book of motion pictures (1951)

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Cameron, James Ross. Sound pictures, motion picture projection, 11th ed. Coral Gables, Fla., Cameron Pub. Co., 1949. Cameron, Ken. Sound and the documentary film. London, Pitman & Sons, 1947, Cocleau, Jean. Diar.v of a film. London, Dennis Dobson, 1950. Cole, Tobv and Chino.v, Helen K. Actors on actinir. N. Y., Crown Publishers, 1949. Cook, Canfield, Color movie making for everybody. N, Y,. Whittlesey, House, McGraw-Hill, 1949. Craig, Edward A. (Edward Carrick, pseud.) Art and (iesig-n in the British film. London, Dennis Dobson, 1948. Corson, Richard. Stasre make-up, 2nd ed. N. Y., Appleton-Cenlur.v-(;rofts, 1949. Craig-, Edward A. (Edward Carrick, pseud.) De sig-nins: for moving pictures. New ed, London, Studio Pub., 1949. Cricks, R. H. The complete projectionist, 4th ed. London. Odhams Press. 1949. Cro.v, Homer. How motion pictures are made. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1918. Daug-herty, Charles M. Let 'em ro:i. N. Y., Viking Press, 1950. Dench, Ernest A. Making the movies. N. Y., Macmillan, 1919. Denis, Paul, Your career in show business. N. Y., E. P. Dutton & Co., 1948. Dillon, Josephine. Modern acting; a guide for stage, screen and radio. N. Y.. Prentice-Hall, 1940. Eaefcman motion picture films for professional use. Rochester, Eastman Kodak Co., 1942. Eisler. Hanns. Composing for the films. N. Y., Oxford University Press, 1947. Emerson, John and Loos, Anita. Breaking into the movies. N. Y., James McCann Pub. Co., 1921. Epstein, Alvin. How to draw animated cartoons. N. Y., Greenberg-, 1945. Eymann, William C. Everybody's movie course: 20 simple lessons in movie-making. N. Y., Ma loney, 1947. Falk, Nat. How to make animated cartoons. N. Y.., Foundation Books, 1941, Fawcett, L'Estrange. Writing: for the films. 2nd ed. London, Pitman, 1937. Feild, Robert D. The art of Walt Disney. N. Y., Macmillan, 1942. Franklin. Harold B. Sound motion pictures; from the laboratory to their presentation. N. Y., Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1929. Gale, Arthur L. and others. Make your own movies, for fun and profit, N. Y., Coward McCann, 1939. Gale, Arthur L. How to write a movie. N. Y., Brick Row Book Shop, 1936. Gaskill, A. L. and Englander, D. A. Pictorial Continuity; how to shoot a movie story. Toronto, Collins, 1947. Gleason, Marion Norris. Scenario writing and producing for the amateur. Boston, American Photographic & Pub. Co.. 1929. Greenless, A. E. Amplification and distribution of sound. Pacoina, Cal., Sherwood Press, P. O. Box 566, 1948. Gregory, Carl Louis, ed. A condensed course in motion picttire photography. N. Y., Institute of Photography. 1920. Hacker, Leonard. Cinematic design. Boston, Photographic Pub. Co., 1931. Hall, Hal, Ed. Cinematographic Annual, 1930, Hollywood, American Society of Cinemato graphers, Hendricks, Bill and Orr, Montg-omery. Showmanship in advertising. N. Y., Showmen's Trade Review, 1949. Hill, C. A. Cine-film projection, London, Fountain Press, 1949. Hoadley, Ray. How they make a motion picture. N. Y., Crowell, 1939. Hornby, Clifford. Shooting without stars; the inside story of film backgrounds. London, Hutchinson, 1940. Hulfish, David S. Motion picture work; a general treatise on picture taking, picture makinr, photoplays and theater management and operation. Chicago, American Technical Society, 1916. Huntley, John. British technicolor films. London. Skelton Robinson, 1948. Jenkins, Norman. How to project sub-standard films. Forest Hills. N. Y.. Transallantio. 