Film daily year book of motion pictures for 1942 (1936)

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PLAYERS' WORK MASON, JAMES 1934: The Last Round Up, The Dude Ranger. 193S: Hop-A-Long Cassidy. MASON, LOUIS 1934: This Man Is Mine, Spitfire, Kentucky Kernels. 1935: In Person. MASON, REGINALD 1934: You Can't Buy Everything, Call It Luck. MASON, ROY 1934: Are We Civilized?, Redhead, Dude Ranger, When a Man Sees Red, Fighting Trooper. 1935 : Mystery Man, Northern Frontier, Rainbow Valley, Men of Action, Valley of Wanted Men, Black Gold, Call of the Wild, Redhead, Smokey. MATTHEWS, LESTER 1934: The Song You Gave Me. 1935: Werewolf of London, The Raven, Professional Soldier. MATTHEWS, MARY JO 1935: Only 8 Hours. MAXELLOS, THE 1935 : Bright Lights. MAXWELL, EDWIN 1934: Fog, Mystery Liner, The 9th Guest, Miss Fane's Baby Is Stolen, Big Time or Bust, Dancing Man, Cleopatra. Gift of Gab. 1935: Burn 'Em Up Barnes. Motive for Revenge, Men of Action, Happiness C.O.D., All the King's Horses, Great God Gold, Thanks a Million. MAY, JOE 1934: Limehouse Blues. MAYALL, J. HERSHEL 1935: Danger Ahead. MAYER, ARTHUR 1935 : Hot Tip. MAYER, RAY 1934: Call It Luck, Young and Beautiful, Jealousy. 1935 : The Arizonian. Village Tale, His Family Tree, Powdersmoke Range, To Beat the Band, Seven Keys to Baldpate. MAYFIELD, DORA 1934: Limehouse Blues. MAYNARD, KEN 1934: Gun Justice, Trail Drive, Wheels of Destiny, Smoking Guns, In Old Santa Fe Honor of the Range, Doomed to Die. 1935 : Northern Frontier, Western Frontier. Heir to Trouble. Lawless Rider, The Cattle Thief. MAYNARD, KERMIT 1934: Fighting Trooper. 1935: Wilderness Mail, Red Blood of Courage, Code of the Mounted, His Fighting Blood, Trails of the Wild, Timber War, Northern Frontier. MAYNE, ERIC 1935 All the King'i Horses. MAYO, FRANK 1935 : One Hour Late. MAYO, GEORGE 1934: A Woman's Man. MEADOWS, DENNY 1935 : Dawn Rider, Sagebrush Troubadour. MEEHAN, LOU 1934 : The Lost Jungle. 1935: Unconquered Bandit. MEEHAN, JOE 1934: Lost Jungle, Rawhide Mail. MEEK, DONALD 1934: Hi Nellie, Bedside. The Last Gentleman, Murder at the Vanities, The Defense Rests. The Merry Widow, Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, The Captain Hates the Sea. 1935 : The Whole Town's Talking, Gilded Lily. Mark of the Vampire, Baby Face Harrington, Only 8 Hours, Biography of a Bachelor Girl. Village Tale, The Informer. China Seas, Accent on Youth, Old Man Rhythm, Return of Peter Grimm, She Couldn't Take It, Barbary Coast, Kind Lady, The Bride Comes Home, Peter Ibbetson, Captain Blood, Happiness C.O.D. MEEKER, GEORGE 1934: Ever Since Eve, Dark Hazard, Hips Hips Hooray. I Believed in You, Melody in Spring, Uncertain Lady, Little Man What Now?, Paris Interlude, Dragon Murder Case, Richest Girl in the World. Against the Law, Bachelor of Arts. BLACK GOLD CALL OF THE WILD VALLEY OF WANTED MEN MEN OF ACTION THE FIGHTING TROOPER NORTHERN FRONTIER RAINBOW VALLEY MYSTERY MAN DUDE RANGER REDHEAD SMOKEY WHEN A MAN SEES RED 598