Hollywood (Jan - Oct 1934)

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BANISH FRECKLES, WEATHER-BEATEN SKIN WEEKS QUICKER It is so easy now to clear away blackheads, freckles, coarseness; to have smooth, white flawless new beauty. Just begin tonight with famous Nadinola Bleaching Cream, tested and trusted for over a generation. The minute you smooth it on, Nadinola begins to clear, whiten and smooth your skin. Tan and freckles, muddy, sallow color vanish quickly. You see day-by-day improvement until your skin is all you long for; creamy-white, satin-smooth, lovely. No disappointments, no long waiting for results. Money-back guarantee. Get a large box of NADINOLA Bleaching Cream at toilet counters or by mail, postpaid. Only 50c. NADINOLA, Box F-18, Paris, Tenn. cNaddsvcAa^kachingCream * << v <b Miniature Natural Color PHOTOPRINTS OF OREGON Scenic Wonders (Suitable for Framing) Subjects : — MT. HOOD (illustrated herewith) CRATER LAKE COLUMBIA HIGHWAY WRITE TO HOTEb-Mu LTNOMAH froi-tlond, Oregon Oregon's largest and nationally famous hotel Rates — -From $2 with bath If you have friends or know of people contemplating a visit to the Pacific Northwest this summer, we will appreciate your sending us their names, so that we may extend them a cordial invitation to stop at this hotel. U.S.COVERNMENTJOBS Start $1260 to $2100 a year MEN— WOMEN 18 to 50. Common Education usually sufficient. Many early examinations expected. Write immediately for free 32page book, with list of positions and full particulars telling how to get them. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE Dept. A-293 Rochester, N. Y. Safely and Pleasantly No equipment, no starving, no strenuous exercise. Your money back if not satisfied. Fairlax an excellent method will safely aid in reducing excessive fat without forcing you to change your habits unduly. Complete method now only 60c Two boxes $1.00 Nothing rise to buy. FATRLAX~Co"m7any~" '"" 1851 Washington Ave., N.Y.C. Dept.FG-4 Please send Fairlax method. I agree to pay postman 60c plus few cents postage. My money will be refunded if not satisfied. Name Address Marry Young Continued from pa^e thirty-two for a week or so and then not work any more for a year. . . . "I think we must have shut our eyes to everything except the fact that we were in love. I'm glad we did. No matter if things had gone all wrong, I wouldn't give up a single memory of those early days for anything. The experiences we shared. The funny little joys, nothing in themselves, but good fun because we did them together. Like riding atop a bus along Riverside Drive on free afternoons. One afternoon I remember especially. We had been married two months and to celebrate Norman bought me a corsage of gardenias and we went to a tea dance at the Ritz. Mad extravagance but how we adored it!" For A Long time Claudette and Norman had to keep their marriage a secret. They were desperately afraid someone would try to separate them because they were not of age. In their own way they have worked out, for more than six years now, a married life that is probably the most romantic and colorful in Hollywood. A woman's job, says Claudette, isn't so much seeing that a house is run smoothly and the budget kept straight as it is keeping romance alive. "To kill it by hum-drum — why, that's as bad as passing love by entirely," she explains. "American men have a surprising amount of sentiment that is worth while for any woman to cultivate! Just yesterday I heard one of them doing a bit of reminiscing. He was the big-businessman type and he said something rather remarkable: 'Do you know the happiest time of my life was when I was first married and earning the magnificent sum of $27.50 a week. I remember we wanted new linoleum for the kitchen floor and I went without cigarettes for a month to help buy it. One week I made an extra five dollars on the side and I got my wife a pair of earrings she'd been wanting. Queer thing — I felt more of a millionaire then than I do now!' "There's another friend of mine, a famous woman lawyer, who has about everything the world can offer. One evening we passed a couple in Griffith Park wheeling their baby. They looked like high school youngsters and they seemed pretty tired but there was something in their faces — a sort of rapture. Even as we observed them, he slipped his arm around her. Somehow you knew that couple had found the answer to life in each other. 