The film daily year book of motion pictures (1925)

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Post Plattsburg Barracks Fort Preble Raritan Arsenal Fort Revere Fort Schuyler Fort Slocura Fort Strong Fort Totten Camp Alfred Vail Fort Wadsworth Fort Warren West Point Mil. Acad. Fort Williams Fort H. G. Wright Aberdeen Proving Ground Fort Benning Fort Bragg Fort Eustis Franklin Cantonment ( amp Holabird Fort Howard Fort Hoyle Fort Humphreys l.angley Field Camp McClellan Fort McPherson Fort Monroe Fort Moultrie Fort Myer Fort Oglethorpe Pig Point Ord. Res. Depot Fort Screven Fort Washington Fort Brady Chanute Field Fort Cook Fort Des Moines Erie Proving Ground Fairfield Air Int. Depot Fort Benj. Harrison .Tefiferson Barracks Camp Knox Fort Logan Fort Meade Fort Riley Fort Robinson Fort D. A. Russell Savanna Proving Ground Scott Field Selfridge Field Fort Sheridan Fort Snelling Fort Bliss Brooks Field Fort Clark Fort Sam Houston Fort Huachuca Kelly Field Camp Marfa Fort Mcintosh Camp Normoyle Remount Section 8th G. G. A. D. Fort Reno Fort Ringgold Fort Sill Fort Barry Benicia Arsenal Fort Casey Camp L. J. Hearn Camp Lewis Presidio of Monterey Fort Winifred Scott' Fort Stevens Fort Worden Location Plattsburg, X. Y. Portland. Me. Metuchen, N. J. Mass. New York New York Mas'. New York Little Silver, N. J. New York Mass. West Point, N. Y. Maine New York Aberdeen, Md. Columbus, Ga. Fayetteville, N. C. Lee Hall, Va. Camp Meade, Md. Baltimore, Md. Baltimore. Md. Edge wood, Md. Accotink, Va. Hampton, Va. Anmston, Ala. Atlanta, Ga. Old Point Comfort, Va. Moultrieville, S. C. Virginia Georgia Pig Point, Va. Georgia Maryland Michigan Rantoul. 111. Nebraska Des Moines, la. Port Clinton, Ohio Fairfield. Ohio Indianapolis, Ind. St. Louis. Mo. Stithton, Ky. ( olorado South Dakota Kansas Crawford, Nebr. Cheyenne, Wyo. Savanna, 111. Illinois Mt. Clemens, Mich. 1 llinois Minnesota El Paso, Texas San Antonio, Texas Texas San Antonio, Texas Arizona San Antonio, Texas Marfa, Texas Laredo, Texas San Antonio. Texas Fort Sam Houston, Tex. El Reno, Okla. Rio Graads City, Texas Oklahoma San Francisco, Calif. Benicia, Calif. Washington Imperial Beach, Calif. American Lake. Wash. Monterey, Calif. San Francisco, Calif. Columbia River, Ore. Washington No. of Showing 4 — Sun. Tues. Wed. Fri. 2 — Sun. Thurs. 1— Wed. 2— Tues Fri. 2— Tues. Fri. 4 — Mon. Wed Fri. Sat. 2 — Sun. TAiurs. 2— Mon. Fri. 2— Sun. Wed. 3 — Sun. Wed. Fri. 2 — Tues. Fri. 2 — Tues. Thurs. 2 — Sun. Wed. 5 — Sun. Mon. Wed. Thurs. Fri 2 — Tues. Thurs. 7 — Every day 7 — Every day 7 — Every day 7 — Every da J 2— Wed. Fri. 4 — Sun. Tues. Thurs. Fri. 5 — Every day exc. Sat. & Sun. 6 — Every day exc. Thurs. 5 — Every day exc. Thus. & Sat. 2 — Mon. Fri. 6 — Every day exc. Sat. 7 — Every day 4 — Sun. Mon. Wed. Fri. 4 — -Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. 2 — Mon. Thurs. 2 — -Sun Thurs. 3 — Sun. Tues. Thurs 2 — Tues. Thurs. 2 — Tues. Thurs. 2 — Sun. Fri. 2 — -Sun. Thurs. 2 — Tues. Thurs. 1— Thurs. 2 — Sun. Thurs. 6 — -Every day exc. Sun. 4 — Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. 7 — Every day 2 — Tues. Thurs. 2-^Sun. Wed. 7 — -Every day 2 — Tues. Fri. 2— Wed. Fri. 2 — Tues. Fri. 2 — -Tues. Fri. 3 — Tues. Thur. Fri. 5 — Every dav exc. Thurs. & Sat. 2— Mon. Wed. 7 — Every day 2 — Mon. Fri. 4 — Sun. Mon. Wed. Fri. 7 — Every day 3 — Tues. Wed. Fri. 2 — Mon. Fri. 3 — Mon. Wed. Fri. 2— Mon. Thurs. 2— Tues. Sat. 3 — Tues. Thurs. Fri. 2— Sun. Wed. 2— Mon. Fri. 7 — -Every dav 2— Wed. Fri. 2 — Mon. Fri. 2— Tues. Sat. 2 — Mon. Thurs. 7 — Every day 3— Tues. Wed. Fri. 2— Tues. Thurs. 2— Sun. Wed. 2 — Sun Thurs. Fort Amador Fort Clayton ( orezal Fort Davis Fort de Lesseps France Field Camp Caillard Gatun Ouarry Heights Fort Randolph Fort Sherman Total Number of posts 100 Total number of showings (weekly) 351 Canal Zone 7 — Every day 7 — Every day 7 — -Every day 7 — Every day 7 — Every day 6 — -Every uay except Sat. 6 — Every day except Wed. 7 — Every day 3 — Sun. Wed. Fri. 7 — Every day 7 — Every day 548