The film daily year book of motion pictures (1925)

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7.1. Saving Coal at Home 1 reel. .Made in cooperation with the Associated Pipe and Boiler Industries. This picture emphasizes in an interesting and popular way the advantages of covering domestic heating pipes with insulation. 74. The Story of Asbestos-4 reels. This film was produced in co-operation with the Johns Manville Co., Inc. It shows the mining of asbestos-bearing rock in Arizona and Que bee, how the fiber is recovered therefrom and then manufactured into many well-known products. 75. The Story of Rock Drilling— 3 and 4 reel copies. Made in co-operation with the Sulli van Machinery Co. I bis picture shows how various types of drills are used in mining operations. Reel No. I shows their application in iron mining ; reels Nos. 2 and 3 in the granite industry; and No. 4 in the new ten-mile power canal at Niagara Falls. 76. The Story of Abrasives — 4 reels. Made in co-operation with the Carbo:undum Co. of America. Shows the generation of power at Niagara Falls, it utilization for the production of carborundum (silicide of carbon) and aloxits (alumninum ses.[uioxide) and finally the numerous interesting and important industrial operations that are performed with the aid of the abrasives thus manufactured. 77. Mexico and Its Oil — 4 reels. It shows early attempts to produce petroleum, and the present day operations of the Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corp. in Mexico, including drilling, storage and transportation by pipe-line and tank boat, along with touches of Mexican life, including the catching with hook and line of an 85 pound tarpon. The picture is beautifully tinted and very entertain ing. 78. "The Modern Goliath" or The Story of Heavy Excavating Machinery — 4 reels. Show? steam and gasoline operated shovels made by the Bucyrus Co. with buckets varying in size from iy2 to 8 cubic yards and includes rail track, Caterpillar tower and drag-line equipment. Many of the scenes include operation at large mines, also at railroad and highway construction. 81. The Story of Natural Gas— 4 reels Made in co-operation with the Natural Gas Asso. of America. Shows in interesting detail the locating, assembly of equipment, drilling and casing of a natural gas well, the complicated process of bringing the gas to our homes through gathering lines, field measuring stations gas bompressing stations, gasoline plants and transmission lines to the border of the town or city, city gate measuring station, medium pressure lines, low pressure regulators, low pressure town and city mains, service cocks, service lines, gas meters, house piping for stoves and other gas using appliances and efficient ways of using them 83. Oxygen, the Wonder Worker— 4 reels. Made in co-operation with the Air Reduction Sales Co. Shows the methods of preparing oxygen and acetylene, and the remarkable work done by the oxy-acetylene torch in cutting and molding metals. 84' iJhf .Story °f an Electric Meter— 3 reels. Made in co-operation with the Sangamo Elec trie Co. Shows the method of manufacturing meters, and by animated photography how they measure electric current. 85. The Story of a Watch— 3 reels. Made in co-operation with the Illinois Watch Co. li shows the making of a watch including the grinding of "jewels." making of minute parts and the principle of the operation of a watch 86. The Story of an Automobile — 5 reels. Made in co-operation wwith the Studebaker Corp. and shows in detail the making of an automobile from the raw material to the finished machine. The operations include the founding, forging and finishing of metals, and the final assembling of parts. 87. The Story of Compressed Air — 3 reels. Made in co-operation with the Compressed Air Society of America. Shows the method of compressing air, and the operation of many machines using air as a source of power including those at mines, machine-shops, steel mills, etc. 88. Water Power -2 reels Made in co-opera tion with the Westinghouse Electric &• Mfg. Company. Shows the method of using the energy of falling water in ancient and modern times. It makes clear the operation of the turbine connected to an electric current generator and the transmission of the current at high voltages over long distances. 89. Transportation — 2 reels. Made in co-opera tion with the Westinghcuse Electric & Mfg. Co. Shows methods of transportation, be ginning with the sled drawn and pushed by slaves under the lash, and then depicts development up to the high-powered electric locomotive. Many interesting scenes are included. 90. The Story of a V-Type Eight Cylinder Motor— 4 reels. Made in co-operation with the Cadillac Motor Car Co. and shows the making and assembling of a high grade motor, including the minute inspection. 91. The Story of Stee'. — 6 reels. Made in cooperation with the United States Steel Corp. Reel 1 shows open pit iron mining, transportation by water, blast-furnace and byproduct coke-oven opeation, bessemer and electric furnaces, pouring ingots and soaking pit ; reel 2 shows manufacture of rails, plates and other products hot rolled from ingots; reel 3 shows manufacture of wire products; reel 4, manufacture of pipe; reel 5, manufacture of tin plates; and reel 6, the human side of steel making. 92. The Story of a Valve in Head Motor — -4 reels. Made in co-operation with the Buick Molor Co., and shows the making, assembling and operation of a valve in head motor, with an animated cartoon showing the ignition and operation of gas in cylinder. 93. The Story of Alloy Steel — 4 reels. Made in co-operation with the Interstate Iron and Steel Co. It begins with the ferroalloy stoage-bins and cast-iron scrap pile and shows the charging of car wheels and other scrap into an open hearth furnace; ingot pouring, soaking and the rolling of ingots into merchant bar from which automobile axles and other structural parts may be made. 94. The Story of a Gasoline Motor — 3 ree's This film was made in co-operation with the Continental Motors Corp. and visualizes in a most graphic manner the complete operation of a gasoline engine. It shows the cycles through which the gas travels from the time it enters the engine as an explosive mixture until it leaves the engine as a burned gas. With the aid of special lenses, many closeup scenes have been obtained in order to show clearly what has taken place inside the engine, and the particular role which each part plays in creating power from liquid heat and fuel. Many engines were cut into at various points so that the particular function of their moving parts would be clearly shown and many feet of animated photography to show this clearly, are incorporated. 95. When Wages Stop, oi Safety First in the Petroleum Industry — 4 reels Made in co operation with the Associated Oil Comuanies of California and teaches safety in the oil fields and in refining and distribution of the oil. It is an exceptionally well-made film, and is suitable for any industry, from the safety standpoint "6. The Story of a Motor Truck — 3 reels. Made in co-operation with the General Motor Truck Co. This picture show* the actual making of one of these great carriers, from the raw material to the finished product. The heavy construction of the various parts of a motor truck are shown in contrast to the lighter construction of similar parts of a passenger carrying automobile. 97. The iStory of Fireclay Refractories 4 reels. This picture was produced in co-operation 638