'They have what I threw away,' said my companion. 'Young love — you can never re-capture the glory of it. I was nineteen. I thought it would hinder the career I had planned . . . babies and tending a boy-husband and steamy kitchens and all. So I chose the career.' "I can still hear the awful bitterness in her voice," Claudette finished, and her own voice was deep with sympathy. The sun had disappeared behind the hills now. Shadows were inked in against the far corners of the room as she concluded slowly: "It isn't an easy thing to do — work out a youthful marriage successfully with all its struggles and sacrifices. It's true Norman and I didn't find it easy. But then, no love ever became strong and full and rich without handicaps to hurdle!" Vz Price Save over 7S-Rock Bottom Price on all standard office models — Underwood, Remington, Royal, etc.— Easiest terms ever offered. Aleo Portables at reduced prices SEND NO MONEY All late models completely refinished like brand new. Fully Guaranteed. \ Sent on 19 dayo' trial. Send No Money. Big Free Catalog ehowH actual machiDee in fall colors. Greatest bargains ever offered. Send at oncet 1 Trial International Typewriter Exch., rfe" *449? DBChTc?«S BIRTH MONTH RING WITH FREE ZODIACAL READING w sensation! Wear this amazing, handmade, genuine sterling-silver Birthmonth Ring. Your birthmonth carved on sides. Your two initials inlaid in onyx black enamel. $6.00 value. Zodiacal Reading included FREE! Read What Astrolo gists say is in store for you. Send I only $1.98 for lucky Birthmonth Ring and Free Reading. (CO. D. 15c extra). Give two initials and date of birth. Use strip of paper for finger size, mentioning whether for lady or man. Money-back guarantee of satisfaction. NATIONAL JEWELRY & MFG. CO. 190 N. State St., Dept. D-l, Chicago, III. LEARN TO DANCE LEARN THE LATEST AT UAMr LEAD AND FOLLOW BROADWAY STEPS ** ■ HI* Wit Correctly, Gracefully This new, simple method teae lies you quickly and easily, 2(1 Illl.'H KUEN'I .sTEl'-' FOR ALL MODERN HANCES. TANGO-WALTZ. The modern FOX TROT. The dreamy WALTZ. The latest SOCIETY STEPS will make you HAPPIER, HEALTHIER, MOREPOPULAR. YOU'LLENJOY DANCING. Money back if not satisfied after 10 days' trial. Don't be a wallflower. GEf SOME ENJOYMENT OUT OF LIFE! Write for full particulars, without obligation to IRVING SC0LNICK, 1476 Broadway, New York Want a Big-Pay Broadcasting Job? If you have talent here's your chance to get into Broadcasting. New Floyd Gibbons method trains you for the job you want. You learn at home in spare time. Course fully explained in Free Booklet, "How to Find Your Place in Broadcasting." Send for your copy today. Give age. Floyd Gibbons School of Broadcasting, 200014th St., N. W.. Dept. 4028, Washington, D. C. is. • x-*~\ vv n BTtHb ■■■ ' For six years I tried everything possible. Since vsino uour method two 'tears oirnj /,„,,„' t /,(z,' „ tinn of trouble.' Mrs. Kate Harris, Alexander City, Ala . Why suffer? The Liepe Method quickly relieves indicated Varicose Veins, Varicose Ulcers, Enlarged and Swollen Veins, Eczema and other stated leg troubles while ycu walk. A special prescription «&for eacn tyPe of case 40 years of success! Praised by thousands. Llepe Methods, 3284 N. Green Bay Ave. Dapt. 56]), Milwaukee, Wis. Women, men, girls with faded, gray, streaked hair, shampoo and color your hair at the same time with my new Flench discovery — "SH AMP0-K0L0R". No fuss or muss. Takes only a few minutes to merely shampoo into your hair any natural shade with "SH AMP0-K0LOR". No "dyed" look, but a lovely, natural, most lasting color; unaffected by washing, or permanent waving. Free Booklet. Monsieur L. P. Valligny, Dept. 19, 254 W. 31st St., New York City. HOW Mickey Mouse is made to talk, sing and caper is ex' plained in one of the dozens of fascinating articles in April MODERN MECHANIX It's a magazine crammed with ideas that smart folk use to make more money — have nicer homes — live easier. Get your copy of April MODERN MECHANIX today! 64 HOLLYWOOD