Film Fun (1928 - 1942 (assorted issues))

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“ The proudest moment of our lives had come!” “It was our home I There were two glistening tears in Mary’s eyes, yet a smile was on her lips. I knew what she was thinking. “Five years before, we had started bravely out together. The first month had taught us that two cannot live as cheaply as one. “Then one night Mary came to me. ‘Jim,’ she said, ‘why don’t you go to school again — right here at home? You can put in an hour or two after lupper each night while I sew. Learn to do some one thing. You'll make good — I know you will.’ “Well, we talked it over and I took up a course with the International Correspondence Schools. It was surprising how rapidly the mysteries of our busi¬ ness became clear to me. In a little while, an opening came, I was ready for it and was promoted — with an increase. Then I was advanced again. There was money enough to lay even a little aside. It certainly was a lucky day for us when I sent in that I. C. S. coupon.” Why—don’t you study and get ready for promotion toot We'll be glad to help you If you will only make the start. And the way to do that is easy. Choose the work you like best In the coupon below; then mark and mall It to the International Correspondence Schools today. This doesn’t obligate you In the least, but It will bring you Information that will help to start you on a successful career. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS ••il'/ ie Universal Unlversllu ” Box 42 IS-F, 8eranton, Penna. Without cost or obligation, please send me a copy of your booklet, “Who Wins and Why,” and full particulars about the subject before which I have marked X : BUSINESS TRAINING C0UR8ES Industrial Management Personnel Management Truffle Management Accounting and C.P.A. Coaching Cost Accounting Bookkeeping Salesmanship Secretarial Work Spanish □ French Advertising TECHNICAL AND a Business Correspondence Show Card and Sign Lettering Stenography and Typing Civil Service Bollway Mall Clerk Common 8chool Subjects High School Subjects Magazine and Book Illustrator □ Cartooning INDUSTRIAL COURSES I Electrical Engineer Electric Lighting Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Draftsman Machine Shop Practice Ballroad Positions Gas Engine Operating Civil Engineer Surveying and Mapping Metallurgy □ Mining Steam Engineering □ Radio I Architect Architects’ Blueprints Contractor and Builder Architectural Draftsman Concrete Builder Structural Engineer Chemistry □ Pharmacy Automobile Work Airplane Engines Agriculture and Poultry Mathematics Name . Street Address. City. 8tate . a If you reside In Canada, lend this coupon lo fhe Interna¬ tional Correspondence Schools Canadian , Limited, Montreal Personal stationery should have your name and address or monogram printed at the top. We are offering a beautiful stationery In the ' Smart ” B1PPUC Finish, found only In high-grade papers, with choice of name and address, or monogram printed In rich dark blue. 200 Sheet*, or 100 Double Sheet* (Pi AA 100 Envelopes, to match (post paid) ipl._ (white only, single sheet site fl x 7, double sheet fold* to 0 x 7) New MONARCH else “The Man’s Choice’’ 100 Sheets, *>*« 7 % » 10 % white only(£-| FA 80 Envelope*, to match (post paid) qJA.I" Send money (went of Denver edd lOr-personsi checks add 6c)We pay poetiure. PRINT clearly. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Imperial Stationers, P 0 Box 729.lkpt.F-5 New Orleans, La. CPRIG. is cub. It’s in the air. ^ And so are hubbies whose wives have new hats on the brain. Terrible to think what a poor meal ticket has to produce now¬ adays! But here’s a laugh on the other side of somebody’s face. None other than Harry Langdon, who is no more a husband than my Aunt Emma, has discovered, much to his sorrow, that it’s pretty hard for a man of his demands to save on the overhead. Harry ordered three hats for himself. Count ’em. One. Two. Three. Now guess what the amount of the invoice was. You can’t. Well, you can’t be blamed, for blimey if it wasn’t $120. Yes, sir. One hundred and twenty dollars for three hats — forty iron men apiece — made to order (the hats, not the money) — and if you don’t believe us, ask Harry’s press agent, he’ll make you believe anything. Well, well, if money talks, Har¬ ry’s certainly talking through his hat! ooo AND speaking of golfing, here’s a rich item we ran across. It reads: “Farrell MacDonald, the star' clown in ‘The Four Devils,’ is a noted humorist off the screen, except when fishing and golfing.” And we suppose when Farrell plays golf and fishes he just hu¬ mors himself along. <xx> STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGE¬ MENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912, of FILM FUN, published monthly at New York, N. Y., for April 1, 1028, State of New York, County of New York. Before me, a Notary Public In and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared Curtis Mitchell, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he Is the Editor of the "Film Fun" and that the following is. to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid