The film daily year book of motion pictures (1925)

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aids: in short, in, the development of visual education as an art and science. The Academy is not engaged in promoting visual education commercially. Active membership and the control of the Academy and its actions are vested solely in those engaged in educational, semi-educational, or welfare work, and who are actual users of or are directing the use of visual aids for instructional purposes. No companies, dealers, agents or persons financially interested in the sale of visual-instruction materials shall be eligible to active membership. 1. Purpose The purpose of this association is to establish and maintain an organization through which schools and other educational institutions, chur ches, parent-teacher associations, clubs, welfare organizations, and societies engaged in educational or semi-educational work may co-operate in furthering better production of and a more systematic and intelligent use of visual aids, such as lantern slides, motion-picture films, charts, art collections, exhibits, and models; to prosecute re search in visual-instruction methods; to investigate sources of supply, to establish a clearinghouse of information, to devise methods of cooperative buying and bargaining, to work out standards of methods and practice, and to promote the knowledge and use of better films. President, William M. Gregory, School of Education, Station E, Cleveland, Ohio. Vice-President, James A. Moyer, Director of Extension, State Department Education, Boston, Mass. Treasurer, Carl W. Salser, Director Extension Service, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas. Secretary, J. V. Ankeney, Columbia, Missouri. Executive Committee: Alfred W. Abrams, Chief Bureau Visual Instruction. State Department of Education, Albany, N. Y., 1926. Rupert Peters, Director of Visual Education, Kansas City, Mo., 1928. J. W. Shepherd, Director Visual Education University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., 1925. Dr. Carlos E. Cummings, Buffalo Society of Natural Scciences, Buffalo, N. Y., 1925. W. H. Dudley, Chief Bureau of Visual Instruction, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1927. Dudley Grant Hayes, Director of Visual Edu cation, Board of Education Building, Chicago, Illinois, 1927. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION President, William M. Gregorv, School of Education, Station E. Cleveland, Ohio; Vice President, James A. Moyer, Director of Extension, State Department Education, Boston, Mass.; Treasurer, Carl W. Salser, Director Extension Service, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas; Secretary, J. V. Ankeney, Columbia, Missouri. Executive Committee: Alfred W. Abrams, Chief Bureau Visual Instruction, State Department of Education, Albany, N. Y. 192'6. Rupert Peters, Director of Visual Education, Kansas City. Mo., 1923. J. W. Shepherd, Director Visual Education University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. 1925. Dr. Carlos E. Cummings, Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Buffalo, N. Y. 1925. W. H. Dudley, Chief Bureau of Visual Instruction, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. 1927. Dudley Grant Hayes. Director of Visual Education, Board of Education Building, Chicago Illinois 1927. VISUAL INSTRUCTION ASS. OF AMERICA Officers and Executive Board: President, Ernest L. Crandall, Director of Lectures and Visual Instruction in the New York City Schools; VicePresident, A. G. Balcom, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Newark. New Jersey; Recording Secretary, Don Carlos Ellis, formerly Director of Motion Picture Division of United States Department of Agriculture; Treasurer, George P. Foute, 71 West 23rd St., New York City; Corresponding Secretary, Rowland Rogers. Instructor in Motion Picture Production of Columbia I'niversity; John H. Finley, of the Editorial Staff of the New York Times, formerly President of the College of the City of New York, and Commissioner of Education of the State of New York; George D. Strayer, Pro fessor of Education and Director of the Division of Field Study, institute of Research. Teachers College, Columbia University; Susan B. Dorsey, Superintendent of Schools. Los Angeles, California; Olive Jones, of the N. E. A. Board of Trustees, Principal of Public School, 120 and Annexes, New York City. RELEASES OF S. V. E. Society for Visual Education, Inc., 327 So. LaSalle St., Chicago Civics & Americanization : A Citizen and His Government. Growth of Cities and Their Problems. Hats Off, a Story of the Flag. Physics: Magnetism. Electromagnetism. Electrostatics Electromagnetics. Induction. High FrequencyCurrents. Mathematics : Animated Geometry. Nature Study: Life History of the Monarch Butterfly. Samia Cecropia, the Giant American Silkworm. Pond and Stream Life. The Mosquito. Toads. Wasps. The Greenbottle Fly. The Black-and-Orange Garden Spider. Bees. Where Plants Live. Field and Wayside. The Lacewing Fly. Physical Geography: The Earth and Worlds Beyond. Study of a .Mountain Glacier. The Work of Rivers. Study of Shore Features — Low Shore. Study of Shore Features — 'Bold Shore. Formation of Caves in Limestone Formation of Volcanos and Geysers. The Story of Coral Growth. A Study of Niagara. Regional Geography: New England States. Middle Atlantic States. Southern States. Central Plains. Great Plains. Western Plateaus. Rocky Mountains, Pacific Mountains and Lowlands. Athletic : Swimming and Diving. Agricultural Subjects: Dairy Management. Dairy Cattle and their Selection. Dairy Cattle — Types, Breeds and Characteristics. Bee Culture. Vocational Subjects: The Engine Lathe and Its Operation . The Universal Milling Machine and Its Operation. Health and Sanitation: Getting Acquainted With Bacteria. Waste Disposal in Cities. Conquering Diptheria. Health Subjects: Malaria. Unnooking the Hookworm. S. V. E. TRAVELOGUES: Chateau of France. Porcelain Industry in Czechoslovakia. A Trip Up the Seine. From London to Paris by Air. Economic History: The Steamboat in United States History. Canals in United States History. Railroads in United States History. Reclaiming Arid Land by Irrigation. Immigration to the United States. The Panama Canal and Its Historical Significance. Foundation and Settlement of the United States : French Explorations in North America. English Settlements in North America. Struggle of French and English for North America. Breaking Through the Apalachians. War of the American Revolution. Settling the Ohio Valley. Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clarke Expedition. Trans-Mississippi Trails. Across the Rockies to the Pacific. Dramatics : Sharazad. 586