FilmIndia (1948)

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January, 1943 FILM INDIA lecruit Lata Rani of 6665 Imam Javdi, near Kingway, Secunderalad, is just nineteen and would ike to get a break in the films nd runs for nearly half an hour resenting a unique pictorial reord of every aspect of the Wimdedon games. ANGRY STARS New York, Oct. 24. Leading Hollywood film stars, irofessing themselves to be fisted and outraged" by the fforts of the Congressional Comaittee on Un-American Activities o hunt for communism in their jnd the son is, therefore, naturally nxious to join the films. And he sings. SI industry, are taking whole-page advertisements in trade journals to denounce the "attempt to curb freedom of expression and set arbitrary standards of Americanism". It is learnt here that among the subscribers are Eddie Cantor, Katherine Hepburn, Mvrna Loy, Henry Fonda, Cornel Wilde, Gregory Peck, and Paulette Goddard. A group of leading directors also have taken action. They have telegraphed to the Chairman of the Committee, Parnel \Y. Thomas], categorically denying the allegation made in the * evidence by Director Sam Wood that a communist clique was seeking to control film unions. The signatories of fehis denial include William Wyler, who directed the film city's most successful film, "The Best Years of Our Lives", and John Ford. ETERNAL PEACE Calcutta. Dec. 10 We regret to announce the sudden death today of Debi Mukherjee, at his Regent Park residence in Tollygunj. It is presumed that death was due to heart failure. Mukherjee had worked in a number of pictures and his recent successes were, "Udayer Pathey" "Wasiyal Nama", "Bhabikal" etc. He was only thirty-five years old at the time of his death and the Bengal film industry has lost in him a seasoned and enthusiastic artiste. May his soul find rest in the next world! MOURNING A FRIEND! Bombay, Dec. 25. "Filmindia" regrets to announce the sudden death of Mr. D. ( ... £hah, ilt his residence at walkeshwar, Bombay, at the a'ee nf 52. ' B "l) C.", as Mr. Shah was Popularly known to his numerous Friends, was a great art and dance critic and in his long and illustrious career as a hard working journalist, lie had covered everything from a court case to a bad Indian film with a svmpathy and thoroughness rarely found in our present-day journalists. Shah's Diwali Film Supplements, which somehow came after Recruit Vikrama Jit Babbar of 2/83 Sambudoss Street. G. T. Madras, sings well but wants to play sad roles. He is a Punjabi and speaks Hindustani well. the festive event, always provided varied ;\nd delightful reading to all. "To me it is a personal loss apart from the shock of it," said Editor Baburao Patel when interviewed. "I have very few sincere friends and now I have one less. Isn't that enough to mourn?" May his soul rest in peace! Recruit Nandlal .Makhija of 418 Kalbadevi Road, Bombay 2, just wants a push to fulfil his ambitions of motion picture acting. He speaks Hindustani well and stands 5' 4" in his socks. 65