Heinl radio business letter (July-Dec 1930)

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1,785,239. Support For Vacuum Tubes. Milton Alden, Springfield, Mass. , assignor, by mesne assignments, to Robert S. Allyn, New York, N. Y. Filed August 12, 1926. 1,785,246. Magnetic Material. Wiebold Frans Brandsma, Popko Reinder Dijksterhuis, Gerardus Johannes Sizoo, and Gottfried Bruno Jonas, Eindhoven, Netherlands, assignors to Radio Corporation of America. Filed August 1, 1928, and in the Netherlands July 19, 1927. 1,785,262. Duplex Scanning Disk. Charles Francis Jenkins, Washing¬ ton, D. C0, assignor to Jenkins Laboratories, Washington, D. C. Filed September 6, 1928. 1,785,297. Electric Signaling. Louis Cohen, Washington, D. C, Filed November 17, 1927. 1,785,307. System and Method of Communication. John Hays Hammond, Jrft, Gloucester, Mass. Filed September 2, 1926. 1,785,330. Moving Picture Screen For Use in Connection With Sound Pictures. William J. Schoonmaker, New York, N. Y. Filed March 7, 1929. 1,785,377. Loud Speaker. Lee de Forest, New York, N. Y. , and Richard Halpenny, Washington, D. C. , assignors, by mesne assignments, to General Talking Pictures Corp. Filed December 1, 1926* 1,785,552. Portable Radio Apparatus. William M. Heina, Long Island City, N. Y. , assignor to Automobile Radio Corporation. Filed December 14, 1928. 1,785,553. Sound-Amplifying Means. Frank C. Hinckley, Stratford, Conn., assignor to Columbia Phonograph Co., Inc., Bridge¬ port, Conn. Filed March 12, 1926. 1,785,627. Radio. Joseph J. Hazard, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Filed August 9, 1929. Patent Suits 1,173,079, F. Alexanderson, Selective tuning system; 1,195,632, W. C. White, Circuit connections of electron-discharge apparatus; 1,251,377, A. W. Hull, Method of and means for obtain¬ ing constant direct— current potentials; 1,273,627, I. Langmuir, Method of and means for controlling electric currents or potentials; 1,297,188, same. System of amplifying variable currents; 1,728,879, Rice and Kellogg, Amplifying system, filed October 17, 1930, D. C. , So D. y N. Y. , Doc. E. 56/95, Radio Corp. of America et al. v. Pierce Airo Go., Inc. 1,195,632 (Same) and 1,203,190 (See 1,436,701). 3