Filmo Topics (1942)

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HERE'S HOLLYWOOD VERSATILITY AND 8MM. ECONOMY.. . XT7"HAT'S in a name? A lifetime of fine performance — when the V' name is Filmo Aristocrat Turret 8 — the camera that brings Hollywood versatility to low-cost Smm. movie making. With the Aristocrat you are master of every situation . . . with three lenses mounted on the turret head, any one of which may be placed in photographing position simply by rotating the turret, you can make long shots, medium shots, and close-ups without moving from the spot. Viewfinder objectives matching the lenses are also mounted on the turret. When a lens is in photographing position, so is its matching finder . . . automatically! You see exactly as much of the subject as will appear on the screen . . . and "what you see, you get." Speed range is 16, 32, 48, and 64 frames per second. All of these advantages are in addition to the time-tested features of single-lens Filmo 8's . . . daylight loading, no sprockets to thread, no loops to form . . . enclosed positive finder . . . rotary disc shutter . . . single frame release for animation work. Price, with Taylor-Hobson 12y2mm. F 2.5 UF lens and matching finder objective, not including critical focuser, $ 1 16.80. Only FILMO Accessories can match Filmo Camera quality VIEWFINDER OBJECTIVES— for your Turret 8; a matching viewfinder objective should be used with each lens of different focal length. The objective is mounted beside the lens and will fill the viewfinder area with the field covered by that particular lens. For 12^mm. lens (standard on Turret 8); for 1-inch, 1^-inch, and 2-inch lenses, $6.40 each. See your Filmo TELEPHOTO LENS, for photographing farjjffP away subjects — for single lens or Turret 8 Filmo; 1 V2-inch F 3.5 B&H focusing lens, S46. for other B&H special purpose lenses, also. FOCUSING ALIGNMENT GAUGE— for Filmo Turret 8 Camera; permits using the Filmo Turret 8 critical focuser to the full extent of its capabilities. Title cards, maps — any subject, in fact, may be sharply focused and accurately composed within the film area and then photographed with complete assurance of desired results. Price, $8.80. CABLE RELEASE— for absolute immobility— a necessity when doing critical work with a telephoto lens, or single-frame exposure work with any lens. Permits you to operate the starting button without touching the camera. Cable release for single-lens 8's, $3.45. For Turret 8's (including Installation at factory), $3.75. For Auto Load and 141, $3.45; for Auto Master, $3.75. Bell & Howell Company, Chicago; New York; Hollywood; Washington, D.C.; London Established 1907 *» 9<Sk^ *»" fflp fUT*^" n-q^iP* 9^K"> What Everyone Should Know in Time of Total War a EMERGENCY FIRST AID ff A series of eight reels — sound or silent — black-andwhite or color — rental or sale. Produced by Jacob Sarnoff, M. D., edited and narrated by Wm. F. Kruse. Used and endorsed by school, police, fire, scout, civilian defense, factory, and other authorities. Officially approved by the International College of Surgeons. Prices per Reel Rental Sale Black-and-white — Sound $1.50 $36 Black-and-white— Silent 1.00 24 Color— Silent 3.00 60 Available from Filmosound Library and all B&H dealers BUY WAR BONDS "E" for Excellence A 10 minute sound motion picture available on nominal service charge. FT I2-42-C4 BELL & HOWELL COMPANY 1842 Larchmont Ave., Chicago, 111. Please send full details about () Filmo Aristocrat Turret 8 Camera; () Catalog of available Accessories; ( ) Filmo 8's; ( ) Filmo 16mm. Cameras; () Latest film releases by Government available on rental basis; ( ) Films for trainii . and morale building. PRECISION MADE BY