pub¬ lication for the date shown In the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, man¬ aging editor, and business managers are: Publisher, Film Humor, Inc., 97 Fifth Avenue. New York, N. Y. ; Editor. Curtis Mitchell, 97 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. ; Managing Editor, none. Business Manager. Curtis Mitchell, 97 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 2. That the owner is Film Humor, Inc.. 97 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. ; George T. Delacorte, Jr., 97 Fifth Avenue. New York, N. Y. ; Margarita Delacorte, 97 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None. 4. That the two para¬ graphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders. If any, contain not only the list of stock holders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee Is acting, Is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant’s full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appe ir upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a Ivona fide owner; and tills affiant hH8 no reason to believe that any other person, associa¬ tion, or corporation has any Interest direct or In¬ direct in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. Curtis Mitchell, Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 22nd day of March, 1928. Thomas A. Donovan, Nolan1 Public. Bronx Co. Clerk's No. 44, Reg. 2961. Certificate filed In N. Y. County. County Clerk’s No. 303. Reg. No. 9240. (My commission expires March 30, 1929.) SONG WRITKR8 SONG WRITER8. Substantial Advance Royalties are paid ou publishable work. Anyone having original ideas for songs may submit poems for examination and free advice. Walter Newcomer, 1074 Broadway, New York. Song poem writers. • Address Monarch, 236 West 55th, Dept. 180, New York. HELP WANTED Are you willing to aocept U. S. Government position, $95-$225 month? MenWomen, 18-55. Trained at home in three weeks. Write, Ozment’s Instruction Bureau, 277 Arcade Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Women wanting obtain reliable kinds. Write for in¬ formation. Stamped envelope. Eller Co.. 55-290 Broad¬ way, New York. Men, get forest ranger Job; $l25-$200 Mo. and home furnished; Hunt, Fish, Trap. For details, write NORTON INST., 1493 Temple Court, Denver, Colo. Work for Unole Sam. Steady Jobs. $95.00 — $275.00 month. Sample examination coaching free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept C-109, Roch¬ ester, N. Y. ASTROLOGY Know Yourself 1 Learn Your Possibilities l Send birthdate and 10c for Horoscope Reading. Gem, Dept. F.. 98 Park Place, New York. MISCELLANEOUS Tobacco or Snuff Habit cured or no pay. $1.50 if cured. Remedy sent on trial. Superba Co., N-7, Baltimore, MtL WINFREY ISLAND, Dundee, Quebec. Ideal Summer Report. Cozy Individual Cottages. Adults only. Write W. Winfrey, 825 Bienville, Montreal, Quebec. Make Money in Photography! We train you quickly at home. No experience necessary. Spare time or full time. Photographs In big demand by magazines, newspapers, adver¬ tisers, etc. Portrait Photographers make more moneytodaythaneverbefore.CommercialPhotography also pays big money. New plan. Nothing else like It. Write today for details and new FREE book. Opportunity* in Modern Photography. American School of Photography Dept. 231-A 3601 Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. Transform Your Skin to Magic Beauty By the “New Process”— Almost Over Night TRIAL COSTS NOTHING No smudgy cloys, nuffocnting masks, steamrots, powders, creams, blenches, or (nltte make-ups. No acids, dangerous chemicals, or pain: harmlesn to the most delicate skin. Entirely “NEW PROCESS." (Patented in U. 8. A.) Applied in the secrecy of your home, pimples, blackheads, enlurged pores, liver spots, freckles, tan, blemishes and signs of Approaching ago ore gone! — sometimes Al¬ most over night. Write for FREE COM¬ POUND— -Beauty Book with Sworn Proofs. Newlyn Co., Oopt. €17, Hydo Park St., Los Angolas, Cal. DevelopYourBust! Our scientific method highly recommended for quick ett*y development LA BEAUTE CREME lor improvement of bust, neck, face, arms and leas Used with great success by tnoiiHands. Inex¬ pensive, harmless, pleasant. Successful re¬ sults or money refunded. Full particulars and proof (sealed) free. Write for special offer TODAY. LA BEAUTE STUDIOS SS7-XX Hamilton Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Learn Cartooning At HomeIn Your Spere Time The famous Picture Chart Meth¬ od of teaching original drawing haa opened the door of auccees for hundreds of beginners. Whether you think you havo talent or not, send for sample chart to test your ability, and examples of the work of students earning from $60 to $300 per week. Pleats state your poe. THE LANDON SCHOOL 1409 National Bldg., Cleveland. O. "TBiHiaama GREATEST BARGAIN GREATEST BARGAIN Regular $18.00 value. Newest daintiest, fashionable Ladles* Watch. white gold finish. Gen¬ uine imported joweied move¬ ment. Guarunlued. • Accurate reliable timekeeper. Silk er osgrain ribbon. Send no money. Pay postman $3.99 pluspo u»k« JENKINS, 621 Broadway New York. N.Y. Dept. 39 E 6 Page 61f.