FilmIndia (1948)

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January, 1948 Is the intimacy of a male teacher and a female pupil dangerous? Not if it leads to matrimony. What is the difference between taming a tigress and taming a virago? When you tame a tigress you get a circus but when you tame a virago you get a tigress. PRADEEP L. TANNA (Kandivili) Is it well for us that the future is hidden from us? . . , The struggle for living is one long searci. for the hidden. Even God, man's final destination, is a well-hidden Divini'y keeping man constantly in search. If th? veil is torn there would be no future end therefore no life for man. Wirl you accept an offer from Prndit Nehru to fill up the po~t of an Entertainment Minister in the Central Government? Pandit ji irould not like a rebel. He would like a nice litt'e fellow like Bhabhc. We have quite a few Bhabhas in Bombay still. Why fall back uDon a Babu? C. S. GOPALAN (Bangalore) Why is it that almost all people expect good morals from film folks? What they miss in themselves they expect to find in others. N. V. R. SWAMY (N2ganatam) Which is the noblest profession in this world? Becoming a sadhu. A sadhu raises hit hand onh) to bless and is in turn blessed u'ith a free living. R. THIRUVENKATACHARI (Coimbatorc) 1 1 you are asked to award the first prize to a politician who bluffs moct, to whom will the prize eo'.' To the man who bluffed even Sardai Vallabhbhai Patel and amputated Mother India under the anaesthesia of fear. ADV1 RAO (Raichur) Why is marriage the common conclusion of nearly ell Indian themes? How e'se can they end an affair between a man end a woman? Society has yet to accept an alternative arrangement. A. R. BUTT (Karachi) Pictures pertaining to Hindu Muslim goodwill should be produced now in view of the srd plight af our people today. Would you kindly urge a few producers to take up the subject and earn the good wishes (if million: ? You can't tame the Muslim tiger with goodwill pictures. He has tasted too much of the Hindu blood and needs another argument to stop his man hunt. Isn't it grand to be a film director? For a man who loves hard and intellectual work, it is a grand opportunity to create some F! I. M INDIA Ranjana plays the lead in ' Shadia^ Pahile", a social story of Raja Nene Productions. thing. For sex criminals it is one long honeymoon. MISS MAY (Mercara) Have you ever sought revenge and did you find it 'sweet'? / am. a forgetful type and can never remember the injuries done to me. Besides, revenge is a fiery flame which burns first the man who lights it before it does any harm to the person at whom it is aimed. Do children rnnoy you? Not as little ones but when they grow up info irresponsible cads. I hate them after 18. A. S. RAGHAVAN (Bombay) What way do you suggest to win the love of a capitalist? Sweat for him till you can't sweat any more. A capitalist loves the toiling humanity. S. NARAYAN SANE (Poona) If God switched off the Sun tomorrow, which God forbid, what would happen? The wor'd would be sinless. It is light that makes darkness a long hour of sin. ATIB USMANI (Bombay) When you so much deride the Prithviraj-Ahmed Abbas type of propaganda for Hindu Muslim unity, what type of propaganda do you suggest for the achievement of this noble end? Thanks to the Muslim Lraguers. Hindus and Muslims have been torn apart so rudely that 33