Hollywood (Jan - Oct 1934)

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'MY fl£L£N, YOU SAID VOU HAD TORN THAT DRESS AND RUINED IT. BU YOU FIXED IT. I CAN SEE A MEND UNy PLACE/" £ ^5 ^ v \ ^*v /* I JUST MENDED IT IN Ak COUPLE OF MINUTES WITH SEW-NO MORE. I DO ALL MY MENDING THIS WAY. IT'S EASIER AND QUICKER THAN SEWING AND THE MENDS DON'T SHOW. NO MORE NEEDLE AND THREAD FOR ME/* \ i i { IT MENDS WITHOUT SEWING Before Using Sew-No-M.ore Using Sew-No-More MENDS WILL NOT COME OFF Repairs made with Sew-No-More wear as long as the rest of the garment. They can be laundered hundreds of times. They can be boiled, washed and ironed — they will not come off I Sew-No-More repairs are PERMANENT, LOOK BETTER and are STRONGER than mends made with needle and thread. The family mending can be done with Sew-No-More in one-tenth the usual time. 6 Repairs for lc Repairs with SEW-NO-MORE are amazingly inexpensive. The large size regular tube contains enough for scores of quick, easy mends. As many as six repairs can be made at a cost of about one cent. SEW-NO-MORE is so simplo and easy to use that even a child can make perfect mends in clothing, hosiery, etc. What Users Say "You've right, Sew-No-More docs away with the old needle and thread. It's a wonderful product in every way." — Mrs. John Mlchalskt, N. Y. "Sew-No-More is a fine Invention. It does everything you claim for it. It is a pleasure to recommend it to my friends and neighbors." — Charles B. Hixon, Pa. "For quick, neat mends that last, Sew-No-More can't be beat. Fabrics I repaired with it have been was-hed and ironed — even rubbed hard on a wash board, and they don't come off." — Mrs. Henry Picher, N. Y. IRON IT 3.164 USES1 MENDS dresses, suits, hosiery, lingerie, aprons, umbrellas, overalls, shirts, blankets, curtains, boys' clothing, etc. MAKES quilts, towels, pillow covers, aprons, dresses, hems, curtains, etc. PAYS AGENTS UP TO $2.00 AN HOUR Sew-No-More is the amazing product with which a hole, rip or tear in any cotton, wool, silk fabric can be mended so perfectly that you can hardly find the mended place. Keeps anything made of cloth in perfect repair wthout the drudgery and eye-strain of old-fashioned needle and thread. Simply spread a little SEW-NO-MORE around edges of the hole or tear, place a piece of the same material over it and press together, and the mend is complete. It becomes part of the article itself— boiling, washing, ironing, rough handling and wear won't hurt it. For housewives and mothers SEW-NO-MORE is just the thing to keep clothing neatly mended and without hard work. Bachelors find it a boon for making repairs without troublesome sewing or outside help. '•Enclosed is my fourth order. SEWNO-MORE rescued me from ■fnmhledfinances. Vmmightg grateful. Mrs. J. L. Lewis, Colo. Repairs Don't Show Saves Fine Garments SEW-NO-MORE is a scientific, stainless cream with powerful adhesive qualities. It is easy to use. Anyone can make repairs that are neat, permanent — practically invisible. Even striped material or material with checks or patterns can be mended so that the repair doesn't show. Every tube is sold under a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE of SATISFACTION. SEW-NO-MORE saves money because it mends fine garments and other valuable articles that would otherwise be ruined through a rip, tear or burn which could not be darned or mended by the old-fashioned, ugly way. In stockings and socks a Sew-No-More mend is smooth — no lumps to hurt the feet. PAYS 217% GUARANTEED PROFIT SEW-NO-MORE pays tremendous profits — • up to 217% — to agents and distributors. EXPERIENCE IS NOT NECESSARY, Just showing it and demonstrating how SEW-NO-MORE works like magic and saves hours of time and dollars of money brings big, quick, easy profits for you. We supply you with 'FREE samples that do all your selling. Just let women see the wonderful, neat, clean and practically invisible repairs they can make with SEW-NO-MORE and they'll order from you again and again. SEW-NO-MORE lets the housewife do all the family mending in one-tenth the usual time without tedious, eye-straining work. Orders and repeat orders are waiting in every home. Send this coupon for free sample and full details of money-making plans. ■■SEW-NO-MORE \ surely is amazing and I sells easily. Am work 1 ing for exclusive rights ! in my county." tj4 Em ■na C. Wl nUr. Wise, j $5,000.00 A YEAR for this Salesman "This confirms my telegram for another 36 dozen Sew-No-More. I should be able soon to dispose of at least 100 dozen a week. I am starting out sales crews in various towns. I have set my goal as $5,000.00 a year PROFIT and I am after that $5,000.00." B. N. Waterhouse, Pa. HURRY! Set Your FREE SAMPLE Now See for yourself the wonderfid, quick, easy mends you can make with SEW-NO-MORE — how it saves eyes, time, money. Send this coupon right now for FREE ACTUAL SAMPLE which proves all our claims. Also get FREE OUTFIT and Exclusive Territory offer. Get in on ground floor with this red-hot monev maker. NO INVESTMENT REQUIRED. Send no money. Just mail coupon. GOOD FOR FREE SAMPLE Soils 12 out of 16 Calls / have just started— haven't put in full week Vtt and have sold 266 tubes. When /received my first shipment I made 12 ealee in 16 calls." Chas. F. Skull, Iowa | R. R. Bollman, Pres. SEW-NO-MORE Company, I Dept. T-747 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. I Yes, I am interested in SEW-NO-MORE. Send me at | once FREE Sample to prove your claims. FREE outfit I and territory offer. Also, tell me how other men and ■ women are making up to $2.00 in an hour. Name SEW-NO-MORE CO., Dept. MADISON ROAD T-747 Cincinnati, O. City State Territory interested in. APRIL, 1934 43