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Heinl radio business letter (July-Dec 1932)

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"By the employment of these extensive facilities, American broadcasting companies have accomplished their ends in the most economical manner and have avoided the expense of installing and maintaining a great amount of apparatus for only occasional program use. They have, in addition, saved themselves a vast amount of research and experimental work, for the entire technique of long range radio transmission and reception is considerably different from that of broadcasting. The latter aims to serve all points within a reasonable radius of the transmitter, whereas the former focuses the energy transmitted at a 'target' thousands of miles away, with as little diffusion as possible in other directions of the compass. " X X X X X X X WCCO IN 50 KW CLASS SEPT. 1ST The following announcement has been made by E. H. Gammons. Vice-President of Station WCCO, Minneapolis: "Effective September 1, WCCO will begin operating its new 50,000 watt Western Electric transmitter. In the opinion of engi¬ neers this is the finest transmitter yet to be installed in the United States. Operating on WCCO ' s cleared channel, 810 kilocycles, full time, in a territory where radio reception is excellent twelve months of the year, you can realize what this means. "With this new equipment WCCO enters upon a new era of service as the radio gateway to the three-quarters of a million radio receiving sets in the great Northwest. "Despite our heavy investment in this new equipment and the increased cost of operation, we have made every effort to keep our rates as low as possible. If you will check our rate card with the card rates of other 50,000 watt stations and compare their territories with that which WCCO serves, you will be convinced that we have one of the best radio buys in the United States. "You can tell your story to each one of these threequarters of a million radio equipped homes, fifteen minutes in the daytime, for thirteen one-thousandths of a cent 750 homes for a dime. " X X X X X X 4