3 950. Jones, B. E. How to make and operate moving pictures, N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls, 1916. Jones, Charles Reed, ed. Your career in motion pictures, radio, television, N. Y., Sheridan House, 1949. Keliher, Alice V., ed. Movie workers, N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1939. Kiesling, Barrett C. Talking pictures. How they are made, how to appreciate them. N. Y., Johnson Pub. Co., 1937. Klaw. Irving, How to become a movie etar. N. Y. Klaw Publications, 1946. Klein, Adrian B. Colour cinematography. 2n(l od. London, Chapman & Hall, 1939. Klumph, Inez and Helen, Screen acting, N. Y.. Faulk Pub. Co.. 1922. Kransz. A. Krazna. Photography as a career London, Focal Press, 1944. Krows, Arthur E. The talkies. N. Y., Holt, 1930. Lane, Tamar. The new technique of eereen writing. N. Y., Whittlesey House, McGrawHill, 1936. Lawson, John Howard. Theory and technique of play writing and screenwriting, rev. ed. N. Y.. Putnam, 1949. Lee, Norman. Film is born; how 40 film fathers bring a modern talking picture into being. London, Jordan & Sons, 1946. Lee, Norman. Log of a film director. London, Quality Press, 1949. Lescarboura, Austin C. Behind the motion pictuie screen; how the pictures are actually made. N. Y., Scientific American Pub. Co., 1921. Liszt, Rudolph G. The last word in make-up. N. Y.. Contemporary Play Publications, 19:i8. London, Kurt. Film Music. London, Faber & Faber, 1936. Lutz, E. G. Animated cartoons: how they are made, their origin and development. london. Chapman and Hall, 1920. Lutz, E. G. The motion picture cameramaJi. N. Y., Seribner, 1927. Manual of sub-standard cinematography. London, Fountain Press, 1949. Margrave, Seton. Successful film writing. London, Methuen, 1936. Marion Frances. How to write and sell film stories. N. Y.. Covici-Friede, 1937. McKay, Herbert C. Movie making for the beginner, rev. ed. N. Y., Ziff-Davis, 1948. Mees, C.E.K. The theory of the photographic process. N. Y., Macmillan, 1946. Milne, Peter. Motion picture directing. N. Y.. Falk Pub. Co., 1922. Minter, L. F. How to title. London, Focal Press. 1949. Molloy, Edward, ed. Sound film projection, 3rd od. London, Newnes, 1949. Morkovin, Boris V. History of cinematography as a technique and an art. Los Angeles, University of Southern California, 1937. Myerseough-Walker, Raymond. Stage and film decor. London, Pitman & Sons. 1940. Nadell, Aaron. iProjecting sound pictures; a practical textbook for projectionists and managers. N. Y. and London, McGraw-Hill, 1931, Naumburg, Mancy, ed. We make the movies. N. Y., Norton, 1937. Newens, Frank R. The technique of colour photography. London, Blackie, 1946. Newhall, Beaumont. Photography, 1839-1937. N. Y., Museum of Modern Arts, 1936. Noble, Lorraine. Four star scripts, actual shooting scripts and how they are written. N. Y.. Doubleday, Doran, 1936. Offenhauser. William H., Jr. Ifimm sound motion pictures. N. Y. Interser\'ice Publishers. 1949. Patterson, Frances Taylor. Cinema craftsmanship: a book for photoplaywrights. N. Y.. Harcourt. Brace & Co., 1921. Patterson. Frances Taylor. Motion picture continuities: A Kiss for Cinderella, The Scarlet Letter, The Last Command: N. Y., Columbia University Press. 1929. Patterson, Frances Taylor. Scenario and screen. N. Y., Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1928. Peden, Charles. Newsreel man. N. Y.. Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1932. 900