Heinl radio business letter (July-Dec 1935)

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8/20/35 MINNEAPOLIS DAILY TIES UP WITH WCCO Plans for joint activities between WCCO, Minneapolis and St. Paul, and the Minneapolis Star were announced when the radio station paid special tribute to the newspaper during a half-hour broadcast Monday evening, August 12. Entitled "A Salute to The Star", the musical program was interspersed with introductions of several members of the Star staff, including Davis Merwin, publisher; John Thompson, General Manager; Charles Johnson, Sports Editor; Dave Silverman, Managing Editor, and other department heads. The new arrangement between the radio station and the newspaper, marks the enlargement of an association which was the first newspaperradio alliance in the Twin Cities. Under the new agreement, several news broadcast will be made each day with the cooperation of the Star, the United Press, and WCCO from the news offices of the newspaper. A new series of daily five-minute programs entitled "The Star Gazer" began Monday, August 12. XXXXXXXXX PACKARD AND TIBBETT MOVE OVER TO COLUMBIA A well-known manufacturer and an equally distinguished artist will make their debut on the Columbia network when the Packard Motor Car Company inaugurates its new radio series featuring Lawruence Tibbett. The program will be broadcast on 80 coastto-coast stations of the Columbia Network beginning September 24th and each Tuesday evening thereafter at 8:30 o’clock P.M. EST. Tibbett was heard under the auspices of the same sponsor last season on an NBC hookup. This year, the program switches to the Columbia Network, using, however, the same time period on the same day of the week. The program’s sales approach, commercial announcement technique, and the method in which it will tie-in with other phases of Packard’s fall promotion, will be announced later. Young & Rubicara is the agency in charge. XXXXXXXX 9