FilmIndia (1946)

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"Oh, how beautiful her eyes are!" How often do we hear that when we see a charmer waltzing across the dance floors of our popular clubs! PINCHES OF LIFE Yes, mam, your eyes are a very important matter of concern for you. They provide to the world an index of your inner self. They tell friends how sad you are and what is worrying you. Like the taxi-meter they record all your sleepless nights and in the lines below them people can count a million different worries from husband-feeding down to baby-nursing. It is really marvellous how human eyes give the show away and a woman is let down more often by her eyes than by her vagrant husband. You can spot in her eyes the fear of the grocer who knocks at the door Sunday mornings not knowing that hubby has lost the month's dough at the races the previous Saturday. These little pinches of life take the sparkle out of the eyes gradually and long before the time the woman reaches thirties, she looks ten years older with worry drawing familiar designs in lines round these oncebeautiful eyes, which caught the first fish only a few years before. Now don't go and commit suicide over this. This is something you can prevent for a long, long time to come. The greatest cure for the tired eyes is the human mind. Human body is Being inquisitive by nature, women look through too many key-holes These soulful eyes belong to a famous Indian film star. They have attracted millions all over the country and hypnotized thousands with their natural spell. But she didn't get them in a day. In her cradle they had the usual innocent glassy look. With years of education and understanding came the strange fascinating expression which distinguishes one woman from another. Unlike the man a woman has to look intelligent before she proceeds to prove it. For, with a woman intelligence is an important factor of her beauty. And without intelligent and expressive eyes no woman is going to be called beautiful. It is not so with men. Their faces often wear masks of mugs and their eyes look dull and woe-begone but behind such eyes we often find the busy workshop of a successful stockexchange gambler. The talent of man is not measured with the yard-stick of beauty of the eyes. Woman, however, is placed differently. To her eyes must remain a vital item of her beauty. Their function is not merely to see for themselves but be seen as well and found beautiful. You can spot in her eyes the fear of the grocer on Sunday mornings. the creature of the human mind. If you want the eyes to drop the cloud of worry, banish worry from your mind. It is easily said. Try it tonight and you'll find worry chasing you from room to room. We know it is a difficult job to chase worry out of one's mind. But everything good is difficult and therefore worth trying. You can do it by auto-suggestion, by optimism, by removing the causes of worry or by sharing it with your pal or partner. Do what you can but split this atom of worry till its minute particles cease to hurt you any more. Once the mind is overhauled and plugged to a new current of happy thoughts — a superhuman job for the worried woman — it is time to think of the physical needs of the eyes. MANY A STRAIN Women, being inquisitive creatures by nature, look through too many chinks and key-holes and naturally strain their eyes. In truth, they use their eyes too long and too often. On shopping expeditions they will look over any article a hundred times. If the price is high they refuse to believe what they see. The inevitable question, "Can this thing be worth so much?", puts more strain on the eyes and often unnecessarily. Then the house-hold bills are all evidence of guilt and fraud to the average housewife. For minutes she will look at them and wonder at the impunity of people in overcharging. Mind you, all this while, the eyes are seeing all the 53