Focus: A Film Review (1950-1951)

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44 CATHOLIC PREMIERES PILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA After disappointments and difficulties, the Premiere of Pilgrimage to Fatima was arranged for Sunday, October 22nd, at the Palace Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, London. The occasion was graced by the presence of the Apostolic Delegate, Archbishop Godfrey, who presided, and His Excellency the Portuguese Ambassador accompanied by Madame Ulrich. By a fortunate accident, the date of the Premiere was late enough to allow us to have Father Hilary Carpenter with us, just returned from America. Father Carpenter spoke about the place of the truly religious film in the world of cinema. The Apostolic Delegate then introduced the film and spoke of the meaning of Fatima as the latest of the three famous apparitions of Our Lady in modern times, each with its message of warning and demand for a more Christian way of life. SORCIER DU CIEL The London Premiere of the French film, Sorcier du del, took place at the New Gallery Cinema, Regent Street, London, on October 5th. It was played for the benefit of the Young Christian Workers through the courtesy of Films de France and the J. Arthur Rank Organisation. His Eminence Cardinal Griffin, the Patron of the Premiere, was unable to be present. His Lordship, Bishop Myers, deputised for His Eminence and received the distinguished audience which included members of the Diplomatic Corps as well as Bishop Cowderoy, of Southwark, and Bishop Parker, of Northampton. Georges Rollin, the French actor who plays the role of St. John Baptist Vianney, came specially from Paris to be present for the Premiere. Richard Todd, Nadia Grey and Jeanette Scott were among the audience who were presented to His Lordship in the foyer. Dr. Wand, Bishop of London, also honoured the Premiere with his presence and sat next to Bishop Myers during the performance. The Marchioness of Lothian was Chairman of the Premiere Committee, John Davies, Esq., Vice-Chairman and Secretary, Miss K. O’Donnell, M.B.E. THE MASTER CALLETH THEE The film-pageant devised by the Filiae Matris Bonae Concilii and produced by Andrew Buchanan is shortly to have its Premiere. With a Commentary written by the F.M.B.C. and spoken by Robert Speaight it is an interesting attempt to use film to stimulate vocations to the Religious Life. The F.M.B.C. are a group of women whose work is to guide young girls and women into the form of religious life to which they may be most suited. At the house in Claverton Street, near Westminster Cathedral, weekly Retreats and Conferences are held at which girls are able to pray about and discuss the matter of a religious vocation. The film, The Master Calleth Thee shows a young girl in her journey to find her true calling, with the lure of the world on the one hand and the dedicated service of God in religion on the other. She passes in review all the well known Religious Orders and Congregations, most of which have a part in the film by proxy. Girls from Convent Schools and girls in business gave up their time and (in the case of the business girls) their holiday in order to take part in this film apostolate. They appear in the habits of more than forty different religious congregations. For their parts they were coached by nuns from the various convents. The film will be distributed and shown by the Filiae Matris Bonae Concilii from whom all information about the film mav be obtained. Address : F.M.B.C., ' 27 Claverton Street, London, S.W.l.